JNTU-KAKINADA : Changes in Acadamic Calendar – I Year B.Tech and B. Pharm.

JNTU-KAKINADA : Changes in Acadamic Calendar – I Year B.Tech and B. Pharm.

I am by the direction of Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor, wish to inform you that the following are the changes in the Academic Calendar for I Year B.Tech and B. Pharm programme under JNTUK, in view of several  representations from stakeholders.

1.      End Practical Examinations of I Year – I Semester B.Tech and B. Pharm are postponed and will be conducted after the end semester regular examinations i.e from 14-02-2011 onwards.

2.      The class work for the I Year – II Semester B.Tech and B. Pharm will commence from 21-02-2011.

3.      End Practical Examinations for Physics and Chemistry Laboratories are to be conducted with Part A Physics and Part B Chemistry and evaluated each part for 25 marks.

4.      Internal  Marks for Physics and Chemistry Laboratories are to be evaluated separately and the average marks of the two laboratories will be considered for finalizing 25 marks.

5.      For the end semester external theory examinations of I Year – I Semester B. Tech and B. Pharm, the question paper shall contain 8 questions and 5 questions need to be answered.

I request all the Principals of affiliated colleges to make a note of the above changes and implement them for the 2010-11 admitted students.

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JNTU-KKD : Changes in Acadamic Calendar – I Year B.Tech and B. Pharm.

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