Download JNTU Anantapur (JNTU Anantapur) Master of Computer Applications (MCA) 2016 Oct-Nov Regular Supply 4th Sem 9F00402 Web Technologies Previous Question Paper
MCA IV Semester Regular & Supplementary Examinations July 2015
(For students admitted in 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 & 2013 only)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 60
Answer any FIVE questions
All questions carry equal marks
1 Write a HTML script to manage personal details of a student like name, class, qualifications,
photo, address etc., using tables and other suitable tags.
2 (a) Differentiate HTML and DHTML.
(b) Write a script to count the number of characters entered by a user in a textbox and limit it to a
particular number.
3 (a) Differentiate DOM & SAX.
(b) How does XML use both streaming and tree-based parsing?
4 (a) Develop a JSP with a Bean in the application scope.
(b) What is a scriplet? Write about scriplet elements.
5 (a) Explain about session tracking with an example.
(b) Give a note on servlet API.
6 (a) Compare CGI scripts,servlets and JSP.
(b) Explain with an example sharing of data among two JSP pages.
7 Explain how JSP is used to develop a web-based application. Use a suitable example.
8 (a) Write about different properties of a Bean.
(b) How is database accessed from JSP pages?
***** - FirstRanker's Choice
This post was last modified on 28 July 2020