MCA students told to take admissions immediately!

MCA students told to take admissions immediately!

With clarit emerging at last on the fee reimbursement scheme for poor students following the directions of the Supreme Court on Friday, the managements of MBA and MCA colleges have asked students who were allotted seats in the recent Icet counselling to take admissions immediately.

The managements clarified that fee reimbursement beneficiaries will not have
to pay the tuition fee of `27,000 per annum during admissions as the SC has directed the government to reimburse the fee in three instalments within four months after the admissions process concludes.

As many as 13,104 MCA seats and 44,105 MBA seats were allotted in the recent Icet counselling. However, 80 per cent of these students had not taken admissions so far despite being allotted seats during counselling due to uncertainty over the continuance of the fee scheme.
The recent orders of the AP High Court that the college managements could collect fees from students if the government failed to pay the amount during the time of admissions had forced several students to abstain from taking admissions.

However, the SC on Friday ordered a ?stay? over the HC orders.

However, reimbursing the entire fee within four months will pose a major challenge given that it involves screening nearly 25 lakh beneficiaries.

Source: Deccan Chronicle

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