Download B.Pharm 3rd Year 2018 February 564264 Pharmacology I Question Paper

Download B.Pharmacy (Bachelor of Pharmacy) 3rd Year (Third Year) 2018 February 564264 Pharmacology I Previous Question Paper

(LM 4264)

FEBRUARY 2018 Sub. Code: 4264




Q.P. Code: 564264

Time: Three hours Maximum: 100 Marks

I. Elaborate on:

(2 x 20 = 40)

1. a) Classify anti-cholinergic drugs with examples for each group.

b) Describe pharmacological actions, therapeutic uses and adverse effects of


2. a) Classify anti-hypertensive drugs with examples for each group.

b) Explain the mechanism of action, pharmacological actions, therapeutic uses
and adverse effects of calcium channel blocke

II. Write notes on:

(8 x 5 = 40)

1. Write the pharmacological activity of cardiac glycosides.
2. Anti-inflammatory drugs.
3. Write briefly the mechanism of action of chlorpromazine.
4. Explain the mechanism of action and therapeutic uses of digoxin.
5. Define Anti-tussives. Explain the drugs used for anti-tussives.
6. Write in brief about spironolactone as a diuretic.
7. Define parkinsonism and classify the drugs used for it.
8. Write a note on parenteral route of drug administration.

III. Short answers on :

(10 x 2 = 20)

1. Define teratogenicity and give two examples.
2. Name of the four neurotransmitters in the CNS.
3. Name two drugs used in glaucoma.
4. Give two examples of anti-hyperlipdemic drugs.
5. Propranolol is contraindicated in bronchial Asthma ? explain.
6. Define diuretics and give two examples for osmotic diuretic.
7. Name two hallucinogens.
8. Define Hypnotic and Sedative.
9. Two examples for narcotic analgesic and its antagonists.
10. Name two drugs used in angina pectoris.


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