Download MBBS 1st Year 2024 August AUGUST 2024 Cbme Paper II Human Anatomy MCQs Question Paper

Download MBBS 1st Year (First Year) 2024 August AUGUST 2024 Cbme Paper II Human Anatomy MCQs Previous Question Paper || MGR University | MBBS Latest 2024 Previous Year Question MCQs Papers


[MBBS 0824] AUGUST 2024 Sub. Code :6052

(For the candidates admitted from the Academic Year 2020 -2021 Onwards)

Q.P. Code: 526052

Time: 20 Minutes

Maximum : 20 Marks
Answer All Questions

Choose one correct answer in the box provided in the Answer Script.
No overwriting should be done. Choice should be given in Capital Letters.

III. Multiple Choice Questions:

(20 x 1 = 20)

1. The muscle which opens the inlet of larynx is
A) Thyroepiglotticus B) Aryepiglotticus
C) Oblique arytenoid D) Cricothyroid
2. Which paranasal air sinus does not open into middle meatus?
A) Frontal sinus B) Anterior ethmoidal sinus
C) Middle ethmoidal sinus D) Sphenoidal sinus
3. Which is a branch of maxillary nerve?
A) Supra orbital nerve B) Nasociliary nerve
C) Infra orbital nerve D) Lacrimal nerve
4. The dural venous sinus which is enclosed in falx cerebelli
A) Superior sagittal sinus B) Inferior sagittal sinus
C) Straight sinus D) Occipital sinus
5. Surgical layers of scalp excludes
A) Aponeurotic layer B) Skin
C) Subcutaneous layer D) Loose areolar layer
6. Duct of parotid gland opens into
A) Opposite to upper 2nd molar tooth B) Opposite to upper 2nd premolar tooth
C) Opposite to lower 2nd molar
D) Opposite to lower 2nd premolar
7. All of the following are components of uveal tract EXCEPT
A) Choroid B) Cornea C) Iris D) Ciliary body
8. The structure which separates middle ear from the middle cranial fossa
A) Tegmen tympani B) Tympanic membrane
C) Mastoid antrum D) Auditory tube
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9. Which is the main lymph node group draining the tonsil?
A) Jugulo digastrics B) Jugulo omohyoid
C) Submandibular D) Retropharyngeal
10. Which structure passes through vena caval opening along with inferior vena cava?
A) Vagal trunks B) Right phrenic nerve
C) Left phrenic nerve D) Splanchnic nerves
11. Which is the feature of interatrial septum?
A) Crista terminalis B) Intervenous tubercle
C) Fossa ovalis D) Musculi pectinati
12. Structures related to the mediastinal surface of right lung are all EXCEPT
A) Right atrium B) Inferior vena cava
C) Oesophagus D) Thoracic duct
13. Which is not the tributary of coronary sinus?
A) Great cardiac vein B) Small cardiac vein
C) Anterior cardiac vein D) Posterior vein of left ventricle
14. Bulb of posterior horn of lateral ventricle is raised by
A) Calcarine sulcus B) Collateral sulcus
C) Forceps major D) Tapetum
15. Which nucleus lies beneath the facial colliculus?
A) Motor nucleus of facial nerve B) Abducent nucleus
C) Oculomotor nucleus D) Vestibular nucleus
16. Type of fibres present in internal capsule
A) Commisural fibres B) Short association fibres
C) Long association fibres D) Projection fibres
17. Which of the following is vertebrochondral rib?
18. Which one of the following is a extra pyramidal tract?
A) Lateral cortico spina tract B) Anterior cortico spinal tract
C) Rubro spinal tract D) Anterior spino cerebellar tract
19. Orbicularis oculi is supplied by
A) Ophthalmic nerve B) Maxillary nerve
C) Facial nerve D) Mandibular nerve
20. Lesion of which artery causes Lateral Medullary Syndrome?
A) Anterior inferior cerebellar artery B) Anterior spinal artery
C) Posterior spinal artery D) Posterior inferior cerebellar artery
[MBBS 0824]

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