Download MBBS Spinal Cord Lecture PPT

Download MBBS (Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery) Latest Spinal Cord Lecture PPT

? Spinal cord--45 cm long and has cervical,

thoracic and lumbosacral parts.

? Cross-section of spinal cord shows a central

canal lined by ependyma (simple ciliated


? Central canal surrounded by grey matter.
? Grey matter is surrounded by white matter.
? Grey matter--
? Appears in the form of an H.
? It has anterior and posterior horn.
? Anterior horn
Short and broad,does not reach the surface of


contains large size multipolar motor neurons.
? Posterior horn
Narrow an elongated, reaches upto the surface
contains smaller neurons.

? White matter--
? Composed of myelinated nerve fibres.

? Each half divided into anterior, lateral and

posterior regions.

? The nerve fibres are comprised of ascending

and descending tract.
? Spinal Cord
? Thoracic region contains anterior, posterior, and

lateral gray horns

? Lateral horns contain motor neurons of

sympathetic division of autonomic nervous system

? Gray commissure connects two sides of the gray

matter and contains the central canal


? Cerebral cortex has six layers--
1.Molecular(plexiform layer):
? Just beneath pia mater
? Consist of neuroglial cells and few horizontal


2.External granular layer:
? Consists of two types of neurons small

pyramidal and granular cells.

3.External pyramidal layer:
? Consists of medium pyramidal cells.
? Axons of pyramidal cells form association and

commissural fibres.

4.Internal granular layer:
? Consists of granular cells and horizontal fibres.
5.Internal pyramidal layer:
? Consists of large pyramidal cells (cells of Betz).
6.Polymorphic cell layer:
? Consists of fusiform cells and stellate cell.

? Histological structure of cerebellar cortex is

uniform throughout.

? Consists of three layers--
? Molecular layer
? Purkinje cell layer
? Granular layer

? Molecular layer--
? Just beneath pia matter.
? Stellate cells in superficial part.
? Basket cells in deeper part.
? Dendrite of purkinje cells.
? Terminal part of climbing fibres.

? Purkinje cell layer--
? Arranged in single row between molecular

and granular layer.

? Granular layers--
? Densely packed with granular cells.

? Consists of five layers from

superficial to deep--

? Corneal epithelium (Anterior epithelium)

? Bowman's membrane

? Corneal Stroma

? Descement's Membrane

? Endothelium (Posterior epithelium)

Corneal epithelium:
--Stratified squamous non keratinised epithelium
--Highly sensitive.

Bowman's membrane:
--Also called anterior limiting membrane
--Dense mass of collagen fibers
--Acts barrier--spread of infection
--Damaged--can't regenerate

Corneal stroma:

--90% thicknes

--Bundles of type 1 collagen fibers


Descemet's membrane:

--Also called Posterior limiting membrane


--Regarded as BM of endothelium


--Single layer of cuboidal cells.

--Metabolic exchange.


I. Neural sensory


II. Inner coat--

posterior 3/4th



1. Pigment cell layer
2. Layer of rods & cones
3. External limiting membrane
4. Outer nuclear layer
5. Outer plexiform layer
6. Inner nuclear layer
7. Inner plexiform layer
8. Ganglion cell layer
9. Nerve fiber layer
10. Internal limiting membrane
1.Pigment layer....
--Lined by cuboidal epithelium
--Cytoplasm contains melanin pigment.
--Melanin pigment--absorbs light

2.Layer of rods and cones...
--Rod and cone cells--photoreceptors

3.External limiting membrane...
--Junctional zone b/w Muller's cells (glial cells,

supporting cells of retina) and photoreceptor


4.Outer nuclear layer.....
--Consist of cell bodies and nuclei of rods and cones.
--Nuclei arranged in several layers
--Darkly stained area

5.Outer plexiform layer...
--Consist of axons of rods & cones + dendrites of bipolar

neurons + horizontal cells

6.Inner nuclear layer....
--Consist of cell bodies and nuclei of--
Bipolar neurons + Amacrine cells + Muller's cell +

Horizontal cell
7.Inner plexiform layer;
--Consist of axons of bipolar + dendrites of ganglionic

cells and amacrine cells.

8.Ganglionic cell layer....
--Consist body and nuclei of large ganglion cell

9.Nerve fiber layer
--Consist of axons of ganglion cell gather together at

optic disc and leave eye as OPTIC NERVE.

10.Internal limiting membrane...
--Seperates retina from vitreous humour


1. Primordial follicle is identified in section by the

presence of

(a) zona pellucida
(b) single layer of flattened follicular cells
(c) theca folliculi
(d) antrum folliculi
2.Which stage of the follicle is marked by the

surrounding of flattened(squamous)follicular cell

becoming cuboidal?

(a)Primary follicle
(b)Primordial follicle
(c)Secondary follicle
(d)Mature follicle
3. Which stage of ovarian follicle development is

characterized by an initial period of follicular fluid


(a) Graafian follicle
(b) Primary follicle
(c) Primordial follicle
(d) Secondary follicle
4. Fallopian tube is lined by the following epithelium
(a) simple columnar
(b) simple cuboidal
(c) simple columnar ciliated
(d) pseudostratifi ed ciliated columnar
5. The life span of corpus luteum of pregnancy is
(a) 10?12 days
(b) 4?5 weeks
(c) 4?5 months
(d) 10 lunar months
6.Thickest layer of cornea is
(a)Corneal epithelium
(b)Bowman's membrane
(c)Corneal Stroma
(d)Descement's Membrane
7.Which of the following is a glial cell of retina?
(a)Muller cells
(b)Bipolar cells
(c)Horizontal cells
(d)Amacrine cells

1.(b) single layer of flattened follicular cells
2.(a) Primary follicle
3.(d) Secondary follicle
4.(c) Simple columnar ciliated
5.(c) 4?5 months
6.(c) Corneal stroma
7.(a) Muller cells

This post was last modified on 30 November 2021