Download SGBAU B-Tech 1st Sem Chemical Engineering Electrical Enginerring I Question Paper

Download SGBAU (Sant Gadge Baba Amravati university) B-Tech/BE (Bachelor of Technology) 1st Sem Chemical Engineering Electrical Enginerring I Previous Question Paper

B.E./ B.Tech. (Chemical Engineering) / B.Text. First Semester (Old Course)
Electrical (Engineering ?? I z 1 S 6
P. Pages : 1 lmml?ll?mm AW - 3537
Tim 16 : Two Hours . 0L 2 :53 '5? 1? Max. Marks : 40
Notes 1 All question carry equal marks.
2. Due credit will be given to neatncss and adequate dimensions.
3 Assume suitable data wherever necessary.
4. Use of pen BIue/Black ink/re?ll only for writing the answer book.
1 a) C alcu?late the valve of resistance r. when total current supplied by the 20V. battery is 1.5A
2 a)
3. a)
4 a)
5 a)
6 a)
for the net? ork shown in ?g.
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Explain Kirchoff?s current and voltage law. ?
Derive the expression for star to delta transformation.
Apply Thevcnin's theorem and ?nd current ?owing through 49 resistance.
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Compare electrical and magnetic circuit by their similarities and dissimilaritics.
An air core solenoid having a diameter of 4cm and length 60cm wound with 400 turns if a
cuwent 5A. Calculate
i? inductance. ii) Energy stored in magnetic circuit.
Derive an expression for mutual inductance.
An iron ring of 25cm in diameter and 10cm2 cross section area is wound with 250 turns of
wire for ?ux density 1 wb/m2 and permeability 800, ?nd
i) Exciting current ii) Self inductance
iii) Corresponding when there is 1mm airgap cut in the ring.
Explain construction and working principle of PMMC instrument.
What do you mean by earthing. Explain importance of earthing.
With the: help of suitable diagram explain the energy meter.
Explain :
i) Plate earthing. ii) Pipe earthing.
AW - 3537 1

This post was last modified on 10 February 2020