PTU B-tech Electronics & Communications Engineering ECE Question Papers Sem wise || Punjab Technical University

3rd Sem…(B.Tech.ECE)

(AM-201) Applied Mathematics-III
(CS-252) Programming using C++
(CS-254) Lab-III (Object Oriented Programming)
(EC-201) Electronics Devices and Circuits
(EC-201) Electronics Devices and Circuits
(EC-201) Electronics Circuitsand Devices Dec.-2007
(EC-203) Measurement and Instrumentation Object Oriented
(EC-203) Electronics Measurement and Instrumentation May-2009
(EC-203) Measurement and Instrumentation Dec.-2007
(EC-205) Lab-1 (Electronic Devices and Networks)
(EC-207) Lab-II (Instrumentation)
(EE-201) Network Analysis and Synthesis. *

4th Sem….(B.Tech.ECE)

(EC-202) Analog Electronics
(EC-202) Anlog Electronics May-2009
(EC-202) Analog Electronics May-2008
(EC-202) Analog Electronics Dec.-2007
(EC-204) Digital Electronics May-2009
(EC-204) Digital Electronics
(EC-204) Digital Electronics Dec.-2007
(EC-204) Digital Electronics May-2008
(EC-206) Signals and Systems May-2009
(EC-206) Signals and systems
(EC-206) Signals and Systems Dec.-2007
(EC-206) Signals and systems May-2008
(EC-208) Electromagnetic Field Theory
(EC-208) Electromagnetic Field Theory Dec.-2007
(EC-208) Electromagnetic field Theory May-2008
(EC-208) Electromagnetic field Theory May-2009
(EC-210) Lab-IV (Analog Electronics)
(EC-212) Lab-V (Digital Electronics)
(IC-204) Linear Control Systems
(IC-204) Linear Control Systems May-2008
(IC-212) Lab-VI (Linear Control Systems)

5th Sem….(B.Tech.ECE)

(EC-301) Analog Communication Systems
(EC-301) Anlog Communication System May-2009
(EC-301) Analog Communication Systems May-2008
(EC-301) Analog Communication Systems Dec.-2007
(EC-303) Antenna and Wave Propagation
(EC-303) Antenna and Wave Propagation Dec.2007
(EC-303) Antenna and Wave Propagation May 2008
(EC-303) Antenna and Wave Propagation May-2009
(EC-305) Linear Integrated Circuits
(EC-305) Linear Integrated Circuits Dec.-2007
(EC-305) Linear Integrated Circuits May-2008
(EC-307) Microprocessors and its applications
(EC-307) Microprocessors and its applications May-2009
(EC-307) Microprocessors and its applications May-2008
(EC-307) Microprocessors and its applications Dec. 2007
(EC-309) Pulse,digital and Switching Circuits
(EC-309) Pulse, digital and Switching Circuits Dec.-2007
(EC-309) Pluse Digital and Switching Circuits may-2009
(EC-311) Lab-VII (Analog Communication Systems)
(EC-313) Lab-VIII (Linear Integrated Circuits)
(EC-315) Lab-IX (Microprocessors)
(ME-251) Total Quality Management

6th and 7th Sem….(B.Tech.ECE)

(CE-216) Environment Science
(EC-302) Microwave and Radar Engineering
(EC-302) Microwave and Radar Engineering May-2009
(EC-302) microwave and Engineering May-2008
(EC-302) Microwave and engineering Dec.-2007
(EC-306) Micro Controller and Embedded Systems
EC-306)Micro Controller and Embedded systems May-2008
(EC-306) Micro Controller and Embedded System May-2009
(EC-306) Micro Controller and Embedded Systems Dec.-2007
(EC-308) Digital Signal Processing
(EC-308) Digital Signal Processing May-2009
(EC-308) Digital Signal Processing May-2008
(EC-308) Digital Signal Processing Dec.-2007
(EC-304) Digital Communication
(EC-304) Digital Communication Dec.-2007
(EC-304) Digital communication May-2008
(EC-304) Digital Communication May-2009
(EC-310) Lab-X (Microwave engineering)
(EC-312) Lab-XI (Digital Communication)
(EC-314) Lab-XII (Micro -Controller)
(EC-318) Lab-XIII (Digital Signal Processing)

8th Sem…(B.Tech.ECE)

(EC-404) Computer Network
(EC-404) Optical Fiber Communication
(EC-404) Optical Fiber Communication May-2009
(EC-406) VLSI Design and Technology
Department Elective-II
Department Elective-III
(EC-408) Lab-XIV (VLSI)
(EC-410) Major Project

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