Download Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences (RGUHS) MBBS (Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery) 1st Year (First Year) Anatomy Thorax Syllabus
Topic: Thoracic cage (AN21.1 to AN21.11)
? Salient features of sternum, typical rib, 1st rib and typical thoracic vertebra
? Features of 2nd, 11th and 12th ribs*
? Features of 1st, 11th and 12th thoracic vertebrae*
? Boundaries of thoracic inlet, cavity and outlet
? Extent, attachments, direction of fibres, nerve supply and actions of intercostal muscles
? Course, relations and branches of a typical intercostal nerve
? Origin, course and branches / tributaries of anterior, posterior intercostal vessels and
internal thoracic vessels
? Origin, course, relations and branches of atypical intercostal nerve, superior intercostal
artery and subcostal artery*
? Type, articular surfaces and movements of manubriosternal, costovertebral,
costotransverse and xiphisternal joints
? Mechanics and types of respiration
? Costochondral and interchondral joints*
? Boundaries and contents of the superior, anterior, middle and posterior mediastinum
Topic: Heart and Pericardium (AN22.1 to AN22.7)
? Pericardium - subdivisions, sinuses, blood supply and nerve supply
? External and internal features of each chamber of the heart
? Origin, course and branches of coronary arteries
? Anatomical basis of ischaemic heart disease
? Formation, course, tributaries and termination of coronary sinus
? Fibrous skeleton of heart
? Position and arterial supply of the conducting system of heart
Topic: Mediastinum (AN23.1 to AN23.7)
? Oesophagus - external appearance, relations, blood supply, nerve supply, lymphatic
drainage and applied anatomy
? Thoracic duct - extent, relations, tributaries and applied anatomy
? Origin, course, relations, tributaries and termination of superior venacava, azygos,
hemiazygos and accessory hemiazygos veins
? Branches and relations of arch of aorta and descending thoracic aorta
? Location and extent of thoracic sympathetic chain
? Description of splanchnic nerves*
? Right lymphatic duct ? extent, relations and applied anatomy
Topic: Lungs and Trachea (AN24.1 to AN24.6, AN25.1 to AN25.6)
? Pleura ? extent, recesses with their applied anatomy, blood supply, lymphatic drainage
and nerve supply
? Lungs ? side determination, external features including root and clinical correlates
? Description of bronchopulmonary segments
? Phrenic nerve - formation and distribution
? Blood supply, lymphatic drainage and nerve supply of lungs
? Extent, length, relations, blood supply, lymphatic drainage and nerve supply of trachea*
Topic: Radiological anatomy of thorax (AN25.7 and AN25.8)
? Identification of structures seen on a plain x-ray chest (PA view)
? Identification of and description in brief of a barium swallow*
Topic: Surface marking of thorax (AN25.9)
? Demonstrate surface marking of lines of pleural reflection, lung borders and fissures,
trachea, heart borders, apex beat and surface projection of valves of heart
Topic: Histology of thorax (AN25.1)
? Identification, drawing and labelling of a slide of trachea and lung
Topic: Embryology of thorax (AN25.2 to AN25.6)
? Development of pleura, lung and heart
? Fetal circulation and changes occurring at birth
? Embryological basis of: 1) atrial septal defect, 2) ventricular septal defect, 3) Fallot's
tetralogy and 4) tracheo-oesophageal fistula
? Developmental basis of common cardiac congenital anomalies, transposition of great
vessels, dextrocardia, patent ductus arteriosus and coarctation of aorta
? Development of aortic arch arteries, superior vena cava, inferior vena cava and coronary
Topic: Anterior abdominal wall (AN44.1 to AN44.7)
? Planes (transpyloric, transtubercular, subcostal, lateral vertical), regions and quadrants
of abdomen
? Anterior abdominal wall ? fascia, blood vessels and nerves
? Rectus sheath ? formation, contents, linea alba and linea semilunaris
? Inguinal canal - extent, boundaries, contents of inguinal canal, Hesselbach's triangle
? Anatomical basis of inguinal hernia
? Attachments of muscles of anterior abdominal wall
? Common abdominal incisions*
? Umbilicus - position, dermatome and applied aspects*
Topic: Posterior abdominal wall (AN45.1 to AN45.3)
? Thoracolumbar fascia
? Lumbar plexus ? root value, formation and branches
? Other nerve plexuses of posterior abdominal wall*
This post was last modified on 29 June 2021