Download MBBS Skin Superficial Fascia and Deep Fascia Lecture PPT

Download MBBS (Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery) Latest Skin Superficial Fascia and Deep Fascia Lecture PPT




? The skin in the region of neck is thin and normally

under tension.

? The direction of tension lines (cleavage lines or

Langer's lines) often correspond with the wrinkle


? The cleavage (Langer's) lines are disposed

transversely around the neck. Therefore, surgical

incisions made along these lines, i.e., transverse

incisions, in neck heal with invisible scars.


? The cutaneous innervation of

the neck is derived from C2,

C3, and C4 spinal segments.

? The skin on the anterolateral

aspect of the neck is supplied

by cutaneous nerves derived

from ventral rami of C2, C3,

and C4 spinal nerves.

? The skin on the posterior

aspect of the neck is supplied

by dorsal rami of C2, C3, and

C4 spinal nerves.

? The superficial fascia of the neck consists of a thin

layer of loose areolar tissue and contains a thin

sheet of muscle called platysma.

? It also contains cutaneous nerves, superficial veins,

superficial lymph nodes, and lymph vessels.

? The cutaneous nerves and veins lie deep to the


? Amount of subcutaneous fat is more in children and


? It is a thin quadrilateral broad sheet of muscle in the

superficial fascia of the side of the neck.

? It ascends onto the face from the front of the neck.
? It develops from the 2nd pharyngeal arch.
? It covers the anteroinferior part of the posterior

triangle and superior part of the anteriortriangle of

the neck.

? Origin
? Arises from skin and deep fascia covering the upper

parts of the pectoralis major and anterior part of the

deltoid muscle.

? Insertion
? After origin, the fibres sweep upwards and forwards

superficial to the clavicle and sternocleidomastoid.

? It crosses over the lower part of the posterior triangle

and upper part of the anterior triangle to reach the

lower border of the mandible, where anterior fibres

decussate with the corresponding fibres of the

opposite side across the midline for about 2.5 cm

below and behind the symphysis menti.

? Intermediate and posterior fibres are inserted into

the lower border of the body of the mandible.

? Some posterior fibres pass superficial to the angle

of the mandible and masseter muscle and then

turn medially to insert into the skin of angle of the

mouth through risorius.

? Nerve Supply
? The platysma is supplied by the cervical branch of

the facial nerve.
? Actions
1. Acting from above, the platysma produces

vertical ridges in the skin of the neck releasing the

pressure of skin over the underlying veins and thus

helps in the venous return. It, therefore, serves to

ease the pressure of tight collar.

2. Acting from below, it helps to depress the

mandible and draws the angle of the mouth

downwards and laterally as in expression of


? There are two superficial veins of the neck.
1. External jugular vein.
2. Anterior jugular vein

1.External jugular vein It begins just below the angle of

the mandible by the union of

? posterior division of retromandibular vein and posterior

auricular vein.

? Runs vertically downward across the

sternocleidomastoid under the cover of platysma

? Pierce the deep cervical fascia about 2.5 cm above and

terminates in the subclavian vein.

? Its tributaries


1. Posterior auricular


2. Retromandibular v.
3. Posterior external

jugular v.

4. Oblique jugular v.
5. Transverse

cervical v.

6. Suprascapular v.
7. Anterior jugular v.
2.Anterior jugular vein It begins below the chin in

the submental region by the union of small

unnamed veins from the chin.

? It pierces investing layer of deep cervical fascia and

enter suprasternal space(of Burns), then it turns lat.

& passes deep to sternocleidomastoid and

terminates in the external jugular vein.

? In this space, anterior jugular vein is united in the

midline to its fellow of opposite side by a transverse

venous channel called jugular venous arch.

? Situated around the junction of head with the neck.
? They drain all the superficial structures and some

deep structures of the head.

? Most of the efferent lymph vessels from these

lymph nodes pass to deep cervical lymph nodes

arranged along the internal jugular vein.

? A few scattered superficial nodes are found along

the external and anterior jugular veins. They also

drain into deep cervical lymph nodes.

? Situated around the

junction of head and

neck to form



? They are arranged into


1. Submental nodes.
2. Submandibular nodes.
3. Superficial parotid

(preauricular) nodes.

4. Retroauricular nodes.
5. Occipital nodes.
1.Submental nodes
? Number--Three or four
? Lie on mylohyoid muscle
? Below the symphysis menti (chin) and
? Receive the lymph from
Tip of the tongue,
Lower lip, and
2.Submandibular nodes
? Number-- Half a dozen
? Lie on the surface of the submandibular gland and
? Receive the lymph from
Upper lip,
Gums, and
3.Parotid (preauricular) nodes
? Lie superficial to parotid fascia
? Drain the lymph from
Eyelids, and
4.Mastoid (postauricular) nodes
? Number--One or two
? Lie on the mastoid process and
? Drain the lymph from
Scalp and
5.Occipital nodes
? Number-- One or two
? Lie on trapezius about 2.5 cm inferolateral to the

inion and

? Drain the lymph from
? They are palpable in German measles.

? These groups form a ring of lymph nodes at the

junction of the head and neck and called necklace

of lymph nodes at the craniocervical junction

? Clinically very important as it forms various fascial

spaces in the neck.

? It also provides capsules to the glands and invests

the muscles in the region.

? It also forms protective sheaths around

neurovascular structures.

? The layers of deep cervical fascia form fascial planes

to direct the spread of infection or pus in the neck.
? The deep cervical fascia of the neck consists of

three layers.

? From outside inwards these are as follows:
1. Investing layer of deep cervical fascia.
2. Pretracheal fascia.
3. Prevertebral fascia.

? Investing fascia
? This layer encircles the neck like a collar.
? Lies deep to platysma and superficial fascia.
? It encloses the sternocleidomastoid and trapezius.
? Attachments
1. Superiorly attached to external occipital

protuberance, superior nuchal line, mastoid

process, and lower border of mandible from

behind forwards.

2. Inferiorlyattached to the spine of scapula,

acromion process, upper aspect of clavicle, and

jugular notch of manubrium sterni from behind

3. Anteriorly across the midline, it becomes

continuous with its counter part of the other side.

In the anterior midline it is attached to symphysis

menti, hyoid bone jugular notch from above


4. Posteriorlyattached to ligamentum nuchae and

spine of 7th cervical vertebra.
? Tracing of the investing layer
? Vertical tracing: When traced upwards above the

hyoid bone

? It splits to enclose the submandibular salivary gland
? The superficial layer is attached to the lower border

of the body of the mandible.

? The deep layer attached to the mylohyoid line of

the mandible.

? At the lower pole of the parotid gland, it splits to

enclose parotid gland

? The superficial layer is strong and covers parotid gland

as parotidomasseteric fascia to get attached to the

lower border of the zygomatic arch.

? The deeper layer get attached to the lower border of

the tympanic plate and styloid process of the temporal


? Between the styloid process and the angle of mandible

condenses to form the stylomandibular ligament

which separates the parotid gland from submandibular

? When traced downwards, the fascia splits twice to

enclose two spaces:

? Above the suprasternal notch, it splits into two layers

to enclose suprasternal space (of Burns) before being

attached to the anterior and posterior borders of the

suprasternal notch.

? The suprasternal space contains:
(a) sternal heads of sternocleidomastoid muscles,
(b) jugular venous arch,
(c) interclavicular ligament, and
(d) lymph node.

? Above the middle third of clavicle:
? it splits into two layers to enclose the supraclavicular

space .

? The anterior and posterior layers get attached to the

anterior and posterior borders of the upper surface of

the clavicle.

? The posterior layer encloses the inferior belly of

omohyoid and it becomes continuous with the

posterior layer of clavipectoral fascia.

? The supraclavicular space contains:

(a) terminal part of the external jugular vein, and
? (b) supraclavicular nerves before they become


? The investing layer also forms fascial pulleys to anchor

the tendons of the digastric and omohyoid muscles.
? Horizontal tracing:
? When traced forwards from its attachment to

ligament nuchae--

? It first splits to enclose the trapezius, then forms

the roof of the posterior triangle.

? Again splits to enclose the sternocleidomastoid,

and finally forms the roof of the anterior triangle.
`Rule of 2'

? Encloses 2 muscles trapezius and


? Forms roofs of 2 triangles anterior and posterior


? Splits to enclose 2 glands submandibular and


? Splits to enclose 2 spaces suprasternal and


? Forms 2 fascial slings (pulleys) inferior belly of

omohyoid and tendon of digastric muscle.
? Pretracheal fascia
? This layer of deep cervical fascia covers the front

and sides of trachea, hence its name--pretracheal


? It splits to enclose the thyroid gland forming its

capsule and is attached to the oblique line of

thyroid cartilageand to the arch of cricoid cartilage


? Ligament of Berry is derived from this fascia and

connects the capsule of the lateral lobe of the

thyroid gland to the cricoid cartilage

? Tracing of the pretracheal fascia
? Horizontal tracing:
? It merges with the investing layer of deep cervical

fascia enclosing the sternocleidomastoid and the

anterior wall of the carotid sheath.

? Vertical tracing:
? It is attached to the hyoid bone and when traced

below, it enters the thorax in front of the trachea

and blends with the apex of the fibrous

? Prevertebral fascia
? It is extremely strong and lies in front of the

prevertebral muscles

? Tracing of the prevertebral fascia
? Horizontal tracing:
? It forms the fascial carpet of the posterior triangle.
? It also forms axillary sheath, which may extend up

to the elbow.

? Subclavian and axillary veins lie outside the sheath
? Vertical tracing:
? Traced aboveextends up to the base of the skull

to which it is attached.

? Traced below continues downwards and blends

with the anterior longitudinal ligament of the upper

thoracic vertebrae (T1 to T3).
Retropharyngeal space

? Anteriorly, the prevertebral layer of deep cervical

fascia is separated from posterior aspect of the

pharynx and its covering, buccopharyngeal fascia,

by a potential space called retropharyngeal space.

? The retropharyngeal space is continuous with the

parapharyngeal spaces at the sides of the pharynx.

? The retropharyngeal space is divided into two

lateral compartments (spaces of Gillette) by a

midline fibrous raphe.

? The space behind the prevertebral fascia and in

front of the vertebral bodies is called prevertebral


This post was last modified on 30 November 2021