Download AKTU B-Tech 7th Sem 2015-2016 EOE 071 Enterpreneurship Development Question Paper

Download AKTU (Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University (AKTU), formerly Uttar Pradesh Technical University (UPTU) B-Tech 7th Semester (Seventh Semester) 2015-2016 EOE 071 Enterpreneurship Development Question Paper

Printed Pages: 4 636 EOE-07l
Paper ID :199371 Roll No.
(Following Paper ID and Roll No. to be ?lled in your
Answer Book)
[Time:3 hours] [Total Marks: 100]
Attempt a_u parts. All parts carry equal marks. Write
answerpf each part in short. (2x10=20)
(a) What is Total Quality Management?
(b) Who is an entrepreneur?
(c) List out some successful entrepreneurs in our
(d) What do you mean by solo operators? De?ne
innovating entrepreneurs?
(e) What is project launching?
(f) Mention any two forms of business enterprise.
(1) EOE-071 / 28000

(9) What do you understand by Project
(h) What is ?xed capital ?
(i) What is project control ?
Attempt any five questions from this section.
Name some of the Financial Institutions, Who help
in setting of small scale industry?
What do they see before extending a loan to them?
Why a cash ?ow statement is needed? Explain by
giving an example. How cash flows can be
improved? Suggest some methods.
How does SWOT analysis help in setting up strategy
for small business?
What is deprbciation and why it is charged? why it
is called non cash ?ow?
Why is it important to be aware of the laws
concerning?, labour management relations?
Discuss the problems of small-scale and cottage
industries in India. Suggest remedies.
(2) 505-0711 28000
How do lack of ?nancial control and inapprOpriate .
marketing cause Sickness.
What is the roie of Government regulation in
selection of an enterprise?
: Attempt any two the following from this section.
Mrs. Renu gupta was an inteiiigent, creative and
energetic woman. In spite of being an M.Sc. in
chemistry, she was a homemaker. She wants to
suppiement her famiiiy income, but did not want to
opt for a job. She met American who was interested
in arti?cial jeweiers. She got that jeweiiery done
through local artisans and then showed them to
the american fiestomer, who was highly
appreciative. Later on few arrangements were made
and Renu managed to get few orders from the
After the success of one Order, slowly she started
expanding her business in giobal markets. Together
with bank loans and money from friends and
relatives, she floated in export markets. Besides
(3) 505-071 / 28000

jewellery, she tried her hand in cane furniture also.
she discovered that there was less competition in
case of cane furniture. She would hold exhibitions
to sell out cane furniture's in domestic markets as
well. Through observations, direct interactions with
the customers and reading she formed practical
ideas about the type that would appeal to western
customers. Thus, slowly and gradually she could
sell out in domestic as well as iniglobal markets.
Later on, she stopped taking part in exhibitions and
thus did not allow anyone to see her disigns. Only
trusted employees were allowed to see the designs
and since employees were happy and satis?ed,
there was no question of any breach of trust.
Case Questions:-
Indentify the working environment of Renu gupta.
Indentify the advantages of Renu gupta as a Woman
Critically examine?think global and act local" in case
of Renu qupta.
(4) EOE-O71/ 28000

This post was last modified on 29 January 2020
