Download AKTU (Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University (AKTU), formerly Uttar Pradesh Technical University (UPTU) B-Tech 5th Semester (Fifth Semester) 2015-2016 Fundametals Of E.M. Theory Nec 508 Question Paper
(Following Paper ID and Roll No. to be ?lled In your
Answer Book)
RolllNo. , '
ETECH. ; .
[Time:3 hours] ' . H [Total Marks:100]
? the : All questions are c0wulsoqz. 4. 7
l. Attempt all parts .All parts carry equ?l marks. Write
answers of all part in short . _ . - (10x2=20) ?
(a) State Stokes theorem; -
(b) Give the application of crdss product;
(c) Find gradient of W =?2p3z @5245.
(d) What is Lorentz force?
(e) What is an equipotential surface?
8800 ( 1) ' P.T.O.
De?ne Scalar magnetic potential.
State Poynting Theorem.
De?ne Convection current.
Write the Maxwell equation in differential and integral
form for static magnetic ?elds
Give the relation between Magnetic ?eld and Magnetic
?ux density?
Attempt any ?ve questions from this section. (5x10=50)
Given the potehtial V = 23in Boos ? . Find the electric
. n ' ?
?ux densny D at (2,3,0).
State and explain Maxwell?s equations for electrostatics
and magnetostatics. Discuss its physical significance.
Prove the vector triple product identiy
AXBXC = B(A.C)-C(A.B). Evaluate div (curlA) if
sm gt a cos ?
??a .
r2 r r2 f
(2) NEC-508
6. State Coulomb?s law. Derive an expression for elecric
?eld intensity due to line charge density p,?
7. Derive the expression of re?ection and transmission
' coef?cients for normal incidence.?Derive the relation
between the two.
8. Find the magnetic ?eld intensity due to in?nitely long
charged wire as an application of Ampere circuital law.
9. Find the value of a (attenuation), ,6 (Phase Constant) fer .
good conductors. Find out the angle of characteristic
impedence for good conductors.
Attempt any two questions from this section. (2x15=30)
10. Discuss the solution of plane wave equation in conducting
media (Lossy Dielectric), Derive the above up to
propagation constant, attenuation constant and phase
0 .
8800 (3) NEC-508
Explain the pehnomenon of polarizatibn and explain its
l 1. De?ne propagation constant and characteristic impedace.
Derive the boundary conditions for electric ?eld between
'tWo dielectrics having different permittivity interfaces.
12. Find the expression for a, ,6, 7 for lossless or perfect
dielectric medium.lA 10 GHz plane wave travelling in free
space has an amplitude ofEx=10V/m. ?nd v, 3,21, 72 and the.
amplitude of H. . I ? V
8800 ' (4) NEC-508
This post was last modified on 29 January 2020