JNTU-HYDERABAD : Notification for Pre-Ph.D/ Pre-M.Phil/ Pre-MS Supplementary Examinations March -2011.

JNTU-HYDERABAD : Notification for Pre-Ph.D/ Pre-M.Phil/ Pre-MS Supplementary Examinations March -2011.

  1. Supplementary  Examinations for the Pre-Ph.D/Pre-M.Phil/Pre-MS will be held on     14th & 16th March 2011 for Paper-I & Paper-II respectively.

2. Registration for the Pre-Ph.D/Pre-M.Phil/Pre-MS.

The students who appear for the above examinations (for candidates admitted prior to 2010 admissions)  are to note that     the on-line registration for University exam will be carried out as per the time schedule   given below.

Fee Particulars

Examination Fee Rs. 2000/-

On-line registration without late fee                    : 19-01-2011 – 02-02-2011

Registration with 100/- late fee                           : 03-02-2011 – 06-02-2011

Registration with late fee of 2000/-                     : 07-02-2011 – 09-02-2011

3. The details of portal for on-line registration and payment of Examination fee     are enclosed herewith.

4.   On-line registration will be closed strictly as per the above schedule.


Online Registration particulars and procedure:

The Pre-Ph.D/Pre-M.Phil/Pre-MS students who wish to apply for the University examination are informed to note the new procedure for making the Exam fee payment and for the submission of the application for the Pre-Ph.D/Pre-M.Phil/Pre-MS examinations.

  1. Visit the University Examinations portal at the URL
  2. Select the subjects, for which the registrations are to be performed using the appropriate menu service.
  3. Upload your pass-port size digital photograph in the same registrations portal. Ensure that the quality of the digital photo is very good. The uploaded photograph must be in the jpg (JPEG) format. If it is in other format, it should be converted to JPEG format.
  4. Obtain the printout of the Pdf file corresponding to your subject registration details from the same registrations portal.
  5. Make the payment online, either by using the payment gateway or by using the SBH online challan.
  6. The zerox copy of pdf receipt generated incase of payment by payment-gateway or the University copy of the SBH challan incase of challan payment should be taken.
  7. The copy of the printout of the registration receipt (item 4 above) and the payment receipt (as in item 6 above) should be tagged/stapled and send by post/person to “Pre-Ph.D Cell, Office of Director of the Evaluation, JNTU Hyderabad, Kukatpally, Hyderabad, 500 085”
  8. The students are informed to download the hall-tickets from the same portal using the ‘Download Hall-ticket’ service from 5 days before start of examinations.
  9. For any queries related to online registration/payments please contract SDC at the

Phone no : 040-32410671.

General Instructions:

  1. All the candidates are informed to carry their identity cards, while writing their  examinations and whenever they visit the R&D Cell for any query or for getting any certificates / marks memos.

2.    The candidates are held personally responsible for all the entries made in the  online application form / hall ticket and any incorrect information or information suppressed will entitle disciplinary action against the candidates.

  1. The Results of examinations will be informed only through website www.jntuh.ac.in. The original marks memos can be collected from the  R&D Cell.
  2. Examination centre for Pre-Ph.D/Pre-M.Phil/Pre-MS examinations is in the university campus at JNTUH College of Engineering, Kukatpally, Hyderabad.

Click on the below link to download the Notification:

JNTU-HYD: Notification for Pre-Ph.D/ Pre-M.Phil/ Pre-MS Supplementary Examinations March -2011.

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