Download JNTUA MCA 2015 June-July Supply 5th Sem 9F00505b Multimedia and Rich Internet Applications Question Paper

Download JNTU Anantapur (JNTU Anantapur) Master of Computer Applications (MCA) 2015 June-July May Supply 5th Sem 9F00505b Multimedia and Rich Internet Applications Previous Question Paper

Code: 9F00505b
MCA V Semester Supplementary Examinations July 2015
(For students admitted in 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2012 only)

Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 60
Answer any FIVE questions
All questions carry equal marks

1 (a) Define multimedia. Explain the role of various components of multimedia like text, image, audio
and video in multimedia applications.
(b) Discuss different types of multimedia networks.

2 (a) Explain arithmetic encoder algorithm with example.
(b) Write detailed notes on H.263 digital video compression standard.

3 (a) What is application level framing? Explain.
(b) Explain audio/video conferencing with a suitable example.

4 (a) Give a short note on multi talk and multi cast file transfer.
(b) Explain how information is shared on WWW.

5 (a) What is meant by content network? Explain how user generated content network works.
(b) Write short note on:
(i) Social networking.
(ii) Tagging.
(iii) Mashups applications.

6 (a) How to create special effects with flash? Give illustrations.
(b) Explain the features of action script.

7 (a) Write an application in Adobe Flex 2 to access XML data.
(b) Explain how to customize your user interface in Adobe Flex 2.

8 (a) Compare traditional web applications with AJAX applications. Give suitable examples.
(b) How to create AJAX enabled application? Discuss steps. - FirstRanker's Choice

This post was last modified on 28 July 2020