Download OU B.Sc 2018 Dec 1st Year 3011 Biochemistry Question Paper

Download OU (Osmania University) BSc (Bachelor of Science - Maths, Electronics, Statistics, Computer Science, Biochemistry, Chemistry & Biotechnology) 1st Year 1st Semester (1-1) 3011 Biochemistry Previous Question Paper

B.Sc. l-Semest CFACULTY OF SCIENCE Code No. 3011
er( BCS) Examination, November! December 2018
Subject: Biochemistry
Paper - I : Chemistry of Blornolecules
Time : 3 Hours
M . -
PART - A (5 x 4 = 20 Marks) ax Marks' 8'
(Short Answer Type)
Note : Answer any FIVE of the following questions.
Stereochemistry with reference to
Scope of biochemistry Ohydrates.
Structure of Glucose and Fructose g?
Mutarotation ?\
Essential Fatty acids
Amphipathic lipids N
Nlnhydrin reaction
Denaturation of proteins a
PART ? B (4};13flg?g'Marks)
(Essay swer Type)
Note: Answe aQ/LIZ questions.
9 (a) Explain in detail the Hende '\ - asselbalch equation. Add a note on
stereochemlstry of ami ? .
(b) Justify water as a bigog?i?ca't?solvent. Add a note on Biological Buffers.
10 (3) Discuss the structure?and function of storage polysaccharides. Add a note on
bacterial cell wall polysaccharides. OR
\ .
(b) Explgln the reaction of monosacchandes.
11 (a) Write-the?classi?cation of lipids with zgtable examples.
(b) Exp ain in detail the ?uid mosaic model. Add a note on sphlngoliplds.
12 (3) Discuss the structural organization of proteins and highlights the forces that
stabilize the structure of proteins.
(b) Explain the nature and conformation of peptide bond. Add a note on Glutathione
and Encephalin.

This post was last modified on 06 February 2020