Aim of this webpage is to provide information about MBA colleges in Delhi. This consolidated list of MBA colleges includes the best MBA colleges in Delhi, top MBA colleges in Delhi and other private and government MBA colleges of reputed standard under various Universities. We have omitted some of the less reputed MBA colleges in Delhi to keep this list short and simple.This page on Delhi MBA colleges provides details and information about various MBA institutes and colleges spread across Delhi so that students find all relevant information on this webpage.
All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Ansar Nagar, New Delhi 110029 offers 2/3 years full-time MBA (2 seats).
Appeejay School of Management, Tulghlakabad Institutional Area, New Delhi 110062 (In collaboration with Thames Valey University, London) offer 2-year MBA (Full Time).
Bharati Vidyapeeth’s Institute of Management and Research, Block A-4, Paschim Vihar, Rohtak Road, New Delhi 110063 (Approved by AICTE, New Delhi and affiliated to University of Pune) offers the following courses; 2-year full-time M.B.A in Marketing & Finance (Seats 120).
2-year full-time Master Degree in Computer Mangement (MCM) Seats: 60.
2-year Master Degree in Personnel Management (MPM). Seats 60.
1-year Part-time Master of Mangement Science (MMS). Seats 60.
2-year Part-time Diploma in Business Management
(DBM). Seats 60.
Delhi School of Business, B-26, Shivalik, Panchsheel-Geetanjali Road, New Delhi 110017 (Utreach campus of Masstricht, Netherlands) offers 1-year Full-time MBA Courses.
Department of Business Economics (University of Delhi), Room No. 228, Arts Faculty Building, South Campus, Benito Jaurez Road, New Delhi 110021 offers Master of Business Economics (MBE).
Department of Financial Studies, (University of Delhi), Room No. 305-A, Arts Faculty Building, University of Delhi South Campus, Benito Jaurez Road, New Delhi 110021 E-mail mfc@del in Website offers 2-year Full-time Master of Finance & Control (MFC) Programme.
Faculty of Commerce and Business, Department of Commerce, Delhi School of Economics, University of Delhi, Delhi 110007 offers 2-year (four semesters) full-time professional courses in Master of International Business (MIB) & Master of Human Resource and Organisational Development (MHROD).
Faculty of Management Studies, University of Delhi, Delhi 110007 email Website: offers (1) Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.) Two year Full-Time Programme. (2) Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.) (Public Systems Management) Two year Full-Time Programme. (3) Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.) Three year Part-Time Programme. (4) Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.) (Health Care Administration) Three Year Part-time Programme (5) Doctrol Programme in Management (6) EXECUTIVE and management Development Programmes.
IMC International Mangement Centre (MBA equiv. PGDM, Recognised by AICTE, Govt. of India), B-48, South Extention Part I, New Delhi 110049 offers MBA Degree courses.
Institute of Business Administration & Management (I.B.A.M.), PO Building, Daryaganj, New Delhi 110002 e-mail: (Approved by AICTE) (Also specially recommended for Army personnel by D.G.M.T. Army Headquarters Min. of Defence Govt. of India) offers Full-time 2 year MBA course by distance Education (seats 500).
Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, Hauz Khas, New Delhi 110 016 offers 1-year Part-time (Evening) M.Tech. Programme in Energy and Environmental Management.
Indian Institute of Technology, Department of Management Studies. Hauz Khas, New Delhi 110016 offers 2-year Full-time M.B.A program with focus on “Management System” and 3-year Part-time MBA programme with focus on Technology Management course.
Indira Gandhi National Open University, School of Management Studies, Maidan Garhi, New Delhi 110068 offers the following Management Programmes:
a. MBA (21 Courses)
b. DIM (5 Courses)
c. Postgraduate Diploma Programmes
Specialisation Programmes
a. PGDHRM (5 Courses)
b. PGDFM (5 Courses)
c. PGDOM (5 Courses)
d. PGDMM (5 Courses)
e. PGDIM (11 Courses)
Indian Institute of Foreign Trade, B-21, IIFT Bhawan, Qutub Institutional Area, New Delhi 110016 E-mail: offers 2-year Master’s Programme in International Business (MPIB). Seats 120.
Institutute of Business Administration & Management (I.B.A.M.), PO Building, Daryaganj, New Delhi 110002 e-mail: (Approved by AICTE) (Also specially recommended for Army personnel by D.G.M.T. Army Headquarters Min. of Defence Govt. of India) offers Full-time 2 year MBA course by Disitance Education(Seats 500).
International Management Institute, B-10, 30 and 31, Qutab Institutional Area, Tara Crescent, New Delhi 110016 offers 3-year Part-time MBA and 2-year Full-time MBA.
Jamia Millia Isalmia University, Faculty of Engineering & Technology, Jamia Nagar, New Delhi 110025 offers Part-time 3-year MBA course.
New Delhi Institute of Management, 61, Tughlakabad Institutional Area, New Delhi 110062 offers Master of Business Administration (MBA).
School of Planning and Architecture, Department of Building Engineering and Management, SPA, 4, Block B, Indraprastha Estate, New Delhi 110002 offers 3-semester Master of Building Engineering & Management (15 seats).
Shanti Prasad Jain Advanced Management Research Centre, Faculty of Management Studies, South Campus, Benito Juarez Road, New Delhi 110021 offers 2-year MBA (Full-time) (45 seats), 3 years MBA (Part-time) (70) seats), and 2-year MBA (Full-time) (Public System Management) (30 seats).
Vision School of Management, A-191 (Road No.4), Mahipalpur Extension, New Delhi 110037 offers 3-year Part-time MBA Seats: 30.

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