Download MBBS 3rd Year 2023 June 526072 Oto Thino Laryngology MCQs Question Paper

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DR. M.G.

[MBBS 0623] JUNE 2023 Sub. Code :6072

(For the candidates admitted from the Academic Year 2019-2020)

Q.P. Code: 526072
Time: 30 Minutes

Maximum : 20 Marks
Answer All Questions
Choose one correct answer in the box provided in the Answer Script. No overwriting
should be done. Choice should be given in Capital Letters.

III. Multiple Choice Questions:

(20 x 1 = 20)

1. Which of the following is not cause for fluctuating hearing loss?
A) Presbyacusis B) Meniere's disease
C) Perilymph fistula D) Otitis media with effusion
2. Dysphagia lusoria results from
A) Corrosive oesophagitis B) Neurogenic
C) Abnormal Right Subclavian Artery D) Carcinoma oesophagus
3. Smell disorder is often associated with all except
A) Turner's syndrome B) Kallman's syndrome
C) Atrophic Rhinitis D) Osler Weber Rendu syndrome
4. Epstein Bart virus may be connected with all except
A) Nasopharyngeal carcinoma B) Nasopharyngeal fibroma
C) Glandular fever D) Burkitt's lymphoma
5. Commonest from of Tracheo-oesophageal Fistula
A) Both upper and lower segment of the oesophagus enter the trachea
B) A blind upper pouch with a lower segment communicating with trachea
C) An upper segment entering trachea with blind lower segment
D) Upper and Lower segments blind
6. Ototoxic drugs are following except
A) Gentamycin B) Kanamycin C) Cephalosporin D) Streptomycin
7. Carhart's notch is characteristic in
A) Acoustic neuroma B) Acoustic trauma
C) Otospongiosis D) Secretory otitis media
8. Vincent's angina caused by
A) Streptococcus haemolyticus B) Fusiform bacillus
C) Ebstein Barr virus D) Perez and cocco bacilli
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9. Side effects of antihistamines are the following except
A) Hypotension B) Urinary retention C) Drowsiness D) Dryness of mouth
10. Most common tumour within para pharyngeal space is
A) Vascular tumour B) Metastatic tumour
C) Neurogenic tumour D) Melanotic tumour
11. Which muscle is supplied by Facial nerve?
A) Stylo-pharyngeus B) Stylo-glossus C) Stylo-hyoid D) Omohyoid
12. A girl has attended the clinic with aphonia. On indirect laryngoscopy there is evidence of
adductor Paralysis: What is the probable cause?
A) Idiopathic B) Viral C) Functional D) Central cause
13. The usual nerve injured in fracture of Maxilla is
A) Supra-orbital nerve B) Infra-orbital nerve
C) Anterior ethmoidal nerve D) Spheno-palatine nerve
14. Glomus Jugulare tumour ? common location is in
A) Epi tympanum B) Meso tympanum C) Hypo tympanum D) Mastoid air cells
15. Radiologically Carcinoma Maxilla is diagnosed mostly by
A) Sinus opacity B) Expansion
C) Opacity and bone erosion D) Dome shaped mass
16. Galen Anastamosis is between
A) IX and X cranial nerves B) Right and left superior Laryngeal nerves
C) Superior and Recurrent Laryngeal nerves D) Superior and Inferior Thyroid arteries
17. Asthmatic patients, frequently, have allergy to
A) Penicillin B) Ephedrine C) Aspirin D) Prednisolone
18. Demonstration of air containing sac after Valsalva's Maneuver suggest
A) Branchial cleft cyst B) Laryngocele
C) Zenker's diverticulum D) Cystic hygroma
19. Neurogenic tumours of nose and Paranasal sinuses are the following except
A) Schwannoma B) Olfactory neuroblastoma
C) Rhinophyma D) Nasal glioma
20. High percentage of SISI score is common in
A) Otosclerosis B) Acoustic nerve tumour
C) Meniere's disease D) Vestibular neuronitis.
[MBBS 0623]

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