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Procds. No. A1/Academic Reg./2010 Date: 20.11.2010
Sub:- JNTUH, Hyderabad – Academic & Planning – Modifications in the Academic Regulations of MBA and MCA Courses – Approved – Orders – Issued.
Read:1 Lr. No. Nil, dated 07.10.2010 of the Principal, CM Engineering College, Maisammaguda, Dhulapally, Secunderabad addressed to DE.
2 Minutes of the Meeting
3 Note Orders of the Vice-Chancellors dated 04.11.2010.
The Principal, CM Engineering College, Maisammaguda, Dhulapally, Secunderabad in his letter (1) read above, has stated that 5 students of MBA (2006batch) of their college have applied for project viva on 21/07/2010 & 16/08/2010 and they have not received Project panel sofar, to conduct the project viva. He also stated that they contacted the University Examination Branch and were informed that the students have completed their subjects lately, and they have to pay penalty as per Procds. No.A1/1705/2010, dated 11.03.2010. Further, the Principal has stated that their students are not late in completing their subjects but they re-registered MBA I-Sem. subjects in September, 2009 and completed their re-registered subjects in July 2010 and applied for Project Viva immediately.
The Director of Evaluation has stated that there are some anomalies in the Academic Regulations of MBA and MCA Courses and suggested for clarifications.
In view of the above, the Vice-Chancellor has constituted a Committee to look in to the matter and the Committee has submitted their Minutes of the Meeting.
Based on the minutes of the meeting, the Vice-Chancellor is pleased to approve the modified Academic Regulations of MBA and MCA courses and they shall be implemented with effect from 2010-2011 Academic Year onwards, for the batches admitted from 2009-2010, subject to ratification by Academic Senate.
I. For MBA/MCA Candidates:
A) Item 5.6 of MCA Academic Regulations 2009 is modified as:
The work on the project shall be initiated in the beginning of the third year second semester and the duration of the project is for one semester. A candidate is eligible to submit his/her PG Project Work/ Thesis / Dissertation, only after successful completion of the theory and practical courses, after getting the approval of PRC, and not earlier than 20 weeks from the date of registration of
such PG Project work. For the approval of PRC, the candidate shall submit the draft copy of thesis to the Principal/Director (through Head of the Department) and shall make an oral presentation before the PRC.
B) Item 5.6 of MBA Academic Regulations 2009 is modified as:
The work on the project shall be initiated in the beginning of the fourth semester and the duration of the project is for one semester. A candidate is eligible to submit his/her PG Project Work/ Thesis / Dissertation, only after successful completion of the theory and practical courses, after getting the approval of PRC, and not earlier than 20 weeks from the date of registration of such PG Project work. For the approval of PRC, the candidate shall submit the draft copy of thesis to the Principal/Director (through Head of the Department) and shall make an oral presentation before the PRC.
II a) A student shall be permitted to submit his / her PG Project work / Dissertation, with penalties as per JNTUH Procds. No.A1/1705/2010, dated 11.03.2010 as follows:
i) No penalty may be levied to the student, if a student submits Thesis / Dissertation within one calendar year after completion of penultimate semester (i.e. within 6 months from the completion of the last semester of his Regular PG Course period).
ii) If the student is unable to submit the thesis within one calendar year as explained above, a penalty of Rs.5000/- (Rupees five thousand only) may be levied for first late year of submission, Rs.12000/- (Rupees twelve thousand only) lumpsum may be levied during the second year of submission, and Rs.18000/- (Rupees eighteen thousand only) lumpsum may be levied during the third year of submission to the University.
iii) If special permission is granted by the university to a student for submission of Project Work/ Thesis beyond 3 years limit as explained above, a penalty of Rs.10,000/- (Rupees ten thousand only) per year additionally will be levied to the student.
b) No exemption shall be given from above penalties, whether the delays in clearing backlog subjects (or declaration of their results) are due to
(i) delays in clearing them through supplementary exams or
(ii) delays in clearing them through improvement / Re-registration procedures.
III For MCA candidates only:
a) Item 4.5 of MCA Academic Regulations 2009 is modified as
A student shall be promoted from II year to III year, only if he/she earns 40 credits from
i) One Regular and Two Supplementary Examinations of I Year I Semester,
ii) One Regular and One Supplementary Examinations of I year II Semester and,
iii) One Regular Examination of II year I Semester,
irrespective of whether the candidate takes the examinations or not.
b) Items 2.4 and 4.9 are added to the MCA Academic Regulations 2009 as:
2.4. The student shall register for 119 credits and secure 119 credits.
4.9. i) A student shall register and put up minimum attendance in all 119 credits and earns the 119 credits. Marks obtained in all 103 credits (excluding PG Project/Dissertation) shall be considered for the calculation of percentage of marks.
ii) Students who fail to earn 119 credits as indicated in the course structure within six academic years from the year of their admission, shall forfeit their seat in MCA course and their admission shall stand cancelled.
IV For MBA (R09) candidates only:
Item 4.3 of Academic Regulations 2009 (R09) will not be applicable, as there is no seminar offered.
V Status quo shall be maintained, and the existing set of Academic Regulations, Norms and Procedures shall be followed for the MBA/MCA batches, admitted prior to 2009-2010 Academic Year.
The DE/CE/ACE, Examination Branch.
Copy to the Principals of all Affiliated Colleges of JNTUH
Copy to PA to VC/Rector/Registrar.
Click the below link to download:
JNTU-HYD: Academic & Planning – Modifications in the Academic Regulations of MBA and MCA Courses.
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