Download AIIMS PG 2020 June Physiology Question Paper

Download AIIMS PG 2020 June Physiology Question Paper

Aiirns PG 2020 by Dr.Ravikant Rana
1)A lady presented with 6wk amenorrhoea attains ANC Clinic with Pain abdomen and positive UPT.
Moderate vaginal bleeding. On usg no G sac In uterus. What should be the next stop ?

A) declare as missed abortion
B) admit and observe
C) f/up with b-HCG
D) diagnostic laparoscopy

Q2. A 32 year female goes to Infertility clinic with regular cycle of 28 days. What should be evaluated ?
1. LH level at 21 days
2. Progesterone 21 days
3. LH at 14 days
4. Progesterone at 14 days

3)50 year old lady presented with 2 month of AUB.What Is first line of management?
A) Progesterone for 3 month

B) hysterectomy
C) endornetrial biopsy and and ondomotrial curettage
4)45yr old ,multiparous female has single huge fibroid of 14week size and pt was asymptornatic.what will
be next management

1) hysterectomy
2) myomoctomy
3) leave as it is due to asymptomatic
4)modical management

5)Colon AdenoCa gene sequence
1. Apc DCC p53
2. DCC p53 ,rnyh on chr6
3. Myh on chri, p53 kras

Apc p53 kras
6. Red color vaculainer
A) edta

B) NeF
D) clot activator
7. True regarding Liquid based cytology?
A. Study of fluid in tumor micro environment
B. Urine specimen is used
C. Sanger sequencing is used
D. DNA collected in microvessels
8.A 713 year old pt. with Diabetes Mellitus & HTN.He present with late stage kidney disease. Which of the
following anti diabetic Drug Required least dose modification in renal disease?

A. Sitagliptin
B. Linagliptin
C. Vidagliptin
D. Saxagliptin

9) Which is not a Fixative
A) Osmium tetraoxide
B) Ethanol
C) Formaldehyde
0) Acetaldehyde

10) Intercel ular transport is by
D) exosomes

11) DOC for hairy cel leukaemia is7
A. Fludarabino
B. Cladrabine
C. Interferon alpha
D. Pentostatin
12) Which is not a part of pap smear
A) Orange G

B) Eosin
C) Methylene blue
D) Hematoxylin
13) In case of moniscal tear repair In which of the fol owing zones the healing os best seen
A. Red zone
B. Red white zone
C. White zone

D. White gray zone
14) surgical including Biopsy Indications in a patient with TB spine all except ?
a) drug resistant TB
b) cold abscess without neurological Involvement
C) evolving cauda equina
D) doubtful! Diagnosis
15)sequeal of which fol owing childhood injury wil lead complication of fish tail injury?
a) distural humerus in children
B) distual radius
C) distal fibula

D) distal femur
16) which of the following is Not a component of Biophysical profile (BPP) 7
A. Non Stress test (NST)
B. Foetal body movements
C. Fetal breathing movements
D. Contraction stress test
17)Ring sequestrurn is due to ?

A) skeletal infection pin
B)salmonella infection
C)TB Infection
D) Extornal Pin fixator
18)0steomalacia with high urinary phosphate level soon duo to
A) vit D deficiency
B) familial resistant vit
C)Vit D depondonce
19)most specific test of carpal tunnel syndrome
A) phaions test
B) durkhan's test
C) limit sign
20)RTA with injury to hip. On examination lower limb abducted and oxternally rotated
a) ant dislocation
b) post. Dislocation
C) fracture not
D) intertrochantric fracture
21)Not a feature of sevore dehydration
A. Child Thirsty
B. Drowsy child
C. Skin retracts slowly
D. Sunken fonatnol e
22)Not a critorla for severe acute malnutrition
W for h less than -3 sd
W for ago loss than -3sd
Muac <11 Dm
Bil edema
23)Which of the fol owing wil be incorrect in rh incompatibility
1. Raised unconjugated bilirubin
2. raised stool urobil in
3. raised urine urobil in
4. increase urine bl irubin
24)Vitarnin deficient causing neonatal seizures
A. Pyridoxine
B. Thiamine
C. Riboflavin
25)Chi d transfers object from ono hand to other what does It imply
A) Visual motor co ordination

B) Explores small object
C) Object release

26)Surgery to correct defect In vsd prevents
A. Arrhythmia
B. Heart block
C. Rasp alkalosis

D. Failure to thrive
27)Nowborn with alba eutis plasticus, Drug taken by mother Is?
A. carblmazolo
B. Levothyroxine
C. Methyl uracil
D. Hydro uraci ,

28)a 26 year old pregnant lady was on Antithyrold drug throughout the pregnancy_ Following delivery
infant was diagnosed as "Aplasia Cutts congenita " Most probable Antithyrold drug responsible for the
same Is?
B. Levothyroxine
C. Carbimazole
D. Methyluracil
29) Dose of IFA tablets according to Anemia mulct Bharat to an adolescent girl Is 7
A) 500rng Folic acid & 60mg iron weekly
B) 500mg folic acid & 60mg iron daily
C. 60mg of Iron & 400mg of folic acid daily
D. 60 mg of iron & 400mg of foloc acid weekly
30). A 30yrs female with enlarged uterus of 14 weeks size. l sg showed a single fibroid, asymptomatic,
best management is
A) conservative
B) as she is asymptomatic don't do anything
C) hysterectomy
D) myornectorny
31. 38 year old female attains gynec 000 with Cytology report of Pap smear showing CIS (its high grade
squamous intraepltheal neopiasia. Next step is ?
A. Coloposcoplc biopsy
B. Hystrectomy
C. Repeat cytology
D. Cryothorapy
32). Management of PCOS is?
C. Ovarian dril ing
D. Letrozoie
33) Name of the criteria for abdominal pregnancy
A. Spei berg
B. Stucidiford
C. Rubins
D. Cal en's

34).24 year old fomalo with 6 month of amenorrhoa with Intractable vomitting.USG Shows Snow storm
appearenco and size more than period of gestation . Next stop wil be
A) evacuation
B) a missed abortion do nothing
C) Consorvativo management
D) Fol ow up after 16 days by ropeat USG
35) nikshay poshan yojna, amount providod to patient
A. Weakly 600!
B. monthly 500!
C. Daily Mid day meal
36. Pace maker is disposed in which bag
A. Red bag
B. Blue bag
C. Yel ow bad

D. White bag
37. Glovos are disposed in which color bag
A. Red Bag
B. Blue bag
C. Yel ow bag
D. White Bag
38)Approprlate biopsy specimen in case of thyroid to be said as FNAC positive is?
A) 6-8fol icular coil contain 10-12 cell
0) 10 fol icular cell contain 64 cell
C)3 fol icular coil groups with each 10.15 cells
D) 6 fol icular cell groups with each 10.15 coils

39). Calories from TPN. 100mg dextrose. 30mg Amino acids 40mg Lipids 7
A) 640
B) 860
C) 640
0) 680
40. Thyroid surgery all injured least injured nerve is?
A) recurrent laryngeal n
B) superior laryngeal n
C) ansa cervical s
D) marginal mandibular n
41. Ercp Is indicated on all except?
A. Recurrent pancreatitls
B. Periampul ary carcinoma
C. Unexplained Jaundice
D. Pancreatitis without choledocal cyct or cholangitis
42. Most appropriate mesh has
A) High weight large pore

B) Low wt large pore
C) Low wt small pore
D) High wt smal pore
43. 26year old male pt with RTA complicated with pelvic fracture has been resuscitated with blood
transfusion. After few hours he is febrile, hypotensive, normal CVP, oliguric. Bleeding is seen from NG
tube and IV sites. Most common diagnosis

A. Fat embolism syndrome
B. Acute adrenal insufficiency
C. Transfusion reaction
D. Hemorrhagic shock
44. A 23 yr old male was burnt due to burst of stove there Is singeing of hairs his face and neck area is
covered, bilateral front of chest and both arms. how much surface area is burned

A. 27 %
B. 36%
C. 18%
45 Whats not Included in MELD score ?
A. Bilirubin
B. Creatinine
D. Albumin
46. A young girl came to the AIIMS Emergency OPD with her mother her birth date was 3110112007 and
history of pono-vaginal penetration by their neighbor was given by the patient she also said that she
gave the consent for the same and refused for further medical examination what could you do as a
Medical Practitioner attending such patient ?

1. Should not call the police
2. Should Counsel the mother and daughter
3. Should call the police
4. Should do examination even after refusal
5. Document Refusal
Options were
A) 2,3,5 are true
B) 1,2,3 are true
C) 3,4,5 are true
D) 2,3,4 are true
47) All of the fol owing are measures used against COVID19 EXCEPT?
A. 1% Glutaraldehyde
B. 70% ethanol
C. Face mask
D. Hand wash
48. Biosafety level of BARS COV-2

D. BBL 4
49. Antibody testing for cov-2 depends upon
A. Viral load
8. limo of incubation
C. Past infection and asymptomatic

D. Currently infected, asymptomatic
SO. Q A child comes to you with VSD. What symptom wil improve fol owing the operation for vsd?
A Arrythmia
B Heart block
C Failure to thrive
51.A student goes to give physiology Viva. The examiner asks him ' Who is the father of EEG?' The
student says don't know sir.' the examiner feels sorry for him and gives him a hint' the name rhymes
with Mc Donald's. The student then recalls and gives the correct answer This is an og of?
A semantic memory
B implicit memory
C Associative learning

52. Wrong about ABCD2 score is ?
A. Ago <60
B. Duration more than 5min
C. Diabetes
53.A 30 year old pt.was started on lithium carbonate for BPD.The nurse wil give instructions on adverse
effect of that Drug.Tho patient had to report back if fol owing symptoms are seen'?
A.paipitation ,Raised BP, Chest pain
B. Sedation ,constipation, vomiting
C. Tinnitus ,severe Diarrhoea, ataxia
D. Fever ,skin rash,Bradycardia
54.lntracytopiasmlc receptor is associated with
B Glucagon

C epinephrine
D Throxine
55.Which is not a parametric test?
1. A nova
2. T test
3. Pearson correlation
4. Frlodson

56. Left sided todicoil s ?
A. Right superior oblique
B. .right inferior oblique

C. Inforuor roctus
D. Left inferior oblique
57.Which is these in not a alphasyn nuciopathy

A. Parkinson
B. Msa
C. Levy body
D. Aizoihmers
58. Which of the fol owing Is Not Complications of massive transfusion ?
A. Hypociacemia
B. Hypercalcernia
C. Hypokalemia
D. Hyperkalemia
59.Glassgow coma scale is?
A. Numerical
B. Alphanumerical
C. Ordinal
D. Nominal
60.Anti fungal drug with anti-inflammatory and antipruritic effect is 7
A. Ketoconazole
B. Sertaconazole
C. Luliconazole
D. Terbinafine

61.ESR in increased in pregnancy due to elevation of?
A. Fibrinogen
B. Platelets
C. AntIthrombin Antibody
62. Mannitol injected - 10mg and GS mg 1100m1 was conc. And 10 ?A Mannitol was excreted . Calculate
ecf? A. 101_
B. 4 L
C. 14L,
D. 6.51

63. Muscarinic primarily causes?
A. Erection
B. Ejaculation
C. Dilation of bronchus
D. Increased Cardiac Contractility
64.A psychotropic Drug inhibiting reuptake of Serotonin is likely to cause which of the fol owing side

A. Dry mouth
B. Sexual dysfunction
C. Visual disturbance
D. Constipation
65. 2nd line anti-TB drugs is?
A. Streptomycin
B. Ethionamide
C. Vancomycin
D. Acyclovir
66.Pt taking statin for dyslipidemia which should be avoided?
A. Clarithromycin
B. Azithromycin
C. RIvoroxaban
D. Adalimumab

67. All bactericidal drug for Mycobacterium expect?
A. Streptomycin
B. kanarnycin
C. Rlfabutin
D. Isonlazid
68.Genoxpert tells resistance due to mutation In?
A. RpoB
B. Gyr
C. Inh
69. in modloiateral episiotomy which is spared ?
A. Bulbospongiosus
B. Obturator
C. Transverse porenel
70. Transitional epithelium seen in all except?
A. Minor calyx
B. Ureter
C. Membranous urethra
D. Pelvis
71.iNhich options persists alter Dialysis?
A. Pericarditis
B. Seizure
C. Peripheral nouropathy
72. Al! are indicative of Pediatrics Asthma ,except?
A. Increase in FEV1 more than 15% after bronchodialator
B. AM :PM Variation morN then 15%
C. FEV1 Decreases more than 18 % after exercise
FEV1iFVC loss than 80%
73.Rbsk doesn't include?
A. Rap screening
B. VItA dof
C. Cong cataract

D. Cong glaucoma
74. A female on unilateral Breast cancer Is on tamoxifen therapy as she Is ER+vo.Drug tamoxifen cause
Which cancer ?
A. Ca ovary
B. EndometrIum ca
C. Breast Ca
76. Prostate needle biopsy (single core) shows Aclnar Adenocarcinorna predominant In cribrilorm
pattern fol owed by crowded but separate glands and a minor component (5 %) of single cell Infiltration.
What Is the grade It belongs to?
A. Grade 2
B. Grade3
C. Grade 4
D. Grade 5

76. Gibbs-Donnan equilibrium is mainly by:
A. Ca2+
B. PO4-
C. Bicarbonate
D. Protein
Ans: D
77. Calculate ECF volume from the fol owing. Mannitol injection given Mama urinary excretion 1% &
plasma concentration of mannitol Is 8.4mg/100mi.
A. 14i.
B. 10
C. 28 1_
D. 10 L.

Ans: A
78. In viva examiner asked question & student said 11 don't know' but when examiner gave clue the
student able to recall ? The students uses which type of memory:

A. Priming
B. Reflex
C. Associated learning
D, Declarative memory

Ans: Priming
79. In negative feedback, feedback gain is infinity In which of the fol owing?
A, Temperature control in hypothalamus
B. Blood volume control by kidney
C. Blood pressure control by baroreflex
D. No such infinite feedback gain Is not possible
Ans: B
80. In skeletal muscle DHPR & RYR receptors are coupled by?
A. Chemical y
B. Mechanical y
C. Electrical fol owed by mechanical

D. Electrical
Ans: C
81. 65 year old male patient visited to ER for chest pain and his BP was measured as SBP 190 mmHg,
DBP 70 mmHg. Pulse pressure 90 mmHg.
Which of the fol owing parameter that should decrease for this high pulse pressure
A. Arterial wall compliance
B. Stroke volume
C, Cardiac output

D. Myocardial contractility
Ans: A

82. One neuron Is receiving Impulse from 100 other neuron and they are receiving signal from other 500
neuron ithls is best explained by?

A. Diversion
B. Expansion
C. Food forward regulation

83. HIV sentinel surveillance not Included In India?
1. Antlnatal female
2. Single migrant male
3. Long distance truck driver
4. STD clinic attendant

85.Hematatopitic stem coils can do the following except
A. replication

C. replication without replication

86.Not function of oc pill
A. Raises FSH LH
B. Prevent Implantation
C. inhibit Ovulation
D. Cervical thIcking

87. Type 4 HS due to
A. Innate immune response
B. Antibody and cell mediated
C. Cell mediated

89.Hypertonslve G2 Pi pregnant female with abdomen pain and vaginal bleeding ?
A. abruptly
B. placonta provela
C. preterm labour

90.A 32 yr old female has brain death , her family has decided to donate her organs whom will you save?
A. 35 yr old female with renal failure.
B. 14 yr old kid with multlorgan failure.
C. 50 yr old man with liver cirrhosis.
D. 70 yr old pt on dialysis

91.In women to calculate RDA which parameters use
A. 1.73 m height
B. 55kg wt
C. 10 hr of work
D. 18 to soma yrs

92.1n a pt with NSTEMI, which of the fol would not be given

A. aspirin
B. clopidogrol
C. Streptokinase
D. Prasugrel
93. A diabetic nephropathy pt is a candidate for renal graft transplant. Which of the fol statements is
true? A. 1 year survival of graft is 90%
B. The transplantation is cost effective after the second transplant year
C. The treatment of chronic rejection has Improved over the last 10 yrs.
D. The life expectancy is doubled in a diabetic pt with renal transplantation.
94.Guil an Barre Syndrome treatment used all expect?
A. Steroid
B. Ivig
C. Plaaismapharesis
D. Ventilatory support
95.which of the fol owing is not an enzyme in cholesterol biosynthesis?
A. HMG COA reductase
B. HMG COA lyase
C. HMG COA synthetase
96. Not a criteria for severe acute malnutrition
A. W for h loss than -3 sd
B. W for ago less than -3sd
C. Muac <110m
D. Bil edema
97. Which of the fol owing wil be incorrect in rh Incompatibility
A. Raised unconjugatod bil rubin
B. raised stool uroblilin
C. raised urine urobli in
D. Increase urine bilirubin
98.Hayflick limit is?
A. Total no.of times a cell can divide In his lifetime

99. Child transfers object from one hand to other what does it imply ?
A. Visual motor co ordination
B. Explores smal object
C. Object release
100. Pre tracheal fascia does not inclose carotid sheath
A. Carotid sheath

101 A doctor takes consent before a surgical procedure And also he may go beyond the consent If he
feels the need to for the patients benefit
A. Extended doctrine of consent
B. doctrine of conjugated consent
C. res lose ioquitor
102 . One was this.. Towards the rear end of paper. . Uterine fibroid or something was there.. doctor
explained the risk of Injury. Even after due precautions ureter was Injured?
A. Calculus of negligence
B. Malpractice
C. Res Ipsa liquotors
103.1mmunocompromised pt. After Renal transplant complains of Chronic Diarrhoea on stool 4 to 6
micron kinyon method Is positive. Which of the fol owing is True?
A. Most common among them to cause diarrhoea Is C.panfum
B. Oocyst become Infective immediately after coming out In stool
C. Obligate Intracel ular they are
D. Autoinfectlon seen
104.Patient had vertlgo,Ent hod did some diagnostic test In lying position_Then did therapeutic test with
The test would be?
A. Epley's maneuver
105.Llthlum Intake to be monitored.what Advise to be given the pt?
A. Blood test to be done after 12hrs of last dose
B. After 8hrs of last dose
C. After 24hrs of last dose
D. Immediately after the last dose
106. Vitamin D synthesis sequence Is?
A. Skin liver kidney
B. Kidney liver skin
C. Skin kidney Liver
D. Liver skin kidney
107.Which of the fol owing is not the component of modified Bishop score?
A. Pelvis type
B. Cervical length
C. Cervical positioning
108.Antldoto for overdose of fibrinolytic drugs Is?
A. Tranoxa
B. Alteplase
C. Imw heparin
D. Epsilon amino caprolc acid
109.whlch Spreads as Droplet nuclei Infection ?
A. Measles

B. Pertussis
C. Diphtheria
D. Influenza

110.Diphthoria vaccine Is which typo of vaccine?
A. Kil ed
B. Live
C. Toxoid
D. Polysachharide

111 .False statement is?
A. ASV is the main stay of treatment.
B. Humped pit viper snake is not included in polyvalent asv in India
C. Neostigmino, ventillatory support should be given to patients along with ASV.
D. Neostigmino and Atropine may be given for Kralt bite.

112. Use of Enteric coated medicine is?
A. To prolong half life of medicine
B. To protect It from Acid secretion
C. To protect Gil from drug effect

113. Components of Apoptosomo with Cytochrome C and APAF 1 is?
A, Procaspase 8
B. Procaspase 9
C. Procaspase 4
D. Procaspase S

114. glucose is stored in Glycogen form ,why?
A. Compact
B. Multiple reducing end
C. Can be stored at multiple site
D. Can provide glucose as much as needed and when needed for 1 week

115.DNA Methylation is Not related with ?
A. Mismatch repair
B. DNA Replication
C. Gene silencing
D. Capping

116. Which of the fol owing is Correct definition of MMR?
A. number of maternal deaths during a given time period per 100,000 live births during the same
time period.
B. number of maternal deaths during a given lime period per 100,00 live births during the same time

1117.Parotoldectomy leads to paralysis of lower lip ,which nerve is injured?
A. Facial nerve temporal branch
B. Facial nerve cervical branch
C. Facial nerve main trunk
D. Parotid Duct

118A Chronic alcoholic suddenly stops drinking and getting is in Delirium .Best management is?
A. Haloperidol
B. Haolperidol + thiamine
C. Lorazepam

D. Lorazepam + thiamine
119.BInary dyskinesia, all Investigation to be done ,except?
B. HIDA scan
C. USG abdomen
D. Fol ow up after surgery
120. Which structure Is difficult to observe in FAST Scan?
A. Retroperitoneal haernatoma
B. Free fluid in kidney injury
C. Pneumothorax
121. FAST Stnads for?
A. Focused assessment with sonography for trauma
122.1Mich value is not required to measure Creatinine Clearance?
A. Urine croatinino in 24 hour
B. Serum creatinine
C. Volume of Serum passing through kidney in 24 hour
123.which of the fol owing is Wrong about Wells disease?
A. Can be soon on light microscopy
B. It's a zoonotic disease
C. PAM medium is used
124. 60 year old ,chronic smokers with recurrent hemoptysis ,without fever or weight loss.
Diagnostic investigation is?
A. Fibre optic bronchoscopy
B. Bronchoscopy
126. Plis on Moloprolol ,And if he is given Verapamil ,what effect wil occur?
A. Bradycardla fol owing AV Block
B. Tachycardia
C. Torsades de pointos
D. Ventricular tachycardia
126. Child on Phototherapy, Bilirubin is converted to?
A. Biliverdin
B. Lumirubin
127. A child with high grade fever and Drooling saliva, next best management Step Is?
A. High dose antibiotics
B. Steroids
C. Nebulisation with Adrenaline
D. Diphtheria anti toxin

12$ A resident got Needle stick injury ,HbSAg non reactive, Anti FIBS 90% HbCAg is negative .
Post exposure prophylaxis Is ?
A. Hblg
B. Hbig with single IV booster
C. Hblg and 3 doses of vaccine
129. Female with Active recurrent genital warts,but her Husband doesn't have Wart. What is the advice
you give to prevent transmission?
A. Don't involve in sexual intercourse when active lesion present
B. Give continous prophylactic long term antiviral
C. Give prophylactic antiviral to husband also
D. Give antiviral whenever the lesion is present
130. False about Stem cell Is?
A. They can differentiate
B. They can replicate
C. They can regenerate damaged tissue
D. They can do dividing without any regulatory control
131. DICUMAROL Inhibits vitamin K by?
A. Competitive inhibition
B. Non competitive inhibition
C. Suicide inhibition
132.Ammonia is detoxified in BRIAN, byleading to formation of?
A. Glycine
B. Urea
C. Alanine
D. Argentine
133. Use of Anaesthesia before doing ECT is for?
A. Making ptcaim
B. To prevent memory loss
C. Decrease nausea & vomiting
D. To decrease secretions
134. Test used for screening of Scol osis Is?
A_ Bending forward
B. Bending backward
C. Single leg stand
D. Straight leg raise
135. Superior cerebral pedicle crones at which level?
A. Pons
B. Medul a
C. Midbrian
D. Dlencephalon
138 constricted pupil that remains same in dark is?
A. Blind pt.
B. Addle's pupil

C. Argyl pupil
D. Horner syndrome

137. Child with Blisters and skin lesion with history of death of sibling duo to same reason 7
A. Epidormolysis bul osa
B. Pomphigous Vuigarls
138.Wrong about Ebola Virus is?
A. Fl ovirldao
B. Mosquito transmission
C. Nosocomlal Infection
D. Direct contact
139. Left sided hernipiegla ,where Is the lesion In Internal capsule?
A. Subletniform
B. Rotro lenricular
C. Anterior limb
D. Posterior limb.
140.Abdominal ?Cray they wil confirmatory of complete largo bowel obstruction is?
A. Dilated bowel loops with visible haustratlon
141. 26 yr old male pt.with RTA compiled with pelvic injury has been resuscitated with blood
transfusions. After few hour he is febrile,HypotensIve, Normal CVP,ol guric.Bleeding is seen from NG
Tube and IV Sites.

Most common Diagnosis is?
A. Fat embolism syndrome
B. Acute adrenal insufficiency
C. Transfusion reaction
D. Hemorrhagic shock
142. Calories from TPN ,100mg dextrose,30mg Amino acids.40mg lipids?
A. 840
B. 860
C. 640
D. 680
143.All are true about cornea, except?
A. Lined by stratified squamous epithelium
B. Dividing cel s are present at limbus
C. External surface has cilia

D. Bowman membranes regenerate
144.MI methylisothlazolinono) is?
A. Surfactant
B. Humectant
C. Cosmetics
D. Emulsified

145 .which of the fol owing is true about Celiac disease?
A. Can cause Ci LYMPHOMA
B. CT Scan required for Diagnosis
C. Improves with complex carbohydrates food like Bread,Pasta
D. Most common cause of malabsorption in developing countries
146 .which of the fol owing is True regarding G6PD deficiency?
A. RBC are resistant in hypitonic solutions
B. RBC undergo lysis in hypitonic solutions
C. They have spherical shape
D. Presence of spherocytes
147. Intracellular connection in eukaryotic cul s Is?
A. Peroxisomes
B. Exosomes
C. Genome
D. Lysosomos
AIIMS PG 2020 question (leftover )
By Dr.Ravikant Rana
148.Which of the fol owing is Resistant Hypertension ?
A) Bp more than 140/90 even after a antihypertensive
B) Bp more than 160/110 oven after a antihypertensive
C) Bp more than 140/90 even after using 3 or more antihypertensive
D) Bp more than 160/110 oven after using 3 or more antihypertensive
149, Cells in the isthmus of stomach?
1) stem cell
2) parietal cell
3) chief cell
4) mucous cell
150. A beak like projection on the head which caries hookets in the armed pecies of tape worms is called
A. Scolex
B. Oncosphere
C. Rosteilum
D. Stroblia
E. Bothrla
151 .A 24 year old women with Acute Renal failure fol owing PPH. Laboratory studies showing serum
glucose150mg/di, sodium 135mEq1L ,potassium 6,5mEg1L , Chloride 105mEq1L ,Bicarbonate 115mEq1L.
Best managing therapy would be?
A. Decrease potassium chloride by 10mEq/L
B. I.V 0.9% sodium chloride
C. 100m1 of Glucose water with 1011 insulin
D. Iv magnesium sulphate
152.Anterior most cell in Ethmold air cell group is?
A. Agar nasal
B. Choncha bul osa
C. Fosse cthmoides
D. Bul s ethmoldes
153 .Which of the fol owing is false with regards to Mycopiasma pneumonia?

Which of the following Is wrong for mycoplasma pnuemonlae?
cannot be cultured easily
serology is useful for diagnosis
C. responds well to coamoxyclav
D. bilateral chest infiltrates

156..Which anticonvulsant drug causes bilateral concentric visual field loss
C. Levitriacetam
D. Phenobarbitone

157. Ito cells present in which part of liver like this.
Space of disse
Space of mall
158..According to drugs and cosmetic act ,spurious drugs causing death will be punishable minimum
7 years
C. 1 year
D. 5 years

159 .Difference between endocrine pancreas and parotid gland is
A. Absence of striated duct
B. AcIdophillc serous acid at tip
C. Serous acInl supported by Basal lamina
D. Apical aclnar villl

160.65 year old male with Abdominal pain for 6 hour ,BP 90/50mmhg.R.R Is 24/min.. Sp02 Is 92% in 10
liter of oxygen.Abdominal Xray shows extraluminal air In abdomen .which of the following must be done
In shifting OT ?

A. Intubate the patient
B. 2 to 3 litre of crystalloid is Infused
C. Initial IV access of choice Is Central venous catheter
D. Confirm the DIAGNOSIS with CT
161.osteomalacia is developed due to excess excretion of phosphate in urine.what is the Diagnosis?

VIII) Resistance
anti epileptic drug
Vit.D deficiency

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This post was last modified on 31 July 2021