JNTU-HYDERABAD : Allocation of 5 marks for assignments out of 25 internal marks for B.Tech!

JNTU-HYDERABAD : Allocation of 5 marks for assignments out of 25 internal marks for B.Tech!



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Kukatpally, Hyderabad ? 500 085 ? Andhra Pradesh- INDIA.

Procds. No. A1/Academic Reg./2010??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????? Date: ?02.09.2010

Sub:- JNTUH, Hyderabad ? Academic & Planning ? Allocation of 5 marks for assignments out of 25 internal marks, with 10 marks for objective paper, 10 marks for subjective paper and 5 marks for assignments ? the changes being effected in the Academic Regulations of all the batches of B.Tech. admitted with effect from the academic year 2009-2010 ? Approved – Orders – Issued.

Read:1 Lr. No. Nil, dated 14.07.2010 of the Consortium of Engineering Colleges Managements? Association (CECMA).

2 Minutes of the Meeting

3 Note Orders of the Vice-Chancellors dated 09.08.2010



The Consortium of Engineering Colleges Managements? Association (CECMA) has requested the University to include 5 marks for Assignments and change the Mid Examinations pattern from present 25 marks to 20 marks (10 marks for objective paper, 10 marks for subjective paper) and 5 marks for assignments.

As per the instructions of the Vice-Chancellor, a meeting was held on 26.07.2010 in the chambers of the Director, Academics and Planning with Director of Evaluation and Chairs of Board of Studies of different departments and submitted their Minutes of the Meeting.

Based on the minutes of the meeting, the Vice-Chancellor is pleased to allocate 5 marks for assignments out of 25 internal marks, with 10 marks for objective paper, 10 marks for subjective paper and 5 marks for assignments, subject to ratification by Academic Senate.

The following changes are made in the Academic Regulations 2009 for B.Tech. (Regular) in the item 5.iii with effect from the academic year 2010-11 [for all batches admitted from 2009-10 (from II year onwards)], and all batches of admission from 2010-11 onwards.

5. iii For theory subjects, during the semester there shall be 2 mid term examinations. Each mid term examination consists of one objective paper, one subjective paper and one assignment.? The objective paper is for 10 marks and subjective paper is for 10 marks, with a duration of 1 hour 20 minutes (20 minutes for objective and 60 minutes for subjective paper).? Objective paper is set for 20 bits of ? multiple choice questions, fill-in the blanks, matching type questions ? for the 10 marks.

Subjective paper of each semester shall contain 4 full questions (one from each unit) of which, the student has to answer 2 questions, each carrying 5 marks.

First mid term examination shall be conducted for 1-4 units of syllabus and second mid term examination shall be conducted for 5-8 units.? 5 marks are allocated for Assignments (as specified by the concerned subject teacher) ? first Assignment should be submitted before the conduct of the first mid, and the second Assignment should be submitted before the conduct of the second mid.? The total marks secured by the student in each mid term examination are evaluated for 25 marks, and the better of the two mid term examinations shall be taken as the final marks secured by each candidate.

However, for first year, there shall be 3 mid term examinations (each for 25 marks), along with 3 assignments in a similar pattern as above [1st mid shall be from 1-2 units, 2nd mid from 3-5 units and 3rd mid shall be from 6-8 units], and the average marks of the best two examinations secured (each evaluated for a total of 25 marks) in each subject shall be considered as final marks for the internals / sessionals.



The Principals of all Constituent / Affiliated existing Colleges of JNTUH.

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JNTU-HYDERABAD : Allocation of 5 marks for assignments out of 25 internal marks for B.Tech!

JNTU-KAKINADA : B.Tech. (R05) Regulations ? First Year Subjects ? Exemption from Compulsory Subjects for award of degree!

Grams: ?TECHNOLOGY????????????? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????Phone:??? Off: 0884-2300911

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KAKINADA-533003, Andhra Pradesh (India)

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Proc..No. JNTUK/DE/B.Tech.(R05) I year Subjects/ Exemption / 185/2010,? dt:16/09/2010????????

Dr. K. Satya Prasad

B.Tech., ME., PhD.,

Director of Evaluation

Sub: – B.Tech. (R05) Regulations ? First Year Subjects ? Exemption from ??????????? Compulsory Subjects for award of degree ? Regarding.

Read : – Note file orders of the Vice ?Chancellor, ?dt. 15-09-10



As per B.Tech. (R05) regulations, one of the academic requirements to award degree is that the student should secure 216 credits (out of 224 credits registered) with the compulsory subjects as listed below;

1. All the first year subjects??? ??????????? 2. All the practical subjects

3. Industry oriented mini-project??????? 4. Seminar

5. Project work

Many ? representations from the students of R05 regulations are received, requesting the University not to consider the first year subjects as compulsory, in the calculation of 216 credits, required for the award of Degree. Also they represented that in spite of their hard work and effort made to pass the first year subjects, they are unable to pass one or two subjects which are compulsory subjects to become eligible for the award of degree. ?In addition some of the students could not get 50% of marks in Seminar to pass that course which is evaluated internally. As it is internal evaluation a Supplementary examination cannot be conducted and as the candidate has got the attendance in that semester he/she cannot register for a single subject. Several students were not able to get the degree awarded for want of this simple lapse. Hence the students have represented to make this seminar credits also to consider for waiver with total 8 credits.

JNTUH, the Mother University in its order dated 28th August, exempted first year theory subjects from compulsory subjects for the award of degree. Students? representations were discussed in the Directors? meeting of the University and resolved to approve the exemption of First year theory subjects and Seminar from compulsory subjects.

Considering the Directors? meeting minutes and JNTUH order, the Hon?ble Vice Chancellor is pleased to exempt all the first year subjects and seminar from the compulsory subjects in tune with JNTUH.

The clause No. 1 of R05 regulations is hereby amended as follows:

A Student will be declared eligible for the award of the B.Tech. Degree if he/ she fulfills the following academic regulations.

Pursued a course of study for not less than four academic years and not more than eight academic years, registered for 224 credits and secured 216 credits with compulsory subjects as listed below;

1. All the practical subjects??????? 2. Industry oriented mini- Project? ????????3. Project work

These orders shall come into force for all the students admitted under R05 regulations.

CC : ?Secretary to the Hon?ble Vice Chancellor

Registrar, CE, ACE?s

Click the below link to Download:

JNTU-KAKINADA : B.Tech. (R05) Regulations ? First Year Subjects ? Exemption from Compulsory Subjects for award of degree!

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