Download JNTUA M.Tech 2nd Sem Supply 2016 Aug 9D25102 Advanced Software Engineering Question Paper

Download JNTUA (JNTU Anantapur) M.Tech ( Master of Technology) 2nd Semester Supply 2016 Aug 9D25102 Advanced Software Engineering Previous Question Paper || Download M.Tech 2nd Sem 9D25102 Advanced Software Engineering Question Paper || JNTU Anantapur M.Tech Previous Question Paper

Code: 9D25102

M.Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations August 2016
(Software Engineering)
(For students admitted in 2012, 2013, 2014 & 2015 only)

Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 60
Answer any FIVE questions
All questions carry equal marks
1 (a) Define software engineering. Discuss various software myths with proper illustrations.
(b) Shopping mall needs to be automated for billing and inventory management. As a consultant,
which software process model you will suggest for software development and why?

2 (a) Compare and contrast unified, personal and team process model for process flow.
(b) What is extreme programming? State its application in agile development method.

3 (a) What are different methods for critical system specifications? What are their advantages and
(b) How formal specification methods are used in specifying critical systems? Give proper examples.

4 Apply component based software engineering approach for the development of banking software.
You may use concepts such as reuse, design patterns and components for the same.

5 (a) Design any two test cases for testing college ERP system.
(b) What is software maintenance? Define MTBF, MTTR and availability in maintenance phase.

6 (a) How will you simplify the complex system development with AOSD? How separation is possible in
(b) Describe service oriented software engineering with modeling and documentation aspect.

7 (a) Define software quality. State various methods for software measurement with their pros and cons.
(b) Write short note on ? CMMI process framework.

8 Design a system architecture for logistics management system for shipping company with MDSD
approach. Discuss the building blocks of this system in detail.

***** - FirstRanker's Choice

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