Download RGUHS MBBS 1st Year Anatomy Thorax Syllabus

Download Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences (RGUHS) MBBS (Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery) 1st Year (First Year) Anatomy Thorax Syllabus


Topic: Thoracic cage (AN21.1 to AN21.11)
? Salient features of sternum, typical rib, 1st rib and typical thoracic vertebra
? Features of 2nd, 11th and 12th ribs*
? Features of 1st, 11th and 12th thoracic vertebrae*
? Boundaries of thoracic inlet, cavity and outlet
? Extent, attachments, direction of fibres, nerve supply and actions of intercostal muscles
? Course, relations and branches of a typical intercostal nerve
? Origin, course and branches / tributaries of anterior, posterior intercostal vessels and
internal thoracic vessels
? Origin, course, relations and branches of atypical intercostal nerve, superior intercostal
artery and subcostal artery*
? Type, articular surfaces and movements of manubriosternal, costovertebral,
costotransverse and xiphisternal joints
? Mechanics and types of respiration
? Costochondral and interchondral joints*
? Boundaries and contents of the superior, anterior, middle and posterior mediastinum
Topic: Heart and Pericardium (AN22.1 to AN22.7)
? Pericardium - subdivisions, sinuses, blood supply and nerve supply
? External and internal features of each chamber of the heart
? Origin, course and branches of coronary arteries
? Anatomical basis of ischaemic heart disease
? Formation, course, tributaries and termination of coronary sinus
? Fibrous skeleton of heart
? Position and arterial supply of the conducting system of heart
Topic: Mediastinum (AN23.1 to AN23.7)
? Oesophagus - external appearance, relations, blood supply, nerve supply, lymphatic
drainage and applied anatomy
? Thoracic duct - extent, relations, tributaries and applied anatomy
? Origin, course, relations, tributaries and termination of superior venacava, azygos,
hemiazygos and accessory hemiazygos veins
? Branches and relations of arch of aorta and descending thoracic aorta
? Location and extent of thoracic sympathetic chain
? Description of splanchnic nerves*
? Right lymphatic duct ? extent, relations and applied anatomy
Topic: Lungs and Trachea (AN24.1 to AN24.6, AN25.1 to AN25.6)
? Pleura ? extent, recesses with their applied anatomy, blood supply, lymphatic drainage
and nerve supply
? Lungs ? side determination, external features including root and clinical correlates

? Description of bronchopulmonary segments
? Phrenic nerve - formation and distribution
? Blood supply, lymphatic drainage and nerve supply of lungs
? Extent, length, relations, blood supply, lymphatic drainage and nerve supply of trachea*
Topic: Radiological anatomy of thorax (AN25.7 and AN25.8)
? Identification of structures seen on a plain x-ray chest (PA view)
? Identification of and description in brief of a barium swallow*
Topic: Surface marking of thorax (AN25.9)
? Demonstrate surface marking of lines of pleural reflection, lung borders and fissures,
trachea, heart borders, apex beat and surface projection of valves of heart
Topic: Histology of thorax (AN25.1)
? Identification, drawing and labelling of a slide of trachea and lung
Topic: Embryology of thorax (AN25.2 to AN25.6)
? Development of pleura, lung and heart
? Fetal circulation and changes occurring at birth
? Embryological basis of: 1) atrial septal defect, 2) ventricular septal defect, 3) Fallot's
tetralogy and 4) tracheo-oesophageal fistula
? Developmental basis of common cardiac congenital anomalies, transposition of great
vessels, dextrocardia, patent ductus arteriosus and coarctation of aorta
? Development of aortic arch arteries, superior vena cava, inferior vena cava and coronary


Topic: Anterior abdominal wall (AN44.1 to AN44.7)
? Planes (transpyloric, transtubercular, subcostal, lateral vertical), regions and quadrants
of abdomen
? Anterior abdominal wall ? fascia, blood vessels and nerves
? Rectus sheath ? formation, contents, linea alba and linea semilunaris
? Inguinal canal - extent, boundaries, contents of inguinal canal, Hesselbach's triangle
? Anatomical basis of inguinal hernia
? Attachments of muscles of anterior abdominal wall
? Common abdominal incisions*
? Umbilicus - position, dermatome and applied aspects*

Topic: Posterior abdominal wall (AN45.1 to AN45.3)

? Thoracolumbar fascia
? Lumbar plexus ? root value, formation and branches
? Other nerve plexuses of posterior abdominal wall*

This post was last modified on 29 June 2021