Download SGBAU (Sant Gadge Baba Amravati university) B.Pharma 2019 Summer (Bachelor of Pharmacy) 2nd Sem Sem II Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry I New Previous Question Paper
35340 : Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry - I : BP 202 T
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1mm: lhrcc Hours . "o 5"?9 '0' , Max. Marks : 75
Notes I 1 Answer all questiun.
2. Illustrate your answcr necessary with the help of neat sketches.
3 Discuss the reaction, mechanism wherever necessary.
I. a') Multiple choice Questions. 10
1) Acetic acid is obtained when acclaldchyde is oxidized with potassium dichromatc
and ----------- .
a) HNO3 b7) HC L
c) Sulphuric acid d) Oxalic acid
2) Which of the following reactions may be associated with aldehyde and ketone.
a) Nucleophilic addition b) Polymerization
c) Oxidation d) All ol?the above
3') Which ofthc molecule does not undergoes the aldol condensation.
a) 1?0rmaldchydc b) Acclaldehydc
c) Glyceraldehyde d) All of them
4) Methyl alcohol is not used as ?
a) A solvent b) An anti freezing agent
c) A substitute of petrol d) For denaturing of ethyl alcohol
5) What is the order oi?Kinetic in SN2 mechanism.
a) Zero b) First
c) Second d) Both zero and ?rst
6) In the primary alkyl halide the halogen atom is attached to with ?
a) One carbon atom b.) Two carbon atom
0) Three carbon atom d) Four carbon atom
7) Chlorination ofalkane is an example the reaction which is ?
a) Elimination reaction b) Free radical
c) Substitution reaction d) None of them
8) Alkanc also known as -
a) Paraf?nes b) Ole?ns
c) Saturated hydrocarbons d) (a) and (c) both
9) Order of ease of halogenalion in alkane is -
a) |2>C12>Br2>F3 b) F2>C|2>12>Br
C) F2 > C12 ?2 Br; >12 d) Clz > Brz > F2 >12
AW - 2339 I P.T.O
Which molecule react with conjugatcd dicne to give cyclohexane in Diels-alder
a) Phenol b) Dienophile
c) chanc d; Bromophcnol
b) Solve the following ? 10
21) Draw the molecular structure of2-chloro 5,5 diethyl hexane.
b) Draw the molecular structure of Methanol.
c) Draw the molecular structure ot?2-Mcthyl butanoic acid.
(1) Write the uses ot'Ethano].
c) Write the uses ofcitric acid.
Solve the following any two. 20
1) What is E2 reaction. ?Tire in detail about reaction mechanism. kinetics. energy
pro?le diagram and stereochemistry ot? E2 reaction.
2) What is SN1 reaction write in detail about its mechanism. kinetics, energy pro?le
diagram and stereochemistry of SN1 reaction.
3) Discuss the reactions of alkamc with special emphasis on halogenation.
Solve the following any seven. 35
1) What is isomerism in organic compound. write about structural isomerism.
2) What is hybridization write about SP3 hybridization in alkanc.
3) Write about Markounikm'f?s orientation and Anti Markownikof?t?s orientation.
4) Write qualitative tests ofcetostearyl alcohol.
5) Write detail about Cannizwro reaction.
6) What is condensation, mitt- about Benzoin condensation.
7) Write about the Basicity ot' Amines (Aliphatic) and note on uses of Amphetamine.
8) Write about uses of Glycerol.
9) Wriic about uses of Acety': salicylic acid.
AW - 2339
This post was last modified on 10 February 2020