MBBS 1st Year Anatomy Important Questions From Last 10 Years (Common to all Universities)

We uploaded MBBS first year Anatomy-I & Anatomy-II  important question bank for 2020-2021 exam Preparation. These important questions are useful to all the medical colleges.


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MBBS First Year Anatomy-I & Anatomy-II Important Questions From Last 10 Years (Common to all Universities)


MBBS First Year Anatomy – I Important Question Bank


Essay Questions MBBS 1st Year:


1. Describe knee joint in detail. Add a note on its applied aspects.
2. Describe uterus in detail. Add a note on its applied aspects.
3. Describe in detail about brachial plexus including its formation, branches, and its distribution. Add a note on its applied anatomy.
4. Describe the structure, blood supply, lymphatic drainage and applied aspects of mammary gland.
5. 1. Describe the uterus under the following headings:
a) Position & parts b) Relations c) Blood supply d) Ligaments & supports
e) Development f) Histology g) Applied anatomy.
6. 2. Describe the hip joint under the following headings:
a) Articular surfaces b) Ligaments c) Relations d) Muscles & movements e) Applied Anatomy.
7. Describe the formation, course, relations, branches of distribution & effects of injury of median nerve.
8. Describe the pancreas under the following headings: parts, relations, blood supply, development and histology.
9. Describe the mammary gland and give its blood supply lymphatic drainage and applied anatomy.
10. Describe the relations, Blood supply and microscopic structure of duodenum.
11. Describe the urinary bladder under the following headings surfaces and borders, relations, blood supply, histology and applied aspects.
12. Describe the shoulder joint under articular surfaces, capsule, ligaments, movements and muscles causing them, applied aspects.
13. Describe the stomach under the following headings: parts, relations, blood supply, lymphatic drainage and applied aspects.
14. Describe the formation, course, relations, branches and distribution of radial nerve and effects of injury of radial nerve. Describe the arches of foot in detail.
15. Describe the arches of foot in detail.
16. Describe the relations, ligaments, nerve supply, histology and applied anatomy of urinary bladder.
17. Describe the brachial plexus in detail under the following headings: formation, branches and applied anatomy.
18. Describe the Male urethra in detail under the following headings: extent, parts, sphincters and blood vessels.
19. Describe the Femoral triangle under the following headings: a. Boundaries b. Contents c. Femoral sheath d. Applied aspect
20. Describe the Stomach under the following headings: a. Gross features b. Relations c. Blood supply & nerve supply d. Applied aspect
21. Describe the Pancreas under the following headings: a. Type of gland with ducts b. Gross features c. Relations d. Blood supply e. Applied aspect.
22. Describe the shoulder joint under the following headings: a. Type with articulating bones b. Ligaments and Bursa c. Relations d. Movements with muscles involved e. Applied aspect.
23. Describe the formation, pre fixed and post fixed type, branches and applied anatomy of brachial plexus.
24. Describe the relations, blood supply, lymphatic drainage and applied anatomy of stomach.
25. Describe the Great saphenous vein under the following headings: a. Formation and Termination b. Course and Relations c. Tributaries and Perforators d. Applied Anatomy.
26. Describe the Anal canal under the following headings: a. Interior b. Blood supply c. Development including congenital anomalies d. Applied Anatomy
27. Describe the boundaries, contents and applied anatomy of femoral triangle.
28. Describe the type, ligaments, relations, movements and muscles producing the movements and applied anatomy of shoulder joint.
29. Describe the position, peritoneal and visceral relations, supports, microstructure and applied anatomy of uterus.
30. Describe the type, ligaments, relations, movements and muscles producing the movements and applied anatomy of Hip Joint.
31. Describe the Root value, Course, Relations, Branches and distribution and applied anatomy of Sciatic nerve.
32. Describe the external features, relations, ligaments, blood supply and developmental anatomy of urinary bladder. Add a note on its applied anatomy.
33. Describe the commencement, course, parts, relations, branches and termination of axillary artery.


Write Short Notes Questions MBBS 1st Year:

1. Name the structures present in the free border of Lesser Omentum
2. Notochord
3. Name the structures undercover of flexor retinaculum of foot
4. Pivot joints
5. Nutrient artery
6. Interior of second part of duodenum
7. Branches of radial nerve in spiral groove
8. Micro-anatomy of spleen-labeled diagram only
9. Cephalic vein
10. Branches of internal pudendal artery
11. Dartos muscle
12. Trochanteric anastomosis
13. Superficial inguinal ring
14. Contents of superficial perineal pouch
15. Histology of liver
16. Urachus
17. Structures passing through fourth compartment of extensor
18. retinaculum of upperlimb
19. Kehr’s sign
20. Wrist drop
21. Radial bursa
22. Anatomical snuff box
23. Structures piercing clavipectoral fascia
24. Triceps surae
25. Pes planus
26. Contents of spermatic cord
27. Histology of lymph node
28. Derivatives of midgut
29. Blood supply of left suprarenal gland
30. Saphenous nerve
31. Erbs palsy
32. Fibrous joint
33. Superficial palmar arch
34. Boundaries of femoral triangle
35. Cutaneous innervation of sole of foot
36. Parts of uterine tube
37. Varicocele
38. Flexor retinaculum of leg
39. Space of Retzius
40. Shoemakers line
41. Contents of rectus sheath
42. Hilton’s law
43. Muscles involved in the movements of wrist joint
44. Nutrient artery
45. Micro anatomy of spleen labelled diagram only
46. Trendelenburgs sign
47. Derivatives of ectoderm
48. Cremastric muscle
49. Varicocele
50. Carrying angle
51. Perineal membrane
52. Name of Muscles of II layer of sole of the foot
53. Name the Bursae around the patella
54. Name the Abductors of the wrist joint
55. Indicate the terminal branches of posterior cord of Brachial plexus
56. Indicate the Tributaries of left renal vein
57. Name the two most common positions of appendix
58. Indicate the structure of the free border of lesser omentum
59. Name the Arteries of the spermatic cord
60. Name the nerves closely related to humerus
61. Name three structures at the trans pyloric plane
62. Name the structures piercing clavi pectoral fascia
63. Give the action of lumbrical muscle
64. Name the structures deep to flexor retinaculum of hand
65. Give the boundaries of epiploic foramen
66. Give the significance of Douglas pouch
67. What is annular pancreas
68. Name the branches of external iliac artery
69. Name the structures piercing oblique popliteal ligament
70. Name the arteries forming trochanteric anastamosis
71. Name the contents of subsartorial canal
72. Enumerate the contents of spermatic cord
73. Enumerate the bare areas of liver
74. Name four tributaries of inferior vena cava
75. Nerve supply of the lumbricals of the hand
76. Name the muscles supplied by the obturator nerve
77. Erb’s point
78. Name the contents of superficial perineal pouch
79. Name the bones forming medial longitudinal arch of foot
80. Enumerate four structures related to the anterior surface of left kidney
81. Name four derivatives of ectoderm
82. Name any two tarsal bones of the foot
83. Name the muscles causing abduction at wrist joint
84. Name the terminal branches of sciatic nerve
85. Name the arteries supplying transverse colon
86. Name the branches arising from posterior cord of the brachial plexus
87. Name the muscles present within the deep perineal pounch
88. Name the parts of the uterine tube
89. Name the coverings of kidney
90. Name the two most common positions of appendix
91. Name the structures piercing the clavipectoral facsia
93. Name the arteries supplying transverse colon
94. Name the muscles forming rotator cuff around shoulder joint
95. Name the Hamstring muscles
96. Name the muscles within the rectus sheath
97. Name the branches arising from lateral cord of brachial plexus
98. Name the ligaments present within the knee joint
99. Popliteus muscle
100. Name the coverings of testis
101. Name the muscles of I layer of sole of the foot
102. Name the muscles causing lateral rotation at hip joint
103. Muscles attached to extensor expansion of hand
104. Name the structures piercing clavipectoral fascia
105. Remnants of notochord
106. Histological features of lymph node
107. Contents of broad ligament
108. Lateral rotation of hip joint
109. Name the PIN structures
110. Name the ligaments related to spleen
111. Contents of pudendal canal
112. Boundaries of auscultation triangle
113. Button – hole deformity
114. Brachioradialis muscle
115. Muscle responsible for lateral rotation movement of shoulder joint
116. Formation of superficial palmar arch
117. Histology of layers of aorta
118. Palthi posture
119. Gracilus muscles
120. Long saphenous vein
121. Allontois
122. Histology of cardiac muscle
123. Transpyloric plane
124. Branches of superior mesenteric artery
125. Relations of inferior surface of liver
126. Perineal body
127. Anal fissure
128. Name the openings of diaphragm and their level
129. Juxta glomerular apparatus
130. Contents of broad ligament
131. Name the types of ossification with example
132. Palmaris brevis muscle
133. Root value and muscles supplied by axillary nerve
134. Muscles attached to extensor expansion of hand
135. Mention the areas drained by superficial inguinal lymph nodes
136. Name the tributaries of portal vein
137. Cruciate anastomosis
138. Name the quadrants of abdomen
139. Name the peculiarities of Popliteus muscle
140. Name the muscles attached to the medial border of scapula
141. Name the constituents of quadriceps femoris
142. Name the cutaneous nerves that supply the anterior abdominal wall
143. Name the rotator cuff muscles
144. Name the nerves related to humerus
145. Name the bones that form the floor of anatomical snuff box
146. Bucket handle type of injury of semilunar cartilage of knee
147. Boundaries of Epiploic foramen
148. Name the thenar muscles
149. Name the branches given off by the radial nerve in the radial groove
150. Meckel’s diverticulum
151. Name the structures crossed by the root of mesentery in order
152. Parts of fallopian tube
153. Name the bones that form first carpometacarpal joint
154. Boundaries of Epiploic foramen
155. Constituents of quadriceps femoris
156. Root value, branches and applied anatomy of pudental nerve
157. Name the boundaries of femoral ring
158. Clavipectoral fascia
159. Blood supply of gonads
160. Quadrangular space
161. Cryptorchism
162. Histology of duodenum
163. Perineal body
164. Gluteus medius
165. Results of fertilization
166. Skin
167. Sciatic nerve
168. Mesentery
169. Cartilage
170. Somites
171. Wrist drop
172. Histology of ovary
173. Stomach bed
174. Axillary vein
175. Developmental anomalies of kidney
176. Adductor canal
177. Boundaries and contents of popliteal fossa
178. Median nerve in hand
179. Rectus sheath
180. Hamstring muscles
181. Microscopic anatomy of lymphnode
182. Pronation and supination
183. Second part of duodenum
184. Synovial joints
185. Deep peroneal nerve
186. Development of kidney
187. Winging of scapula
188. Ossification
189. Spermatic cord
190. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
191. Histology of Kidney
192. Notochord
193. Recto uterine Pouch
194. Biceps Brachii muscle
195. Annular Pancreas
196. Peripheral Heart
197. Great Saphenous Vein
198. Inquinal canal
199. Femoral artery
200. Axillary artery
201. Ligaments of knee joint
202. Superior Mesenteric Artery
203. Formation and branches of Brachial Plexus
204. Radio Ulnar joint
205. Vermiform Appendix
206. Sacral plexus
207. Third part of axillary artery
208. Ankle joint
209. Blood supply and lymphatic drainage of stomach
210. Brachial artery
211. Medial longitudinal arch of foot
212. Supports of uterus
213. Clinical anatomy of palmar spaces
214. Histology of stomach
215. Cubital fossa
216. Lymphatic drainage of breast
217. Rotation of midgut
218. Internal iliac artery
219. Structures undercover of gluteus maximus
220. Flexor retinaculum of upper limb
221. Supination and pronation
222. Femoral triangle
223. Adductor magnus
224. Porto-caval anastomosis
225. Inguinal canal
226. Development and microstructure of urinary bladder
227. Dorsalis pedis artery
228. Inversion and eversion of foot
229. Lobes of prostate and its applied anatomy
230. Femoral hernia
231. Male urethra
232. Blood supply of stomach
233. Anastomosis around scapula and collateral circulation
234. Arches of foot


Short answers Questions MBBS 1st Year:

1. Hilton’s law
2. Muscles involved in the movements of wrist joint
3. Nutrient artery
4. Micro anatomy of spleen labelled diagram only
5. Trendelenburgs sign
6. Derivatives of ectoderm
7. Cremastric muscle
8. Varicocele
9. Carrying angle
10. Perineal membrane
11. Fibrous joint
12. Superficial palmar arch
13. Boundaries of femoral triangle
14. Cutaneous innervation of sole of foot
15. Parts of uterine tube
16. Varicocele
17. Flexor retinaculum of leg
18. Space of Retzius
19. Shoemakers line
20. Contents of rectus sheath
21. Anatomical snuff box
22. Structures piercing clavipectoral fascia
23. Triceps surae
24. Pes planus
25. Contents of spermatic cord
26. Histology of lymph node
27. Derivatives of midgut
28. Blood supply of left suprarenal gland
29. Saphenous nerve
30. Erbs palsy
31. Dartos muscle
32. Trochanteric anastomosis
33. Superficial inguinal ring
34. Contents of superficial perineal pouch
35. Histology of liver
36. Urachus
37. Structures passing through fourth compartment of extensor
38. retinaculum of upperlimb
39. Kehr’s sign
40. Wrist drop
41. Radial bursa
42. Name the structures present in the free border of Lesser Omentum
43. Notochord
44. Name the structures undercover of flexor retinaculum of foot
45. Pivot joints
46. Nutrient artery
47. Interior of second part of duodenum
48. Branches of radial nerve in spiral groove
49. Micro-anatomy of spleen-labeled diagram only
50. Cephalic vein
51. Branches of internal pudendal artery
52. Name of Muscles of II layer of sole of the foot
53. Name the Bursae around the patella
54. Name the Abductors of the wrist joint
55. Indicate the terminal branches of posterior cord of Brachial plexus
56. Indicate the Tributaries of left renal vein
57. Name the two most common positions of appendix
58. Indicate the structure of the free border of lesser omentum
59. Name the Arteries of the spermatic cord
60. Name the nerves closely related to humerus
61. Name three structures at the trans pyloric plane
62. Name the structures piercing clavi pectoral fascia
63. Give the action of lumbrical muscle
64. Name the structures deep to flexor retinaculum of hand
65. Give the boundaries of epiploic foramen
66. Give the significance of Douglas pouch
67. What is annular pancreas
68. Name the branches of external iliac artery
69. Name the structures piercing oblique popliteal ligament
70. Name the arteries forming trochanteric anastamosis
71. Name the contents of subsartorial canal
72. Enumerate the contents of spermatic cord
73. Enumerate the bare areas of liver
74. Name four tributaries of inferior vena cava
75. Nerve supply of the lumbricals of the hand
76. Name the muscles supplied by the obturator nerve
77. Erb’s point
78. Name the contents of superficial perineal pouch
79. Name the bones forming medial longitudinal arch of foot
80. Enumerate four structures related to the anterior surface of left kidney
81. Name four derivatives of ectoderm
82. Name any two tarsal bones of the foot
83. Name the muscles causing abduction at wrist joint
84. Name the terminal branches of sciatic nerve
85. Name the arteries supplying transverse colon
86. Name the branches arising from posterior cord of the brachial plexus
87. Name the muscles present within the deep perineal pounch
88. Name the parts of the uterine tube
89. Name the coverings of kidney
90. Name the two most common positions of appendix
91. Name the structures piercing the clavipectoral facsia
92. Name the arteries supplying transverse colon
93. Name the muscles forming rotator cuff around shoulder joint
94. Name the Hamstring muscles
95. Name the muscles within the rectus sheath
96. Name the branches arising from lateral cord of brachial plexus
97. Name the ligaments present within the knee joint
98. Popliteus muscle
99. Name the coverings of testis
100. Name the muscles of I layer of sole of the foot
101. Name the muscles causing lateral rotation at hip joint
102. Muscles attached to extensor expansion of hand
103. Name the structures piercing clavipectoral fascia
104. Remnants of notochord
105. Histological features of lymph node
106. Contents of broad ligament
107. Lateral rotation of hip joint
108. Name the PIN structures
109. Name the ligaments related to spleen
110. Contents of pudendal canal
111. Boundaries of auscultation triangle
112. Button – hole deformity
113. Brachioradialis muscle
114. Muscle responsible for lateral rotation movement of shoulder joint
115. Formation of superficial palmar arch
116. Histology of layers of aorta
117. Palthi posture
118. Gracilus muscles
119. Long saphenous vein
120. Allontois
121. Histology of cardiac muscle
122. Transpyloric plane
123. Branches of superior mesenteric artery
124. Relations of inferior surface of liver
125. Perineal body
126. Anal fissure
127. Contents of cubital fossa
128. Nerve supply & action of lumbrical muscle of hand
129. Name the branches of axillary artery
130. Piriformis muscle
131. Name the superficial vein of lower limb with one applied aspect
132. Muscles attached with iliotibial tract
133. Ligaments of spleen
134. Blood supply of rectum
135. Trigone of urinary bladder
136. Histology of Ureter
137. Name the Sesamoid bones
138. Syndesmosis
139. Layers of aorta with applied aspect
140. Allontois
141. Derivatives of midgut
142. Name the type of Epiphysis of fibula at both ends
143. Supra condylar fracture
144. Superficial veins of upper limb with fate
145. Foot drop
146. Triceps surae
147. Name the ligaments around hip joint
148. Name the parts of vulva
149. Hymenal membrane
150. Perineal body (location in female with clinical importance)
151. Name any two sites of porta caval anastamosis
152. Name the openings of diaphragm and their level
153. Juxta glomerular apparatus
154. Contents of broad ligament
155. Name the types of ossification with example
156. Palmaris brevis muscle
157. Root value and muscles supplied by axillary nerve
158. Muscles attached to extensor expansion of hand
159. Mention the areas drained by superficial inguinal lymph nodes
160. Name the tributaries of portal vein
161. Cruciate anastomosis
162. Name the quadrants of abdomen
163. Name the peculiarities of Popliteus muscle
164. Name the muscles attached to the medial border of scapula
165. Name the constituents of quadriceps femoris
166. Name the cutaneous nerves that supply the anterior abdominal wall
167. Name the rotator cuff muscles
168. Name the nerves related to humerus
169. Name the bones that form the floor of anatomical snuff box
170. Bucket handle type of injury of semilunar cartilage of knee
171. Boundaries of Epiploic foramen
172. Name the thenar muscles
173. Name the branches given off by the radial nerve in the radial groove
174. Meckel’s diverticulum
175. Name the structures crossed by the root of mesentery in order
176. Parts of fallopian tube
177. Name the bones that form first carpometacarpal joint
178. Boundaries of Epiploic foramen
179. Constituents of quadriceps femoris
180. Root value, branches and applied anatomy of pudental nerve
181. Name the boundaries of femoral ring
182. Clavipectoral fascia
183. Blood supply of gonads
184. Quadrangular space
185. Cryptorchism
186. Histology of duodenum
187. Perineal body
188. Gluteus medius
189. Results of fertilization
190. Skin
191. Sciatic nerve
192. Mesentery
193. Cartilage
194. Somites
195. Wrist drop
196. Histology of ovary
197. Stomach bed
198. Axillary vein
199. Developmental anomalies of kidney
200. Adductor canal
201. Boundaries and contents of popliteal fossa
202. Median nerve in hand
203. Rectus sheath
204. Hamstring muscles
205. Microscopic anatomy of lymphnode
206. Pronation and supination
207. Second part of duodenum
208. Synovial joints
209. Deep peroneal nerve
210. Development of kidney
211. Winging of scapula
212. Ossification
213. Spermatic cord
214. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
215. Histology of Kidney
216. Notochord
217. Recto uterine Pouch
218. Biceps Brachii muscle
219. Annular Pancreas
220. Peripheral Heart
221. Great Saphenous Vein
222. Histology of Cardiac muscle
223. Blood supply of Pancreas
224. Spermatogenesis
225. Rotator Cuff
226. Histology of Suprarenal gland
227. Supports of Uterus
228. Flexor Retinaculum of Hand
229. Cloaca and its derivatives
230. Popliteus muscle
231. Cruciate anastomosis
232. Blood supply of Long bone
233. Meckel’s diverticulum
234. Ulnar Claw hand
235. Histology of skeletal Muscle
236. Somites
237. Branches of posterior cord of Brachial plexus
238. Intercostobrachial nerve
239. Epoophoron and Paroophoron
240. Peroneal artery
241. Sural nerve
242. Epiploic foramen
243. Thenar space
244. Oogenesis
245. Medial plantar nerve
246. Histology of liver
247. Trigone of urinary bladder
248. Deltoid muscle
249. Bilaminar germ disc
250. Arterial anastomosis around knee joint
251. Iliofemoral ligament


                                                                         Anatomy I         Download


Anatomy II                 Download

MBBS First Year Anatomy – II Important Question Bank

Essay Questions MBBS 1st Year:

1. Describe parotid gland in detail. Add a note on its applied aspects.
2. Classify white fibres of cerebrum with examples. Describe internal capsule in detail.
3. Describe the facial nerve under the following headings: a) Nuclei of origin and functional components. b) Course and emergence. c) Branches and its distribution. d) Clinical anatomy.
4. Describe in detail about the parotid gland. Add a note on its applied anatomy.
5. Describe the cavernous sinus under the following headings: situation, extent, boundaries, relations, contents, connections and applied anatomy.
6. Describe the right lung under the following headings: surfaces, borders, impressions, fissures, lobes, hilum and Broncho pulmonary segments.
7. Describe the tongue under the following headings: Situation and parts, Blood supply, Lymphatic drainage, Histology and development.
8. Describe the interior of right atrium and correlate it with its development.
9. Explain the typical intercostal space.
10. Describe the superolateral surface of the cerebral hemisphere under the following headings: Sulci and Gyri, functional areas and arterial supply.
11. Describe the arch of aorta under the following headings: Extent, Relations, Branches and microscopic anatomy.
12. Describe in detail congenital anomalies of the Heart.
13. Describe in boundaries, contents and clinical anatomy of Carotid triangle.
14. Describe the cerebellum as: classification, connections, nuclei, blood supply and clinical anatomy.
15. Describe in detail about blood supply of brain.
16. Describe submandibular salivary gland under following heading: parts, relations, blood supply, nerve supply, lymphatic drainage and clinical anatomy.
17. Describe origin, course, branches of right coronary artery.
18. Describe boundaries and contents of carotid triangle.
19. Describe the extra ocular muscles in detail.
20. Describe the sulci, gyri and functional areas in superolateral surface of brain with neat labelled diagrams.
21. Describe the interior of right atrium in detail and add a note about its development and clinical anatomy.
22. Classify the white matter of cerebrum with examples and describe the internal capsule in detail. Add a note on its applied Anatomy.
23. Describe the blood supply of heart. Add a note about its clinical significance.
24. Classify Dural Venous Sinuses. Describe the Cavernous sinus in detail. Add a note on its applied anatomy.
25. Describe the Origin, Course, Relations, Branches and Clinical Anatomy of Abducent Nerve.
26. Describe in detail the parts, muscles, innervations, histology and development of tongue.
27. Situation, capsules, relations, blood supply, and applied anatomy of thyroid gland.

Write Short Notes Questions MBBS 1st Year:

1. Bronchopulmonary segments
2. Blood supply of heart
3. Third ventricle
4. Transverse section of midbrain at the level of inferior colliculus
5. with a labelled diagram
6. Torticollis
7. Thoracic duct
8. Secretomotor pathway of parotid gland
9. Draw and label the transverse section of thorax at T level
10. Infrahyoid muscles of neck
11. Interior of right atrium
12. Carotid triangle
13. Features of left ventricle
14. Histology of cerebrum
15. Hilum of lungs with labeled diagram
16. Cavernous sinus
17. Microstructure of tongue
18. Intercostal space
19. Recurrent laryngeal nerve
20. Relations of thyroid gland
21. Section of medulla oblongata at sensory decussation level with labelled diagram
22. Microstructure of thyroid gland
23. Extra-ocular muscles
24. Venous drainage of heart
25. Development of face
27. Rhomboid Fossa
28. Maxillary Air sinus
29. Labelled diagram of superolateral Surface of Cerebrum, indicating major Functional
30. Areas
31. Histology of Retina
32. Coronary Sinus
33. Ansa Cervicalis
34. Blood supply of Spinal cord
35. Derivatives of I Branchial Arch
36. Medial wall of Middle ear
37. Hyoglossus Muscle – attachments and Relations
38. Ciliary ganglion
39. Facial artery
40. Inter peduncular fossa
41. Mid line structures of the neck
42. Histology of cornea
43. Pleural recesses
44. Development of thyroid gland
45. Lateral medullary syndrome
46. Subclavian triangle
47. TS at the level of superior colliculus of mid brain
48. Development of face
49. Otic ganglion
50. Cerebellar peduncles
51. Right Atrium
52. Extraocular muscles
53. Palatine tonsil
54. Nerve Supply of tongue
55. Tympanic membrane
56. Bronchopulmonary segments
57. Ansacervicalis
58. Vocal cord
59. Hilum of right lung
60. Styloid apparatus
61. Histology of parathyroid gland
62. Development of interatrial septum
63. Parotid duct
64. Blood supply of spinal cord
65. Venous drainage of face
66. Middle meatus of nose
67. Carotid sheath
68. Development of tongue
69. Facial artery
70. Nerve supply of lacrimal gland
71. Histology of pituitary gland
72. Atlanto axial joints
73. Hyoglossus Muscle
74. Cardiac plexuses
75. Right coronary artery
76. Meditational surface of left lung
77. Klinefelter syndrome
78. Histology of Parotid gland
79. Histology of Cornea
80. Development of lung
81. Internal capsule
82. Typical intercostal nerve
83. Cavernous sinus
84. Connections of basal ganglia
85. Blood supply of thyroid gland
86. Lymphatic drainage of tongue
87. Maxillary air sinus
88. Azygos vein
89. Relations of arch of aorta
90. Left coronary artery
91. Histology of cerebral cortex
92. Corpus callosum
93. Horns of lateral ventricle
94. Contents of posterior triangle
95. Extrinsic muscles of tongue
96. Brachiocephalic vein
97. Development of atria
98. Pterion
99. Blood supply & nerve supply of scalp
100. nd pharyngeal arch
101. Histology of retina
102. Fourth ventricle
103. Name the muscles with nerve supply & action of tongue
104. Digastric triangle
105. Superior mediastinum
106. Down’s syndrome
107. Pericardial sinuses
108. Thoracic duct
109. Pericardium
110. Mediastinal surface of left lung
111. Venous drainage of heart
112. Sagital section of eye ball
113. Paranasal air sinuses (name, Functions, opening, area, applied aspects)
114. Part & Constituent fibres of internal capsule
115. Middle ear cavity
116. Meninges with Meningeal spaces
117. Supero lateral surface of cerebrum
118. Parts of corpus callosum
119. Name the extra ocular muscles
120. Facial artery in face
121. Formation of superior vena cava
122. Phrenic nerve
123. Lateral pterygoid muscle
124. Styloid process-structures attached
125. Surfaces, borders of thyroid gland
126. Muscles of tongue
127. Posterior horn of lateral ventricle
128. Blood supply of spinal cord
129. Parts, deep nuclei, and arterial supply of cerebellum
130. Ansa cervicalis
131. Fourth ventricle
132. Interior of right atrium
133. Sternocleidomastoid
134. Superior sagittal sinus
135. Root of lung
136. Arterial supply of heart
137. Pleural recesses
138. Ansa cervicalis
139. Ciliary ganglion
140. Parts, arterial supply of Interventricular septum
141. Cardiac plexus
142. Middle ear
143. Origin, Termination and applied anatomy of internal mammary artery
144. Digastric triangle
145. Third ventricle
146. Medulla oblongata at mid olivary level
147. Superior mediastinum
148. Lateral wall of nose
149. Midbrain at superior collicular level
150. Eustachian tube
151. Typical intercostals nerves
152. Lacrimal apparatus
153. Sulci, gyri and functional areas of supero – lateral surface of cerebrum
154. Nucleus, course, distribution and applied anatomy of Hypoglossal nerve
155. Blood supply of Brain
156. Draw a labeled diagram of Blood Supply of Thyroid Gland with its development
157. Left Coronary Artery
158. Nucleus, course, distribution and applied anatomy of Trochlear nerve
159. Circle of Willis
160. Fourth ventricle
161. Azygos vein

Write Short Answer Questions MBBS 1st Year:

1. Pericardial sinuses
2. Epistaxis
3. Sibson’s fascia
4. Fallot’s tetrology
5. Development of tongue
6. Histology of cerebrum
7. Enumerate the nuclei of cerebellum
8. Deep cardiac plexus
9. Formation and contents of carotid sheath
10. Bell’s palsy
11. Wharton’s duct
12. Waldeyer’s ring
13. Structures related to lateral wall of cavernous sinus
14. Mention the branches of ophthalmic nerve
15. Histology of retina
16. Thyroglossal duct
17. Name the branches of facial artery in face
18. Tonsillar bed
19. Pleural recesses
20. Millard-Gubler syndrome
21. Modifications of cranial pia mater
22. Formation and termination of external jugular vein
23. Development of thyroid gland
24. Nerve supply of pinna
25. Superior orbital fissure
26. Branches of internal carotid artery
27. Dangerous area of face
28. Trigeminal neuralgia
29. Intrinsic muscles of larynx and nerve supply
30. Parotid duct
31. Branches of internal thoracic artery
32. Wallenberg syndrome
33. Contents of posterior mediastinum
34. Pterygopalatine ganglion
35. Formation of superior venacava
36. Bell’s Palsy
37. Derivatives of second pharyngeal arch
38. Structures forming limbic system
39. Development of pituitary gland
40. Transverse sinus of pericardium
41. Superior orbital fissure
42. Enumerate nuclei of cerebellum
43. Components of basal ganglia
44. Waldeyer’s ring
45. Structures inside parotid gland
46. Pterion
47. Wry neck
48. Name any four branches of external carotid artery
49. Killian’s dehiscence
50. Fibrous skeleton of heart
51. Name the bones meeting at pterion
52. Indicate the sinuses of the pericardium
53. Name the terminal branches of internal thoracic Artery
54. Indicate the Paleocerebellar deep nuclei
55. Name the muscles attached to the cricoid cartilage
56. Name two Sensory thalamic nuclei
57. Name the structures passing through internal acoustic meatus
58. Name the two parts of orlicularis occuli
59. Name the Lingual papillae
60. Indicate the venous sinuses related to the falx cerebri
61. What is ligamentum arteriosum?
62. Significance of pyriform fossa
63. Name the muscles of mastication
64. Give the sub divisions of mediastinum
65. What are Hassal’s corpuscles?
66. Name the splanchnic nerves in the thoracic region
67. What is danger area of face?
68. Give the attachment of supra pleural membrane
69. What is insula?
70. What is visual stria?
71. Draw and label the histology of trachea
72. Name the structures present in the lateral wall of cavernous sinus
73. Nerve supply of larynx
74. Parts of corpus callosum
75. Four derivatives of ectoderm
76. Enumerate four branches of st part of maxillary artery
77. Structures passing through the foramen ovale
78. Tributaries of coronary sinus
79. Name the bones forming the nasal septum
80. Name muscles of mastication
81. Name the bones taking part in the formation of nasal septum
82. Name the structures passing through foramen spinosum
83. Name any two nerves emerging from medulla oblongata
84. Name any two structures in relation to mediastinal surface of left lung
85. Name the parts of lacrimal apparatus
86. Name the arteries which supply the heart
87. Name the infrahyoid muscles of the neck
88. Name the muscles of mastication
89. Name the terminal branches of facial nerve
90. Name the unpaired cartilages of the larynx
91. Mention different parts of Diencephalon
92. Emissary Veins
93. Lacus lacrimalis
94. Lymphatic drainage of the face
95. Horner’s Syndrome
96. Histology of skeletal muscle
97. Triangle of koch
98. Barr body
99. Types of Chromosomes
100. Bones derived from st pharyngeal arch
101. Enumerate the muscles of palate
102. Two features of Naso-pharynx
103. Congenital anomalies of ventricles of heart
104. Derivatives of second pharyngeal arch
105. Arteries supplying the spinal cord
106. Boundaries of sub-mental triangle
107. Structures present at hilum of left lung
108. Name the unpaired dural venous sinuses
109. Intrinsic muscles of larynx
110. Waldeyer’s ring
111. Interventricular septum
112. Costodiaphragmatic recess
113. Tricuspid valve
114. Oblique fissure of lung
115. Demilunes
116. Falx cerebelli
117. Substantia nigra
118. List special somatic afferent nuclei
119. Functional areas of superior temporal gyrus
120. Waldeyer’s ring
121. Middle cervical ganglion
122. Parotid duct
123. Fenestra vestibule
124. Epicranial aponeurosis
125. Derivatives of third aortic arch
126. Parts of corpus callosum
127. Deep nuclei of cerebellum
128. Tentorium cerebelli
129. Name any four branches of external carotid artery
130. Name the components of lacrimal apparatus
131. Name the extraocular muscles of eyeball
132. Development of pituitary gland (in brief)
133. Mention the boundaries of laryngeal inlet
134. Right principal bronchus
135. Pleural diaphragm
136. Moderator band
137. Triangle of Koch
138. Simple squamous epithelium
139. Mention the four features of Tetralogy of Fallot
140. Mention the bones of middle ear cavity
141. Supra sternal space of Burns
142. Dangerous area of face
143. Structures passing through foreman ovale
144. Boundaries of Laryngeal inlet
145. Branches of ascending & arch of aorta
146. Lumbar puncture
147. Pterion
148. Apex beat
149. Contents of posterior Mediastinum
150. Applied aspects of pleura
151. Terminal branches of external carotid artery
152. Arterial supply to pituitary
153. Dangerous area of face
154. Opening of maxillary sinus
155. Auditory tube openings
156. Blood supply to tonsil
157. Nerve supply and action of cricothyroid muscle
158. Attachment of vocalcord
159. Blood supply to lung
160. Terminal branches of internal thoracic artery
161. Parts of the sensory nucleus of trigeminal nerve
162. Dangerous area of scalp
163. Surface marking of apex beat of heart
164. Lobe of azygos
165. Formation and termination of internal jugular vein
166. Boundaries and applied anatomy of Piriform recess
167. Blood supply of internal capsule
168. Parts of corpus callosum
169. Root value of phrenic nerve and name the structures supplied by it
170. Olive
171. Formation of basal vein
172. Surface marking of apex beat of heart
173. Blood supply of internal capsule
174. Parts of caudate nucleus
175. Dangerous area of scalp
176. Patent ductus arteriosus
177. Formation and distribution of spinal part of the accessory nerve
178. Name any four branches of external carotid artery
179. Define typical intercostal nerve with example
180. Tributaries of cavernous sinus
181. Orbicularis oculi muscle
182. Blood supply of thyroid gland
183. Azygos vein
184. Pleural recesses
185. Histology of thymus
186. Boundaries and contents of sub occipital triangle
187. Pineal gland
188. Lateral medullary syndrome
189. Lumbar puncture
190. Development of tongue
191. Inferior constrictor of pharynx
192. Blood supply of spinal cord
193. Carotid sheath
194. Left brachiocephalic vein
195. Histology of thyroid gland
196. Parkinsonism
197. Pterygopalatine ganglion
198. Structures present at T level
199. Hilum of right lung
200. Development of pituitary gland
201. Falx cerebri
202. Superior laryngeal nerve
203. Histology of cerebellum
204. Muscles of mastication
205. Development of interatrial septum
206. Maxillary sinus
207. Basilar artery
208. Vocal cords
209. Bell’s palsy
210. Broncho – pulmonary segments
211. Nasal Septum
212. Floor of th
213. Ventricle
214. Histology of Palatine Tonsil
215. Otic Ganglion
216. Cross sectional diagram of a typical intercostal space
217. Fallot’s Tetralogy
218. Corpus Callosum
219. Interior of Right Atrium
220. Boundaries and Contents of Posterior Mediastinum
221. Muscles of Tongue
222. Histological Layers of Cornea
223. Cricoid Cartilage – Characteristic Features
224. Branches of Descending Thoracic Aorta
225. Pleural Recesses
226. Waldeyer’s Ring
227. Buccinator muscle
228. Sub Clavian Vein – Formation, Course and Termination
229. Derivatives of Neural Tube
230. Area of Epistaxis
231. Thoracic Duct – Area of Drainage
232. Middle meatus of nose
233. Rathke’s pouch
234. Histology of thyroid gland
235. Cross sectional diagram at the level of lower pons
236. Coronary sinus
237. Recurrent Laryngeal nerve
238. Arch of Aorta
239. Cervical sinus
240. Boundaries and contents of superior mediastinum
241. Sternocleidomastoid muscle
242. Histology of skin
243. Development of palatine tonsil
244. Orbicularis occuli
245. Little’s area
246. Maxillary sinus
247. Thoracic part of trachea
248. Left coronary artery
249. Cross section of midbrain at the level of superior colliculus
250. Corpus callosum
251. List out paired dural venous sinuses



Above mbbs Important Questions frequently asked from last 10 years 2010-2020.  These questions are very usefull to all mbbs first year students.


Crimea State Medical Academy
Northern State Medical University
Rostov State Medical University
Omsk State Medical University
Russian Education Center – Medical University in Russia
Amur State Medical Academy
Arkhangelsk State Medical Academy
Astrakhan State Medical Academy
Bashkir State Medical University
Chechen State University
Chelyabinsk State Medical University
Chita State Medical Academy
Chuvashia State University, Medical Faculty
Medical Academy named after S.I. Georgievsky of Vernadsky CFU
Dagestan State Medical University
Khabarovsk State Medical Institute
I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University
Irkutsk State Medical University
Ivanovo State Medical Academy
Izhevsk State Medical Academy
State Classical Academy(Moscow), Faculty of Medicine
Kabardino-Balkarian State University, Medical Faculty
Kemerovo State Medical Academy
Kirov State Medical Institute
Krasnoyarsk Medical Academy
Kuban State Medical University
Kursk State Medical University
Tver State Medical Academy
Kazan State Medical University
M.K. Ammosov Sakha (Yakutsk) State University, Faculty of Medicine
Kirov Military Medical Academy
Mordovian Ogarev State University, Faculty of Medicine
Moscow Medical Stomatology Institute, Medical Faculty
Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry
Moscow State University (M.V. Lomonosov)
Nizhny Novgorod State Medical Academy, Faculty of Medicine
North Ossetian State Medical Academy
Medical Institute of North-Caucasian State Humanitarian Technological Academy
Novgorod State University (Jaroslav the Wise), Faculty of Medicine
Novosibirsk Medical Institute
Omsk State Medical Academy
Orenburg State Medical Academy
Orel State University, Medical Institute
Penza state medical university
Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, Faculty of Medicine
Perm State Medical University
Petrozavodsk State University, Faculty of Medicine
Rostov State Medical University
Russian National Research Medical University named after N.I. Pirogov, (formerly known as Russian State Medical University (RSMU)
Ryazan State Medical University, Faculty for post graduates in English
Facultés universitaires Notre-Dame de la Paix – Faculty of Medicine
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven – Faculty of Medicine
Université Catholique de Louvain – Faculty of Medicine and Dental Sciences
Université de Liège – Faculty of Medicine
Université de Mons – Faculty of Medicine
Université Libre de Bruxelles – Faculty of Medicine
Universiteit Antwerpen – Faculty of Medicine
Universiteit Gent – Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences
Universiteit Hasselt – Faculty of Medicine
Vrije Universiteit Brussel – Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Faculty of Medicine, University of Banja Luka
Faculty of Medicine, University of East Sarajevo
Faculty of Medicine, University of Mostar
Faculty of Medicine, University of Sarajevo, taught also in English (public)
Faculty of Medicine, University of Tuzla
Sarajevo Medical School, taught in English (private)
International University of Goražde, taught in English (private)
Medical University Pleven – Faculty of Medicine
Medical University of Plovdiv
Medical University of Sofia – Faculty of Medicine
Medical University of Varna – Faculty of Medicine
Sofia University – Faculty of Medicine
Trakia University of Stara Zagora – Faculty of Medicine
School of Medicine, Juraj Dobrila University of Pula[1]
School of Medicine, University of Osijek
School of Medicine, University of Rijeka
School of Medicine, University of Split
School of Medicine, University of Zagreb
Medical School, University of Cyprus
Saint George’s Medical School in Cyprus
School of Medicine, European University Cyprus
University of Nicosia Medical School
Czech Republic
Charles University has three faculties in Prague and two outside:
Charles University in Prague, First Faculty of Medicine
Charles University in Prague, Second Faculty of Medicine
Charles University in Prague, Third Faculty of Medicine
Charles University, Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové
Charles University, Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen
Faculty of Military Health Sciences, University of Defence
Masaryk University, Faculty of Medicine
Palacký University of Olomouc, Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, taught also in English
University of Ostrava, Faculty of Medicine
Aalborg University, Faculty of Health Sciences
Aarhus University, Health
University of Copenhagen Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences
University of Southern Denmark, Faculty of Health Sciences, Odense
University of Tartu, Faculty of Medicine
University of Eastern Finland – School of Medicine, Kuopio
University of Helsinki – Faculty of Medicine
University of Oulu – Faculty of Medicine
University of Tampere – Faculty of Medicine
University of Turku – Faculty of Medicine
Many French universities have a medical school, called UFR de Médecine, where UFR stands for Unité de Formation et de Recherche, or “Unit for training and research” in English.

Aix-Marseille University, Marseille
University of Angers
University of Antilles-Guyane
Victor Segalen Bordeaux 2 University
University of Burgundy
University of Western Brittany
University of Caen Lower Normandy
University of Auvergne (Clermont-Ferrand I)
University of Franche-Comté
Joseph Fourier University (Grenoble I)
Université Lille Nord de France – Campus Lille II
University of Limoges
Claude Bernard University Lyon 1, two UFR of Medicine: Lyon Est and Lyon Sud
Jean Monnet University (Saint-Étienne)
University of Montpellier 1
Henri Poincaré University (Nancy I)
University of Nantes
University of Nice Sophia Antipolis
University of New Caledonia – only the first year
Paris Descartes University (Paris 5)
Pierre and Marie Curie University (Paris 6)
Paris Diderot University (Paris 7)
Paris-Sud 11 University
Paris 12 Val de Marne University
Paris 13 University (Paris North)
University of Picardy-Jules Verne (Amiens)
University of Poitiers
University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne
University of Rennes 1
University of Rouen
University of Strasbourg
Paul Sabatier University (Toulouse III), two UFR – Purpan and Rangueil
François Rabelais University (Tours)
Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines University
BAU International University, Batumi
David Tvildiani Medical University
Tbilisi State Medical University, Georgia
Petre Shotadze Tbilisi Medical Academy
New Vision University, Tbilisi, Georgia
Akaki Tsereteli State university, Kutaisi, Georgia
Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Georgia
David Aghmashenebeli University of Georgia, Tbilisi, Georgia
European university faculty of medicine
Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg
Ruprecht Karl University of Heidelberg
Faculty of Medicine Mannheim, University of Heidelberg
Eberhard Karl University of Tübingen
University of Ulm
Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen and Nürnberg
Ludwigs-Maximilians University of Munich (LMU)
Technical University of Munich (TU)
University of Regensburg
Julius Maximilian University of Würzburg
Charité – University Medicine Berlin of Freie Universität Berlin and the Humboldt University of Berlin
Universitätsklinikum Benjamin Franklin, Berlin (since 2003 merged with Charité)
Free Hanseatic City of Bremen
Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg
University of Hamburg (University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf)
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe University of Frankfurt am Main
Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen
Philipps University of Marburg
Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania
Ernst Moritz Arndt University of Greifswald
Medizinische Fakultät, Universität Rostock, Rostock
North Rhine – Westphalia
Rhenish Westphalian Technical University of Aachen
University Hospitals of the Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Rhenish Friedrich Wilhelm University of Bonn
University of Cologne
Heinrich-Heine University of Düsseldorf
University of Duisburg-Essen, Essen
Westphalian University of Münster
Witten/Herdecke University
Lower Saxony
Georgia-Augusta University of Göttingen
Medical University of Hannover (MHH)
University of Oldenburg, European Medical School
Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz
Universitat des Saarlandes, Saarbrücken/Campus Homburg
Otto-Guericke-University of Magdeburg
Martin-Luther University of Halle and Wittenberg
Dresden (TU)
Leipzig University
Christian-Albrecht University of Kiel
Medical University of Lübeck
Friedrich Schiller University Jena
Asklepios Medical School
University of Athens
University of Crete
University of Ioannina
University of Patras
University of Thessaloniki
University of Thessaly
University of Thrace
University of Szeged Medical school
Semmelweis University of Medical Sciences Budapest
University of Debrecen Medical School
University of Pécs Medical School
University of Iceland
National University of Ireland, Galway
Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland
Trinity College Dublin
University College Cork
University College Dublin
University of Limerick
D’Annunzio University of Chieti–Pescara, Chieti
University of L’Aquila, L’Aquila
University of Bari
University of Bari – taught in English
University of Foggia
University of Catanzaro
University of Naples
University of Naples – taught in English
University of Naples II (in Caserta and in Naples)
University of Naples II – taught in English (in Naples)
University of Salerno (in Baronissi)
University of Bologna
University of Bologna – taught in English
University of Ferrara
University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Modena
University of Parma
Friuli-Venezia Giulia
University of Trieste
University of Udine
University of Rome La Sapienza (in Rome)
University of Rome La Sapienza (in Latina)
University of Rome La Sapienza – taught in English
University of Rome Tor Vergata
University of Rome Tor Vergata – taught in English
University of Genoa
University of Brescia
University of Milan
University of Milan, taught in English
University of Milan – Bicocca (in Monza)
University of Milan – Bicocca, taught in English in Bergamo
University of Insubria (in Varese)
University of Pavia
University of Pavia , taught in English
Marche Polytechnic University (in Ancona, Marche) (1970)
University of Molise (in Campobasso)
University of Eastern Piedmont (in Alessandria)
University of Eastern Piedmont (in Novara)
University of Turin (in Turin)
University of Turin, taught in English in Orbassano
University of Cagliari
University of Sassari
Biomedical University of Rome
Saint Camillus International University of Health and Medical Sciences, Rome – taught in English
Universita Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Rome (Catholic)
Universita Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Rome – taught in English (Catholic)
Humanitas University, in Pieve Emanuele, taught in English
Vita-Salute San Raffaele University, Milan (Catholic)
Vita-Salute San Raffaele University, Milan – in English (Catholic)

University of Pristina – Faculty of Medicine (Universiteti i Prishtines – Fakulteti i Mjekesise)
Riga Stradiņš University
University of Latvia
Lithuanian University of Health Sciences
Vilnius University – Faculty of Medicine
Republic of North Macedonia
St. Cyril and Methodius University – Skopje, Faculty of Medicine
Goce Delčev University of Štip – Faculty for Medical Sciences
State University of Tetovo – Faculty of Medical Sciences | (Universiteti Shteteror i Tetoves ; Univerzitet vo Tetovo)
University of Malta, Faculty of Medicine & Surgery
The State Medical and Pharmaceutical University “Nicolae Testemiţanu”
University of Montenegro – Faculty of Medicine
*[[International University School of Medicine]]

Universiteit van Amsterdam, Faculty of Medicine
VU University Medical Center Amsterdam, Faculty of Medicine
University of Groningen, Faculty of Medicine
University of Leiden, Faculty of Medicine
Universiteit Maastricht, Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences
Radboud University Nijmegen, Faculty of Medicine
Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam, Faculty of Medicine
Universiteit Utrecht, Faculty of Medicine
Saba University School of Medicine
International University School of Medicine
Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Medicine (in Trondheim)
University of Bergen

Universidad de Alcalá – Facultad de Medicina, Alcalá de Henares
Universidad Alfonso X El Sabio: Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud, Madrid
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona: Facultad de Medicina, Cerdanyola del Vallès
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid: Facultad de Medicina, Madrid
Universitat de Barcelona – Facultad de Medicina, Barcelona
Universidad de Cádiz – Facultad de Medicina, Cádiz
Universidad de Cantabria – Facultad de Medicina, Santander, Spain
University of Castilla–La Mancha: Facultad de Medicina, Albacete
University of Castilla–La Mancha: Facultad de Medicina, Ciudad Real
Valencia Catholic University Saint Vincent Martyr: Facultad de Psicología y Ciencias de la Salud, Valencia
CEU San Pablo University: Facultad de Medicina, Madrid/Alcorcón
Universidad CEU Cardenal Herrera: Facultad de Medicina, Castellón de la Plana
Universidad Complutense de Madrid – Facultad de Medicina, Madrid
Universidad de Córdoba – Facultad de Medicina, Córdoba
University of the Basque Country: Facultad de Medicina y Odontología, Leioa
Universidad Europea de Madrid: Facultad de Medicina, Villaviciosa de Odón
Universidad de Extremadura – Facultad de Medicina, Badajoz
Universidad Francisco de Vitoria: Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud, Pozuelo de Alarcón
Universitat de Girona: Facultad de Medicina, Girona
Universidad de Granada – Facultad de Medicina, Granada
Universitat Internacional de Catalunya: Facultad de Medicina y Ciencias de la Salud, Sant Cugat del Vallès
Universidad de La Laguna – Facultad de Medicina, San Cristóbal de La Laguna and Santa Cruz de Tenerife
Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria: Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud, Las Palmas De Gran Canaria
Universitat de Lleida: Facultad de Medicina, Lleida
Universidad de Málaga – Facultad de Medicina, Málaga
Miguel Hernández University of Elche: Facultad de Medicina, Sant Joan d’Alacant
Universidad de Murcia – Facultad de Medicina, Murcia
Universidad de Navarra: Facultad de Medicina, Pamplona
Universidad de Oviedo – Facultad de Medicina, Oviedo
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos: Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud, Alcorcón
Universitat Rovira i Virgili: Facultad de Medicina y Ciencias de la Salud, Reus
Universidad de Salamanca: Facultad de Medicina, Salamanca
Universidad de Santiago de Compostela – Facultad de Medicina y Odontología, Santiago de Compostela
Universidad de Sevilla – Facultad de Medicina, Seville
Universidad de Valladolid – Facultad de Medicina, Valladolid
Universitat de València – Facultad de Medicina y Odontología, Valencia
Universidad de Zaragoza – Facultad de Medicina, Zaragoza
Gothenburg University, Institute of Medicine
Karolinska Institutet
Linköping University, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences
Lund University, Faculty of Medicine
Malmö University, Faculty of Odontology
Umeå University, Faculty of Medicine
Uppsala University Faculty of Medicine
Örebro University, Faculty of Medicine and Health
University of Basel
University of Berne
University of Geneva
University of Fribourg
University of Lausanne
University of Zurich
Near East University Faculty of Medicine
Abant Izzet Baysal University
Acıbadem University School of Medicine
Adıyaman University
Adnan Menderes University
Afyon Kocatepe University
Akdeniz Üniversitesi
Ankara Üniversitesi
Atatürk University
Balıkesir University
Başkent University
Bezmialem Vakif University
Bülent Ecevit University
Celal Bayar University
Cumhuriyet University
Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University
Çukurova Üniversitesi
Dicle University
Dokuz Eylul University
Dumlupınar University
Düzce University
Ege University
Erciyes University
Eskişehir Osmangazi University
Fatih University
Fırat University
Gazi Üniversitesi
University of Gaziantep
Gaziosmanpaşa University
Giresun University
Gülhane Military Medical Academy
Hacettepe University
Harran University
İnönü University
Istanbul Bilim University
Istanbul Medipol University
Istanbul University Istanbul Medical Faculty
Istanbul University Cerrahpaşa Medical Faculty
Karadeniz Technical University
Kırıkkale University
Kocaeli University
Koç University
Maltepe University
Marmara University
Mersin University
Mugla Sitki Kocman University
Mevlana University
Mustafa Kemal University
Necmettin Erbakan University
Ondokuz Mayıs University
Pamukkale Üniversitesi
Selçuk University
Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi
Trakya University
Turgut Özal University
Ufuk University
Uludağ Üniversitesi
Van Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi
Yeditepe University
Yıldırım Beyazit Universitesi
Uzhhorod National University
Kyiv Medical University
Bukovinian State Medical University
O.O. Bogomolets National Medical University
Ukrainian Medical And Dental Academy
Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology, Kiev
Crimea State Medical University
Danylo Halytsky Lviv State Medical University, Faculty of medicine
Dnipropetrovsk State Medical Academy
Donetsk National Medical University
Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University
Vasyl Karazin Kharkiv National University, School of Fundamental Medicine
Kharkiv Medical Academy of Post-graduate Education
Kharkiv National Medical University
Lugansk State Medical University
Odessa National Medical University
Sumy State University, medical institute
Ternopil State Medical University
Vinnytsia State M.I. Pirogov Memorial Medical University
Zaporizhia State Medical University
The International Academy of ecology and medicine
United Kingdom
Anglia Ruskin University School of Medicine, Chelmsford
Aston University Medical School, Birmingham
Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry, London
Brighton and Sussex Medical School, Brighton
Bristol Medical School, Bristol
Durham University School of Medicine and Health
Edge Hill University Medical School, Ormskirk
Hull York Medical School, York
Imperial College School of Medicine, London
Keele University School of Medicine
King’s College London School of Medicine and Dentistry, London
Lancaster Medical School, Lancaster, Lancashire
Leeds School of Medicine, Leeds
Leicester Medical School, Leicester
Liverpool Medical School, Liverpool
Manchester Medical School, Manchester
Medical Sciences Division, University of Oxford, Oxford
Newcastle University Medical School, Newcastle upon Tyne
Norwich Medical School at the University of East Anglia, Norwich
Peninsula College of Medicine and Dentistry, Plymouth
St George’s, University of London
School of Clinical Medicine, University of Cambridge, Cambridge
Sheffield Medical School, Sheffield
Southampton Medical School, Southampton
UCL Medical School, London
University of Birmingham Medical School, Birmingham
University of Buckingham Medical School, Buckingham
University of Central Lancashire School of Medicine, Preston
University of Exeter Medical School, Exeter
University of Nottingham Medical School, Derby (graduate-entry)
University of Nottingham Medical School, Lincoln
University of Nottingham Medical School, Nottingham
University of Sunderland School of Medicine, Sunderland
Warwick Medical School, Coventry
Northern Ireland
Queen’s University Belfast Medical School, Belfast
University of Aberdeen School of Medicine
University of St Andrews School of Medicine
Dundee Medical School
University of Edinburgh Medical School
Glasgow Medical School
Cardiff University School of Medicine, Cardiff
Swansea University Medical School

University of Catania
University of Messina
University of Messina, taught in English
University of Palermo (in Palermo; in Caltanissetta: only 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th-year students)
University of Florence
University of Pisa
University of Siena
University of Perugia, Perugia
University of Perugia, Terni
University of Padova, in Padua and Treviso (only 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th-year students)
University of Verona
Saint Petersburg State Mechnikov Medical Academy
Saint Petersburg Medical Academy of Postgraduate Studies
https://web.archive.org/web/20161119151024/http://www.spb-gmu.ru/ Saint Petersburg State Pavlov Medical University
Saint Petersburg State Pediatric Medical Academy
Saint Petersburg Medico-Social Institute(SPb MSI)
Yerevan State Medical University
University of Traditional Medicine
St. Theresa’s Medical University of Yerevan
University of Medicine, Tirana – Faculty of Medicine
Catholic University “Our Lady of Good Counsel” – Faculty of Medicine
Medical University of Innsbruck
Karl Landsteiner University of Health Sciences
The Faculty of Medicine at the Johannes Kepler University Linz
Medical University of Graz
Medical University of Vienna
Paracelsus Medical University
Saint Petersburg State University, Faculty of Medicine
Samara State Medical University, Medical Institute
Saratov State Medical University
Siberian State Medical University
Smolensk State Medical Academy
Stavropol State Medical Academy
Tver State Medical Academy
Tyumen State Medical Academy(TSMA)
Ural State Medical University
Vladivostok State Medical University
The Volgograd State Medical University
Voronezh N. N. Burdenko State Medical Academy
Yakutsk State University
Yaroslavl State Medical Academy, Medical Faculty
Far Eastern Federal University
Andhra Medical College, Visakhapatnam
Sri Venkateswara Medical College, Tirupati
Sri Venkateswara Institute of Medical Sciences, Tirupati
Government Medical College, Srikakulam
Government Medical College, Anantapur
Guntur Medical College, Guntur
Kurnool Medical College, Kurnool
Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences, Ongole
Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences, Kadapa
Rangaraya Medical College, Kakinada
Siddhartha Medical College, Vijayawada
A. C. Subba Reddy Government Medical College, Nellore

Private colleges
Gitam Institute of Medical Science and Research, Visakhapatnam
Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Medical Sciences, Puttaparthi
Alluri Sitarama Raju Academy of Medical Sciences, Eluru
Maharaja Institute of Medical Sciences, Vizianagaram
NRI Institute of Medical Sciences, Visakhapatnam
NRI Medical College, Guntur
P. B. Siddhartha College of Arts and Science, Vijayawada
Dr. Pinnammaneni Siddhartha Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Foundation, Vijayawada
Fatima Institute of Medical Sciences, Kadapa
G.S.L. Medical College, Rajahmundry
Great Eastern Medical School and Hospital, Srikakulam
Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research
Government Medical College and Hospital Chandigarh
All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Raipur
Chhattisgarh Institute of Medical Sciences, Bilaspur
Government Medical College, Raigarh
Government Medical College, Rajnandgaon
Late Baliram Kashyap Memorial Government Medical College, Jagdalpur
Pt. Jawahar Lal Nehru Memorial Medical College, Raipur
Raipur Institute of Medical Sciences, Raipur
Goa Medical College, Bambolim, Panaji
Shri Kamaxshi Devi Homeopathic Medical College & Hospital
AMC MET Medical College, Maninagar
Baroda Medical College, Vadodara
B.J. Medical College, Ahmedabad[17]
Government Medical College, Surat[18]
Gujarat Adani Institute of Medical Sciences, Bhuj
M. P. Shah Medical College[19]
Manubhai Patel Dental College, Baroda
Pandit Deendayal Upadhyay Medical College
Smt. NHL Municipal Medical College, Ahmedabad
Surat Municipal Institute of Medical Education and Research
Main article: List of Medical, Ayurvedic, Dental, Physiotherapy, Nursing and Para-medical colleges in Haryana
Government Medical Colleges
Bhagat Phool Singh Medical College, Sonipat, 100 seats
ESIC Medical College, Faridabad, 100 seats
Kalpana Chawla Government Medical College, Karnal, 100 seats
Pandit Bhagwat Dayal Sharma Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences, Rohtak, 200 seats
Shaheed Hasan Khan Mewati Government Medical College, Nalhar, Mewat, 100 seats
Total: 600 seats

Private medical colleges
Maharaja Agrasen Medical College, Agroha, Hisar, 100 seats
Maharishi Markandeshwar Institute of Medical Sciences and Research, Ambala, 100 seats
Shree Guru Gobind Singh Tricentenary University (SGT Medical College), Bhudera, Gurgaon, 150 seats
Total: 1400 seats[20]

Jammu & Kashmir
Government Medical College, Srinagar
Sher-i-Kashmir Institute of Medical Sciences
Government Medical College, Jammu
Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Medical College, Jamshedpur
Patliputra Medical College and Hospital
Rajendra Institute of Medical Sciences
A J Institute of Medical Science, Mangalore
Al-Ameen Medical College, Bijapur
Bangalore Medical College and Research Institute, Bangalore
Bidar Institute of Medical Sciences, Bidar
ESIC Medical College, Gulbarga
Father Muller Medical College, Mangalore
Gulbarga Institute of Medical Sciences, Gulbarga
Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College, Belgaum
JSS medical college, Mysore
Karnataka Institute of Medical Sciences, Hubli
Kasturba Medical College, Mangalore
Kasturba Medical College, Manipal
Kempegowda Institute of Medical Sciences, Bangalore
Khaja Banda Nawaz Institute of Medical Sciences, Gulbarga
Koppal Institute of Medical Sciences, Koppal
KS Hegde Medical Academy Mangalore
Mysore Medical College
Mahadevappa Rampure Medical College, Gulbarga.
National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences, Bangalore
Navodaya Medical College, Raichur
Rajarajeswari Medical College and Hospital, Bangalore
S Nijalingappa Medical College, HSK (Hanagal Shree Kumareshwar) Hospital and Research Centre
S. S. Institute of Medical Sciences, Davangere
Sri Devaraj Urs Medical College, Kolar
Shimoga Institute of Medical Sciences, Shimoga
St John’s Medical College, Bangalore
Vijayanagara Institute of Medical Sciences
Vydehi Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Centre
Government Medical Colleges
Government Medical College, Thiruvananthapuram
Government Medical College, Kozhikode
Government Medical College, Kottayam
Government T D Medical College, Alappuzha
Government Medical College, Thrissur
Government Medical College, Ernakulam
Government Medical College, Manjeri
Government Medical College, Palakkad
Government Medical College, Idukki
Government Medical College, Kollam
Government Sponsored Self Financing
Academy of Medical Sciences, Pariyaram, Kannur
Private self-financing
Al Azhar Medical College, Thodupuzha, Idukki
Amala Institute of Medical Sciences, Thrissur
Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Centre, Kochi
Azeezia Institute of Medical Sciences & Research, Meeyyannoor, Kollam, Kollam
Believers Church Medical College Hospital, Pathanamthitta
DM Wayanad Institute of Medical sciences, Wayanad
Dr. Somervell Memorial CSI Medical College, Thiruvananthapuram
Jubilee Mission Medical College and Research Institute, Thrissur
Kannur Medical College, Kannur
Karuna Medical College, Palakkad
Kerala Medical College, Palakkad
KMCT Medical College, Mukkam, Kozhikode
Malabar Medical College, Kozhikode
Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church Medical Mission Hospital, Ernakulam
MES Academy of Medical Sciencesm Malappuram
Mount Zion Medical College, Pathanamthitta
PK Das Institute of Medical Sciences, Palakkad
Pushpagiri Medical College, Thiruvalla
Sree Gokulam Medical College & Research Foundation, Thiruvananthapuram
Sree Narayana Institute of Medical Sciences, Ernakulam
SUT Medical College, Thiruvananthapuram
Travancore Medical College Hospital, Kollam
SR Medical College Hospital, Varkala
Colleges run by the Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai
Hinduhridaysamrat Balasaheb Thackeray Medical College and Dr. R. N. Cooper Municipal General Hospital, Juhu, Mumbai
King Edward Memorial Hospital and Seth Gordhandas Sunderdas Medical College, Parel, Mumbai
Lokmanya Tilak Municipal General Hospital, Sion, Mumbai
Topiwala National Medical College and BYL Nair Charitable Hospital, Mumbai Central, Mumbai
Colleges run by the Government of Maharashtra
Armed Forces Medical College, Pune (run by the Government of India; exams conducted by Maharashtra University of Health Sciences)
B. J. Medical College, Pune
Dr. Shankarrao Chavan Government Medical College, Nanded
Dr. V. M. Government Medical College
Government Medical College, Akola
Government Medical College, Aurangabad
Government Medical College & General Hospital, Baramati
Government Medical College, Chandrapur
Government Medical College, Latur
Government Medical College, Miraj
Government Medical College, Nagpur
Indira Gandhi Government Medical College, Nagpur
Grant Medical College, Byculla, Mumbai
Rajiv Gandhi Medical College, Kalwa, Thane (run by the Thane Municipal Corporation)
R.C.S.M. Govt Medical College and CPR Hospital, Kolhapur
Shri Bhausaheb Hire Government Medical College, Dhule
Shri Vasantrao Naik Government Medical College, Yavatmal
Swami Ramanand Teerth Rural Medical College, Ambajogai
Government Medical College, Jalgaon
Government Medical College, Gondia
Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences, Wardha (Government of India and Government of Maharashtra aided)
Private Medical Colleges and Deemed Medical Colleges
ACPM Medical College
Ashwini Medical College Hospital, Solapur
Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University Medical College and Hospital, Pune
Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University Medical College and Hospital, Sangli
Dr. D. Y. Patil Medical College, Hospital & Research Centre, Kohlapur
Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Memorial Medical College
K. J. Somaiya Medical College & Research Centre, Mumbai
Maharashtra Institute of Medical Science and Research, Latur
Maharashtra Institute of Medical Education and Research (MIMER), Talegaon (D), Pune
Terna Medical College, Navi Mumbai
BKL Walawalkar Rural Medical College, Ratnagiri
Dr Ulhas Patil Medical College and General Hospital, Jalgaon
Dr. D. Y. Patil Medical College Hospital and Research Centre, Pune
Dr. D. Y. Patil Medical College, Navi Mumbai
Dr. Vasantrao Pawar Medical College, Hospital & Research Center, Nashik
Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College, Wardha
Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences, Karad
MGM Medical College and Hospital, Navi Mumbai
MGM Medical College, Aurangabad
NKP Salve Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Centre and Lata Mangeshkar Hospital, Nagpur
Rural Medical College of Pravara Institute of Medical Sciences, Loni
SMBT Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Center, Nashik
Smt. Kashibai Navale Medical College and General Hospital, Pune
Vikhe Patil Institute of Medical Sciences, Ahmednagar
Madhya Pradesh
All India Institute of Medical Science, Bhopal (AIIMS-Bhopal)
Gandhi Medical College, Bhopal
Shyam Shah Medical College, Rewa
Gajara Raja Medical College, Gwalior
Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Medical College, Indore
Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose Medical College, Jabalpur
People’s Medical College, Bhopal
Ruxmaniben Deepchand Gardi Medical College, Ujjain
Jawaharlal Nehru Institute of Medical Sciences
Regional Institute of Medical Sciences
North Eastern Indira Gandhi Regional Institute of Health and Medical Sciences
Mizoram Institute of Medical Education & Research
New Delhi
All India Institute of Medical Sciences
Army College of Medical Sciences
University College of Medical Sciences
Maulana Azad Medical College
Lady Hardinge Medical College
Atal Bihari Vajpayee Institute of Medical Sciences
Vardhman Mahavir Medical College
All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Bhubaneswar
Mahanadi Institute of Medical Sciences & Research, Talcher
SCB Medical College and Hospital, Cuttack
MKCG Medical College and Hospital, Brahmapur
VSS Institute of Medical Sciences And Research, Burla, Sambalpur
SLN Medical College and Hospital, Koraput
PRM Medical College and Hospital, Baripada
Kalinga Institute of Medical Sciences, Bhubaneswar
Institute of Medical Sciences and Sum Hospital, Bhubaneswar
Hi-Tech Medical College & Hospital, Bhubaneswar
Hi-Tech Medical College, Rourkela
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College & Research Institute, Kirumampakkam, Pondicherry
Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education and Research
Government Medical College, Amritsar
Government Medical College, Patiala
Christian Medical College, Ludhiana
Adesh Institute of Medical Sciences & Research, Bathinda
Guru Gobind Singh Medical College, Faridkot
Punjab Institute of Medical Sciences, Jalandhar
Dayanand Medical College
All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Jodhpur
Dr. S.N. Medical College, Jodhpur
Geetanjali Medical College, Udaipur
Government Medical College, Kota
Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College, Ajmer
Jhalawar Medical College, Jhalawar
Pacific Medical College and Hospital, Udaipur
Rabindranath Tagore Medical College
Sardar Patel Medical College, Bikaner
SMS Medical College, Jaipur
Sikkim Manipal Institute of Medical Sciences, Gangtok
Tamil Nadu
Chengalpattu Medical College, Chengalpattu
Christian Medical College, Vellore
Coimbatore Medical College, Coimbatore
Government Dharmapuri Medical College, Dharmapuri
Government Sivagangai Medical College and Hospital, Sivagangai
Government Tiruvannamalai Medical College and Hospital, Tiruvannamalai
Government Vellore Medical College, Vellore
Government Villupuram Medical College, Villupuram
IRT Perundurai Medical College. Perundurai, Erode
K.A.P. Viswanatham Government Medical College, Trichy, Tamil Nadu
Kanyakumari Government Medical College, Kanyakumari
Kilpauk Medical College, Chetput
Madras Medical College, Chennai
Madurai Medical College, Madurai
Mohan Kumaramangalam Medical College, Salem, Tamil Nadu
Rajah Muthiah Medical College, Chidambaram
Sri Ramachandra Medical College and Research Institute, Chennai
Stanley Medical College, Royapuram, Chennai
Thanjavur Medical College, Thanjavur
Thoothukudi Medical College, Thoothukudi
Tirunelveli Medical College, Tirunelveli
Government colleges
Nizam’s Institute of Medical Sciences
Osmania Medical College
Gandhi Medical College
Kakatiya Medical College, Warangal
Government Medical College, Nizamabad
Government Medical College, Mahbubnagar
Government Medical College, Siddipet
Government Medical College, Suryapet
Government Medical College, Nalgonda
Government Nizamia Tibbi College
Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences, Adilabad
Employees State Insurance Corporation Medical College
Private colleges
Apollo institute of Medical Sciences and Research
Kamineni Institute of Medical Sciences, Narketpally
Kamineni Academy of Medical Sciences, Hyderabad
Malla Reddy Institute of Medical Sciences, Hyderabad
Mallareddy Medical College for Women
Prathima Institute of Medical Sciences, Karimnagar
Chalmeda Anand Rao Institute of Medical Sciences, Karimnagar
Dr. Patnam Mahender Reddy Institute of Medical Sciences
Mamata Medical College, Khammam
Mamata Academy of Medical Sciences
Mediciti Institute Of Medical Sciences, Ghanpur
M.N.R Medical College, Sangareddy
S.V.S Medical College, Mahbubnagar
Dr. VRK Womens Medical College
Mahavir Institute of Medical Sciences
Maheshwara Medical College
R.V.M Institute of Medical Sciences
Surabhi Institute of Medical Sciences
Bhaskar Medical College
Shadan Institute of Medical Sciences
Deccan College of Medical Sciences
Ayaan Institute of Medical Sciences

Anhui Medical University
School of Medicine, Anhui University of Science and Technology
Bengbu Medical College
Wannan Medical College
Beijing University of Chinese Medicine
Capital Medical University
Peking Union Medical College
Peking University Health Science Center, Peking University
Tsinghua University
Chongqing Medical University
Fujian Medical University
Faculty of Medicine, Fujian University of Traditional Chinese Medicine
School of Clinical Medicine, Putian University
Medical College, Xiamen University
Gansu Medical College
School of Clinical Medicine, Gansu University of traditional Chinese Medicine
School of Medicine, Hexi University
School of Medicine, Lanzhou University
Northwest University for Nationalities
Guangdong Medical University
Guangdong Pharmaceutical University
Guangzhou Medical University
School of Medicine, South China University of Technology , Guangzhou
Guangzhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Medical College, Jiaying University
School of Medicine, Jinan University, Guangzhou
Medical College, Shaoguan University
Medical College, Shantou University
Health Science Center, Shenzhen University
School of Medicine, Southern University of Science and Technology , Shenzhen
Southern Medical University, Guangzhou
Zhongshan School of Medicine, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou
Guangxi Medical University
Guangxi University Of Chinese Medicine
Guilin Medical College
Youjiang Medical University for Nationalities
Guizhou Medical University
Zunyi Medical University
Hainan Medical College
Chengde Medical University
Hebei North University
Hebei Medical University
Medical College, Hebei University
Faculty of Medicine, Hebei University of Engineering
School of Clinical Medicine, North China University of Science and Technology
Medical College, China Three Gorges University
Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology
Hubei University of Chinese Medicine
Hubei University of Medicine
School of Clinical Medicine, Hubei University of Science and Technology
School of Medicine, Jianghan University
Medical Research Institute, Wuhan University
School of Medicine, Wuhan University of Science and Technology
Medical School, Yangtze University
Xiangya School of Medicine, Central South University[1]
Changsha Medical University
School of Clinical Medicine, Hunan University of Chinese Medicine[2]
Hunan University of Medicine[3]
School of Medicine, Jishou University[4]
School of Medicine, University of South China[5]
School of Clinical Medicine, Xiangnan University[6]
Inner Mongolia
Baotou Medical College
Inner Mongolia Medical University
Wuxi Medical School, Jiangnan University
School of Medicine, Jiangsu University
Nanjing Medical University
School of Medicine, Nanjing University
Faculty of Medicine, Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine
Medicine School, Nantong University
Medical College, Soochow University
School of Medicine, Southeast University
Xuzhou Medical University
School of Medicine, Yangzhou University
Gannan Medical University
Faculty of Medicine, Jinggangshan University
Faculty of Medicine, Jiujiang University
Jiangxi University Of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Jiangxi Medical College/ Faculty of Medicine & Fuzhou Medical College, Nanchang University
School of Medicine & School of Cosmetology, Yichun University
Faculty of Medicine, Beihua University
Jinlin Medical College
Norman Bethune Health Science Center, Jilin University
Medical College, Yanbian University
China Medical University (PRC)
Dalian Medical University
Faculty of Medicine, Dalian University
Jinzhou Medical University
Shenyang Medical College
Ningxia Medical University
Medical College, Qinghai University

West China Medical Center of Sichuan University
Chengdu Medical College
North Sichuan Medical College
Luzhou Medical college
Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine
The Fourth Military Medical University
Shaanxi University of Chinese Medicine
School of Medicine, Xi’an Jiaotong University
School of Medicine, Yan’an University
Binzhou Medical University
Jining Medical University
Medical College, Qingdao University
Cheeloo College of Medicine, Shandong University
Taishan Medical University
Weifang Medical University
Fudan University (Fudan University Shanghai Medical College, formerly Shanghai Medical University)
Tongji University
Shanghai University Of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Shanghai Jiaotong University (School of Medicine, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, formerly Shanghai Second Medical University)
Shanghai University of Medicine & Health Sciences
Second Military Medical University
Changzhi Medical College
School of Medicine, Datong University
Shanxi Medical University
School of Medicine, Nankai University
Tianjin Medical University
Medical College, Tibet University
School of Medicine, Xizang Minzu University
School of Medicine, Shihezi University
Xinjiang Medical University
School of Clinical Medicine, Dali University
Kunming Medical University
Kunming University of Science and Technology
School of Medicine, Hangzhou Normal University
School of Medicine & Nursing Science, Huzhou University
Medical School, Ningbo University
Medical College, Jiaxing University
School of Medicine, Shaoxing University
Medical School, Taizhou University
Wenzhou Medical University
Zhejiang University School of Medicine
Independent (or private) colleges
Clinical College, Hebei Medical University
Faculty of Medicine, Shuda College, Hunan Normal University
Kangda College, Nanjing Medical University
Faculty of Medicine, Jitang College, North China University of Science and Technology
Faculty of Medicine, Science & Technology College, Shihezi University
Clinical Medical College, Tianjin Medical University
Faculty of Medicine, Zhejiang University City College
There are several newly established medical schools in mainland China which have not been authorised to confer the MBBS so far, they might be in the next years:

School of Medicine, South China University of Technology
School of Medicine, Southwest Jiaotong University
School of Medicine, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
School of Medicine, University of Science and Technology of China
Harbin Medical University
School of Clinical Medicine, Jiamusi University
Qiqihar Medical University
Heilongjiang University of Chinese Medicine
Mudanjiang Medical University
Faculty of Medicine, Henan University
Medical College, Henan University of Science and Technology
Xinxiang Medical University
Faculty of Clinical Medicine, Zhengzhou University
Hong Kong
Main article: Faculties of Medicines in Hong Kong
The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Faculty of Medicine
Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong
Hong Kong Baptist University

Katuri Medical College, Guntur
Konaseema Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Foundation, Amalapuram
Narayana Medical College, Nellore
P.E.S. Institute of Medical Sciences and Research, Kuppam
Santhi Ram Medical College, Nandyal
Arunachal Pradesh
Tomo Riba Institute of Health and Medical Sciences, Naharlagun
Assam Medical College and Hospital (AMCH), Dibrugarh
Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed Medical College, Barpeta
Gauhati Medical College and Hospital (GMCH), Guwahati
Jorhat Medical College and Hospital (JMCH), Jorhat
Silchar Medical College and Hospital (SMCH), Silchar
Tezpur Medical College and Hospital (TMCH), Tezpur

Sri Lanka

Ceylon Medical College
Faculty of Medicine, University of Colombo
Gampaha Wickramarachchi Ayurveda Institute

North Colombo Medical College
Institute of Indigenous Medicine
Faculty of Medicine, University of Kelaniya
Faculty of Medicine, University of Peradeniya
Postgraduate Institute of Medicine
South Asian Institute of Technology and Medicine
Sri Lanka Medical Council

Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University Dhaka
Chittagong Medical University[3][4]
Rajshahi Medical University[5]
Sylhet Medical University[6]
Sheikh Hasina Medical University Khulna

Faculty of Medicine, Burapha University
Faculty of Medicine, Chiang Mai University
Faculty of Medicine, Chulalongkorn University
Faculty of Medicine and Public Health, HRH Princess Chulabhorn College of Medical Science, Chulabhorn Royal Academy (CRA)
Faculty of Medicine, Khon Kaen University
Faculty of Medicine, King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang
School of Medicine, Mae Fah Luang University
Faculty of Medicine, Mahasarakham University
Mahidol University
Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital (SI)
Faculty of Medicine Ramathibodi Hospital (RA)
Collaborative Project to Increase Production of Rural Doctor (CPIRD) (PI) (affiliated program)
Maharat Nakhon Ratchasima Hospital
Sawanpracharak Hospital
Maharaj Nakhon Si Thammarat Hospital
Ratchaburi Hospital
Faculty of Medicine, Srinakharinwirot University
Joint Medical Programme Srinakharinwirot University and the University of Nottingham
Institute of Medicine, Suranaree University of Technology
Thammasat University
Faculty of Medicine, Thammasat University
Chulabhorn International College of Medicine (CICM), Thammasat University
College of Medicine and Public Health, Ubon Ratchathani University
School of Medicine, Walailak University
Phramongkutklao College of Medicine (PCM)
Faculty of Medicine, Naresuan University
Faculty of Medicine Vajira Hospital, Navamindradhiraj University (BM)
School of Medicine, University of Phayao
Faculty of Medicine, Prince of Songkla University
Faculty of Medicine, Princess of Naradhiwas University
College of Medicine, Rangsit University
Lerdsin Hospital
Rajavithi Hospital
School of Medicine, Siam University
Srinakharinwirot University

National Institute of Medical and Social Sciences
Bakhtawar Amin Medical and Dental College
Chandka Medical College
Ghazi Khan Medical College
Gujranwala Medical College
Quaid-e-Azam Medical College
Allama Iqbal Medical College
Fatima Jinnah Medical College
King Edward Medical University
Islamic International Medical College
Foundation University Medical College
Rai Medical College
King Edward Medical University
Rawalpindi Medical University
Fatima Jinnah Medical College
Allama Iqbal Medical College
Quaid-e-Azam Medical College
Nishtar Medical College
Army Medical College
Shaikh Khalifa Bin Zayed Al-Nahyan Medical and Dental College
Gujranwala Medical College
Sheikh Zayed Medical College
Ghazi Khan Medical College

Sargodha Medical College

Core Medical and Dental College

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