Download MBBS Male Reproductive System Lecture PPT

Download MBBS (Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery) Latest Male Reproductive System Lecture PPT




? Lies outside body cavity in the scrotum.
? Shape-- Ovoid, length-- 5cm, diameter--


? Weight --10-15gm
? Tunica albuginea--white fibrous connective

tissue capsule.

? Tunica vasculosa--highly vascularized

connective tissue below tunica albuginea.

? Mediastinum of testis--formed by dense

connective tissue of tunica albuginea projection

into interior of posterior border of testis.

? Mediastinum of testis--blood vessels, nerves and

ducts of testis enter and leave.

? Connective tissue septa extend between

mediastinum and tunica albuginea and divide it

into 250 compartment called as lobule.

? Each lobule contains 2-3 seminiferous tubule.

? Seminiferous tubule--
? Lined with a stratified epithelium called the

germinal epithelium

? Contains two cell types
? Spermatogenic cells that produce sperm
? Sertoli cells that support and nourish the

developing sperm.

? Leydig cells

--Larger in size (15?20 m)
--Polyhedral in shape
--Secrete hormone testosterone-- responsible

for spermatogenesis and the development of

male secondary sexual characters.

? Straight tubule (Tubuli Recti)--final portion of

seminiferous tubule.

? Rete Testis--anastomosing channel in the

mediastinum that drain straight tubule.

? Efferent ducts--they collect sperm from rete


? Efferent ducts consists of 12-15 coiled tube that

coalesce to form head of epididymis.

Histology of testis
? Epididymis--
? Efferent ducts fuse to form this, highly coiled tube.
? Parts--Head, body and tail.
? Lining epithelium-- Pseudostratified columnar.
? Tail of epididymis continuous with ductus


? Function-- Storage and maturation of sperm.

? Ductus (vas) deferens--
? Thick muscular tube extending from tail of

epididymis to prostatic part of urethra.

? Layers in vas deferens:--

? Mucosa--lining epithelium pseudostratified

columnar with stereocilia.
? Muscle layer--
? Outer-- longitudinal
? Middle-- circular
? Inner-- longitudinal

? Adventitia-- loose areolar tissue

Histology of vas deferens

? Elongated sac like with highly convulated

irregular lumen.

? It joins with ductus deferens form ejaculatory


? Layers of seminal vesicle:--
? Mucosa-- Thrown into highly complex folds.
? These folds join with each other to form many

crypts and cavities.
? Epithelium-- Pseudostratified columnar
? Muscle layer--
? Inner-- Circular ,
? Outer-- Longitudinal
? Adventitia-- Loose connective tissue.
? Secretes-- Seminal fluid that contains

fructose and prostaglandin and constitute

about 70% of ejaculate.

Histology of seminal vesicle

? Composed of 20-50 compound tubulo-alveolar


? Embedded in a framework of fibromuscular tissue.
? Arranged in 3 groups
iii)Peripheral zone.

? Histologically the prostate is made of fibromuscular

stroma and parenchyma.

? 1)Stroma (connective tissue framework)
i) Fibromuscular capsule? Enclosing the whole

gland and consist of collagen, elastic and smooth

muscle fibres.

ii) Fibromuscular septa? Divide the gland into

? 2)Parenchyma (glandular tissue)
--Consist of large number of branching tubules with

dilated ends.

--They appears as follicles, and lined by simple

columnar epithelium.

--The lumen may contain spherical prostatic

concretions or corpora amylacea

? Amyloid bodies (corpora amylacea)
? Present in lumen of some gland.

? Oval dense bodies of glycoproteins.

? Formed due to condensation of secretory

products, which may become calcified.

? The number of corpora amylacea increase with

Changes in prostate with age

? In childhood
? Small and composed of mainly fibromuscular

stroma and rudimentary ducts.

? At puberty
? Sudden increase in size of gland due to formation

of many follicles.

? During 3rd decade
? Irregular epithelial infolding in the lumen of

? During 4th decade
? Size remains constant.
? Infolding disappear.
? Amyloid bodies appear in follicle.

? During 5th decade
? Undergo benign hypertrophy (submucosal


? Peripheral zone is prone to cancer.

1. The epithelium lining of epididymis is
(a) Simple columnar
(b) Transitional
(c) Stratified columnar
(d) Pseudostratified columnar
2.How many seminiferous tubules are found in

each testis of an average man?

a. 4-6

b. 40-60

c. 400-600

d. 4000-6000
3.Which cells produce testosterone?

a. Leydig cells

b. Sertoli cells

c. Sustentacular cells

d. None
4.Storage and maturation of sperm occurs in
a. Seminiferous tubule
b. Straight tubule
c. Epididymis
d. Rete Testis
5. Corpora amylacea is seen in:
a. Prostate
b. Seminal vesicle
c. Thymus
d. Testis
6.How many layers of smooth muscle are in the

vas deferens?

a. 1

b. 2

c. 3

d. 4
7.Pair structures are all except
a) Testis
b) Vas deferens
c) Prostate
d) Seminal vesicle

1. (d) Pseudostratified columnar
2. (c). 400-600
3. (b). Sertoli cells
4. (c). Epididymis
5. (a). Prostate
6. (c). 3
7.(c) Prostate

This post was last modified on 30 November 2021