Download OU B.Sc 2019 June-July 2nd Semester Mathematics Question Paper

Download OU (Osmania University) BSc (Bachelor of Science - Maths, Electronics, Statistics, Computer Science, Biochemistry, Chemistry & Biotechnology) 2019 June-July 1st Year 2nd Semester (2nd Semester) (1-2) Mathematics Previous Question Paper

B.Sc. II-Semester (c305) Examination, May / June
Subject: Mathematics
Paper? ll : (Differential Equations) rks: 80
Time : 3 Hours Max. Ma
PART - A (5 x 4 = 20 Marks)
(Short Answer Type) _
Note : Answer any FIVE of the following questions.
1- Solve (1 + e?) dx + Wm -x/y) dy = 0
2 ' Solve szz + xyp _ 6Y2 = 0
3 Solve Q?3?+2)?:0 With Y = 0.x = 0 and 313:0.
. (it d!
4 - Solve (D4 -1)y = sin x.
Solve (D2 - 30 + 2) y = sine? using variation of parameters.
6 Solve xzy"- xy' + y = 0 given y1 = x as a solution.
7- Form a partial differential E
quation from z = f(x2-7+ yz) eliminating arbitrary function f.
8? Sotve(y?z)p+ (x?y)q =z?x.
PART ? B (4 x 15 = 60 Marks)
(Essay Answer Type)
Note: Answer ALL from the questions.
9 (a) Show that the necessatS?I?V-and suf?cient condition for the differential equation
de + Ndy = o to be??xgcns that 5?? 0?
(b) Solve y + px = x4p2
1(Ma) Solvsk?gv. dy
?1 ???+ =xCOSX
U47; y
? OR
(MWDz?zo + 1) y= e?xz.
2 7
1143) Solve x2 g-x?Z?i?Yay =x? logx
(b) Use method of undetermined coefficients to solve (D2 _ 30 +2? = 2x2 +3e2",
?2 (a) Solve (x2 ? Y2 ? 22)p + 2xyq = 2x2.
(6) Integrate and hence obtain a solution of
6X2?2 + 1813?: + sin(2x ? y) : 0

This post was last modified on 06 February 2020