Download JNTU Anantapur (JNTU Anantapur) Master of Computer Applications (MCA) 2016 May Supply 1st Sem 9F00105 Data Structures Previous Question Paper
MCA I Semester Supplementary Examinations May 2016
(For students admitted in 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 & 2015 only)
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 60
Answer any FIVE questions
All questions carry equal marks
1 (a) Write C program to concatenate two strings without using built-in function.
(b) Differentiate between structures and union. Write C program to add two complex numbers
using structures.
2 (a) Bring out the difference between static and dynamic memory allocation.
(b) What is the advantage of circular singly linked list over singly linked list? Write C function to
find the frequency of a given key in circular singly linked list.
(c) Write C function to delete a key in doubly linked list.
3 (a) Write C functions for push and pop operations of stack using singly linked list.
(b) Define recursion. Write recursive C program for factorial of a number.
4 (a) Differentiate between queues and stacks.
(b) List applications of queues. Write C program to implement queue using arrays.
5 (a) Trace radix sort for the following data:
125, 357, 408, 377, 120, 924, 836, 353
(b) Write C program for sorting N numbers using quick sort.
6 (a) What is linear probing? For the following keys: 28, 47, 20, 36, 43, 23, 25, 54 and table size of
11 show the keys storage using linear probing.
(b) Write C program for binary search.
7 (a) Write C program for constructing binary search tree.
(b) Write C recursive function for post-order tree traversal technique.
(c) Sketch the memory representation of binary tree given below using arrays and linked list.
8 (a) Explain threaded binary trees with an appropriate example.
(b) Describe height balanced trees. Construct AVL tree by inserting keys 4, 5, 7, 2, 1, 3, 6.
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? - FirstRanker's Choice
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