Download SGBAU B-Tech 5th Sem Chemical Engineering Risk n Safety Management In Industries Question Paper

Download SGBAU (Sant Gadge Baba Amravati university) B-Tech/BE (Bachelor of Technology) 5th Sem Chemical Engineering Risk n Safety Management In Industries Previous Question Paper

B.Tech. F ifth Semester (Chemical Engineering) (CGS)
10159 : Elective - I : Risk & Safety Management in Industries : 5 FECH 05
AW - 3150
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P. Pages : 2
Time : Three Hours
Notes : 1 Answer three question from Section A and three question from Section B.
3 Due credit will be given to neamess and adequate dimensions.
3. Diagrams and chemical equations should be given wherever necessary.
4 Illustrate your answer necessary with the help ofncat sketches.
5 Use of pen Blue/Black ink/re?ll only for writing the answer book.
l. a) How to identify hazard? and what are the hazard identi?cation methodologies? 7
b) What is probit analysis? Explain in details. 7
2. :1) Explain in details HAZOP and MCA. [low IIAZOP is carried out? 7
b) What is event tree analysis (ETA)? Explain with suitable example. 7
3. a) Discuss the hazard due to explosion in a chemical plant? . 7
b) Why proper house keeping is necessary in a process plant? Explain in details. 6
4. 3) Discuss the hazards due to ?re in multi-tloor chemical industries. 7
b) What are the hazards due to static electricity? Explain in details and how to avoid such 6
5. a) What arc the standards used to control workers exposure to hazardous chemicals? Explain 7
with suitable example.
b) How the chemicals are rated as ?ammable or explosive on the basis of their chemical 6
6. a) What are the hazards due to dust in chemical plants? Explain with suitable example. 7
b) What are the precautions taken in storage of large quantities of ?ammable chemicals? 6
7. a) How to reduce water pollution and discuss the importance of waste water treatment? 7
b) Explain the hazards in paint industries and discuss the safety measures in this regard. 7
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8. a) Expla n the importancc of ruining ot? process plant personnel to prm?ent the accidents in
h) Explain the role ot?safety m:ntagcmcnl m raw material and ?nished product storage.
9. a) Explai n the role ot'human error in process plant safety and how to reduce it?
b) Discuss the importance of tr.1ining 1th what type of training should he provided to
10. a) How tn) measure safety perthrmance- of plant.
b) Discum the fundamentals of safety tenets.
11. a) Discuss the legal aspects of :.ufety in nmchincr)? installation in a plant.
b) State the importance of salL-ty audit and how to carry out safety audit ofpersonnel.
12. a) State the general rules regarding safcty in handling and transportation of hazardous
b) Discuss the legal aspects ot?air qualit) cuntrol and how are they followed?
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This post was last modified on 10 February 2020