Download OU (Osmania University)B.Sc (Bachelor of Science Maths, Electronics, Statistics, Computer Science, Biochemistry, Chemistry & Biotechnology) 2017 Dec 1st Semester 701 Electronics Circuit Analysis Previous Question Paper
Code No. "?01
3.3:; l-Semester {CECE} Examination, December 2:??
Subject: Electronics
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Paper | IrcultsAna ySI Max.Mark5:??
PART ? A [5 x 4 = 2|] Marks} *
(Short Answer Type: 5?;
Note : Answer any FIVE of the following qugs?anh
What is cnmpiex impedance? .-1_
State SUper position Thearem. i "a
State Norinrfs theorem. ?
Eacplain different types of ?lters.
Exptatn the working of RC integrating cimuit
Explain the phanumannn of resonance.
Derive the Expression fur RMS value uf AC current. =" L,
PART -- B [?. = ED Marks}
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This post was last modified on 07 February 2020