Aim of this webpage is to provide information about MBA colleges in Himachal Pradesh. This consolidated list of MBA colleges includes the best MBA colleges in Himachal Pradesh, top MBA colleges in Himachal Pradesh and other private and government MBA colleges of reputed standard under various Universities. We have omitted some of the less reputed MBA colleges in Himachal Pradesh to keep this list short and simple. This page on Himachal Pradesh MBA colleges provides details and information about various MBA institutes and colleges spread across Himachal Pradesh so that students find all relevant information on this webpage.
Name City Course Name
Dr Y S Parmar University of Horticulture & forestry Solan, Nauni offers MBA (Agribusiness) Programme fron the Indian Nationals/NRI’s/NRI Sponsored candidates/Nominees of industries for the Academic Session.
H.P. University, Department of Management Studies, Faculty of Commerce & Business Administration Shimla offers 2-year Full time MBA (30 seats) and MTA (20 seats).
H.P. University, International Institute of Management Studies Shimla offers the following Full-time Management programmes:
1. 2-year MBA Seats 40-20 NRI/NRI/Sponsored Froeign National.
2. 2-year Master of International Business Management (MIBM) Seats 20-10 NRI/NRI/Sponsored Froeign National..
3. 2-year Master of Finance and Control (MFC).Seats 20-10 NRI/NRI/Sponsored Froeign National.
4. 2-year Master of Tourism Administration (MTA)Seats 20-10 NRI/NRI/Sponsored Froeign National.
5. 2-year Master of Personnel Management (MPM) Seats 20-10 NRI/NRI/Sponsored Froeign National.
Institute of Hotel Management, Catering and Nutrition Shimla 3-year Diploma course in Hotel Management
International Institute of Management Studies, Himachal Pradesh University Shimla 3-year Bachelor of Business Administration, 1-year Diploma in French, Russian and German
University College of Business Studies, H.P. University Shimla 3-year BBA Programme

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