Download KUHS MPT 1st Year 2012 January 1376 Basic Sciences Question Paper

Download KUHS (Kerala University of Health Sciences) MPT ( Master of Physiotherapy) 1st Year (First Year) 2012 January 1376 Basic Sciences Previous Question Paper

Q.P.Code 1376 Reg. No.:.................... .

First Year MPT Degree Examinations - January 2012
Basic Sciences
Time: 3 hrs Max marks : 100

? Answer all questions.

Essays (5x20=100)

1. Define balancing and explain the neurological condition which affects balance

2. write the role of the strongest ligament of the ankle joint with its function and
applied anatomy
3. Explain spinal deformities with its diagnostic features and its physiotherapeutic

implication with the management

4. Ergonomic advice for a cobbler

5. Open and closed kinematic exercises

********* - FirstRanker's Choice

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