Download MBBS 3rd Year (Third Year) 2024 Feb 526075 Forensic Medicine and Toxicology Previous MCQs Question Paper || MGR University 3rd Year | MBBS Latest 2024 Previous Year Question Theory Papers
[MBBS 0224] FEBRUARY 2024 Sub. Code :6075
(For the candidates admitted from the Academic Year 2019-2020)
Q.P. Code: 526075
Time: 30 Minutes
Maximum : 20 Marks
Answer All Questions
Choose one correct answer in the box provided in the Answer Script.
No overwriting should be done. Choice should be given in Capital Letters.
III. Multiple Choice Questions:
(20 x 1 = 20)
1. Magistrates inquest is conducted in India in
A) Death in prison B) Death in police custody
C) Exhumation D) All of the above
2. Leading questions are allowed in
A) Cross examination
B) Examination on chief in case of hostile witness
C) Examination of an expert witness who conceal facts
D) Any of the above
3. The ENQUIRY into the circumstances of death are:
A) inquest report B) Open verdict C) Corpus delicti D) None of the above
4. Cases of criminal professional negligence cannot be tried by
A) Chief Judicial Magistrate B) First Class Judicial Magistrate
C) District Collector D) Sessions Judge
5. In the therapeutic Misadventure, the doctors act is all EXCEPT
A) Intentional B) Unintentional C) Accidental D) Coincidental
6. Sex chromatin is found in
A) Lymphocytes B) Monocytes C) Neutrophils D) All of the above
7. Fetal sex can be determined from external genitalia at the end of
A) Second month B) Fourth month C) Fifth month D) Sixth month
8. Preauricular sulcus is used for :
A) Determination of sex B) Determination of age
C) Determination of race D) None of the above
9. The system most commonly involved in sudden death
A) Cardiovascular system B) Central Nervous system
C) Hepatobiliary system D) Genitourinary system
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10. Miners cramps result from
A) Drowning B) Heat exposure C) Low altitude D) Frost bite
11. Lynching is a form of
A) Suicidal hanging B) Homicidal hanging
C) Judicial hanging D) Accidental hanging
12. The level of pregnant uterus at six months is at
A) Xiphisternum B) Umbilicus
C) Public Symphysis D) Midway between nipple and Xiphisternum
13. The action of poison is more rapid when
A) Inhaled B) Injected into blood
C) Applied to serous surface D) Applied to wound
14. Optic atrophy is characteristic finding in poisoning by
A) Lead B) Phosphorous C) Methyl alcohol D) Ethyl alcohol
15. Section 37 of the POCSO Act 2012 provides
A) Trials to be conducted in camera
B) Guidelines for child to take assistance of expert etc
C) Power to remove difficulties
D) Child not to see accused at the time of testifying
16. Which section of the POCSO Act 2012 with presumption of culpable mental state?
A) Section 17 of the POCSO Act 2012 B) Section 14 of the POCSO Act 2012
C) Section 30 of the POCSO Act 2012 D) Section 19 of the POCSO Act 2012
17. Priapism is seen in poisoning by
A) Lead B) Arsenic C) Cantharides D) Opium
18. Assisting Unqualified person to perform surgical operation is referred to as
A) Adultery B) Association C) Dichotomy D) Assistance
19. Which section of POCSO Act 2012 deals with the punishment for penetrative sexual
A) Section 12 of the POCSO Act 2012 B) Section 9 of the POCSO Act 2012
C) Section 4 of the POCSO Act 2012 D) Section 2 of the POCSO Act 2012
20. Pupils are constricted in the following poisoning EXCEPT
A) Carbolic acid B) Organ phosphorus compound
C) Morphine D) Organochloride compound.
[MBBS 0224]
This post was last modified on 30 November 2024