Download MBBS 2nd Year (Second Year) 2024 Feb 526065 Microbiology Paper I Mcqs MCQs Previous Question Paper || MGR University 2nd Year | MBBS Latest 2024 Previous Year Question MCQs Papers
[MBBS 0224] FEBRUARY 2024 Sub. Code :6065
(For the candidates admitted from the Academic Year 2019-2020)
Q.P. Code: 526065
Time: 30 Minutes
Maximum : 20 Marks
Answer All Questions
Choose one correct answer in the box provided in the Answer Script.
No overwriting should be done. Choice should be given in Capital Letters.
III. Multiple Choice Questions:
(20 x 1 = 20)
1. Role of bacterial capsule.
A) Support
B) Transport
C) Antiphagocytic
D) Adhesion
2. Reflected light is used in
A) Light microscope
B) Electron Microscope
C) Phase Contrast Microscope
D) Dark field Microscope
3. Savlon contains
A) Cetrimide plus chlorhexidine
B) Cetrimide plus Butyl alcohol
C) Cetrimide plus Chlorhexidine and Butyl alcohol D) Cetrimide plus cetavlon
4. Popper and Landsteiner are associated with
A) Polio virus B) Hepatitis B virus C) Corona virus D) Monkey pox virus
5. Thermus acquaticus plant is used to prepare
A) DNA polymerase
B) RNA polymerase
C) Restriction endonuclease
D) Primers
6. Highly sensitive CRP (HSCRP) is useful in assessing
A) Risk of cardiovascular diseases B) Sepsis
C) Renal threshold D) Liver failure
7. Innate immunity is active against which viral cells
A) Cytotoxin cells
B) Memory cells
C) NK cells
D) B cell
8. Heat labile antibody is
A) IgM
B) IgD
C) IgE
D) IgG
9. Best diagnostic marker for Rheumatird arthritis is
A) C-Reactive protein
B) Anticitrullinated antibody
C) Anti reptolysin
D) Rapid Plasma Reagin
10. Obligate intracellular organism
A) Chlamydia
B) Mycoplasma
C) Cryptococcus
D) Helicobacteria
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11. Vaccination is based on the principle of
A) Clonal reduction
B) Antigen diversity
C) Clonal detection
D) Immunological memory
12. Which is false about Spaulding classification
A) Non critical items also included in classification
B) Semi critical items contact with mucous membrane
C) Semi critical items needs low disinfectant
D) Cardiac catheter is an example of critical items
13. Complement formed in the liver
A) C2C4
B) C3C6C9
C) C5C8
D) C1
14. Skin transplant done from sister to brother was successful. After a few years skin
transplant done from brother to sister was rejected. What is this phenomenon
A) Schwartzman Reaction
B) Theobald smith Phenomenon
C) Eichwald Silmser effect
D) Schultz dale phenomenon
15. Boiling of milk is an example for
A) Concurrent disinfection B) Precurrent disinfection
C) Terminal disinfection
D) Disinfection policy
16. Which of the following acts as opsonin
A) C5a
B) C3a
C) C3b
D) LTb4
17. Disorders of phagocytosis are all except
A) Jobs syndrome
B) Chediak Hegashi syndrome
C) Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome
D) Myeloperoxidase deficiency
18. Which of the following is disposed in Red-bag
A) Sharps
B) Cytotoxic waste
C) Plastic soiled waste D) Non-Plastic soiled waste
19. In postoperative intensive care unit five patients developed post operative wound
infection. The best method to prevent cross infection is
A) Give antibiotics to the other patients in the ward
B) Fumigate the ward
C) Disinfect the ward
D) Practice proper hand washing
20. Role played by MHC-I & II
A) Stimulates interferons production
B) Immunoglobulin class switch over
C) Presenting the antigen for recognition by T-cell receptor
D) Activation of complement
[MBBS 0224]
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