Download KUHS (Kerala University of Health Sciences) MPT ( Master of Physiotherapy) 1st Year (First Year) 2016 May 101376 Basic Sciences Previous Question Paper
First Year MPT Degree Supplementary Examinations - May 2016
Basic Sciences
Time : 3 hrs Max marks : 100
? Answer all questions.
Essays (5x20=100)
1. Describe in detail the extensor mechanism of fingers and its influence on
Metacarpophalangeal and Inter phalangeal joint function
2. Elaborate on the role of physiotherapy in industrial set up
3. Describe in detail the different methods of aerobic and anaerobic training and the
adaptation of different systems of human body in response to the same
4. Discuss the electrical properties of muscle and the procedure followed for a
electromyography study including the findings in a normal innervated muscle
5. Explain the phases of gait cycle and determinants of gait.
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