Download SGBAU B-Pharma 2019 Summer 3rd Sem Sem III Pharmaceutical Engineering New Question Paper

Download SGBAU (Sant Gadge Baba Amravati university) B.Pharma 2019 Summer (Bachelor of Pharmacy) 3rd Sem Sem III Pharmaceutical Engineering New Previous Question Paper

B.Pharm. Third Semester (New Course)
35384 : Pharmaceutical Engineering : BP 304 T
P P 3 W? AW - 2347
. ages : ' .
Time : Three Hours mmwa - Max. Marks ' 75
Notes; 1. ? Answer all question. _
2. Illustrate your answer necessary With the help of neat sketches.
3. Use of pen Blue/Black ink/re?ll only for writing the answer book.
1. Multiple choice questions (MCQS) 20
a) 1n the surface area of evaporator pan is small, the rate of evaporation will be
i) More ii) Less
iii) Both iv) None
b) Entrainment separator in climbing evaporator act as
i) Only foam breaks ii) Only entrainment separator
iii) Both iv) None
c) Supersaturation can be achieved through one of the following mechanism
i) By evaporating solvent from solution
ii) By cooling of hot solution ?
iii) By addition of a substance which is more soluble in solvent than the solid to be
iv) All of the above
d) Super saturation theory was proposed by
i) Meirs ii) Stock's
iii) Henry's iv) All of above
e) Bound water is having ------- - vapour pressure than the pure water.
' i) Less ii) More
111) Equal iv) None
0 In drying rate curve, the 2"d phase is known as
i) Ihitigil adjustment period ii) Constant rate period
in) 1?21ng rate period iv) None
g) _Solutions which do not obeys Raoult's law are known as
1). Real solution ii) Ideal solutions
h) When liquid starts boiling?
1) When itZs vapour pressure is equal to atmospheric pressure,
_ r ssure 18 more to atmo heric
1v) All the above sp pressure
i) Simple distillation process based on
) D- . . . . .. . ,
iii) B ottlzerence m volanlmes only .11) Dl?erence 1n vapour pressure only
? 1V) None
AW - 2347

Long answer type question solve any two.
b) Explain the principle, constructi
c) D: scuss the eonstru
Procees ot?gparation of low content of solids from a liduid is known as
1) F iltratmn ii) Crystallization
m) Clari?cation iv) None
Plate & frame. ?lter press works on the principle of
i) Surface ?ltration ii) Depth ?ltration
111) Both iv) None
Super centri?tgc is which types of centrifuge.
1) Sedimentation centrifuge ii) Filtration centri?ige
111) Both iv) None
Planetary mixture is used tn mix
i) Cohesive solids ii) Free ?ow solids
iii.) Both iv) None
To prevent vortex formation, which oi?the following method is used
i) By avoid the symmetry ii) By using baf?ed containers
iii) By mounting 2 or more impellers iv) All the above
Ball mill also called as
i) Tumbling mill ii) Pebble mill
iii) Both ix) None
T0 mill the sticky materials which 01. the following mill is used.
i) Fluid energy mill ii) Colloid mill
iii) Rod mill iv) None
If ?uid corrosion occuie on dill'erent location
1) General corrosion ii) Localized corrosion
iii) Structural COl?l?OSiOH iv) Biological corrosion
If the heat ?ow is achieved by mixing of warmer portions m?th cooler portions, that
process is known as.
i} Conduction ii) Convection
iii) Radiation iv) None
Amount of radiation is emitted by black body is expressed by
i) Fourier's law ii) Stefan-Boltzmann law
iii) Thermal radiation law iv) None
If Reynold's number is less than 2000 then the ?ow type is
i) Laminar ii) Turbulent
iii) Laminaror turbulent iv) None
' r.
on and working and advantages of Krystal crystallize
' er.
ction working adw?antages & disadvantages of Spray dry
AW - 2347

Short answer type question solve any seven. 35
AW - 2347
De?ne the following
i) Critical moisture content.
ii) Equilibrium moisture content
iii) Bound moisture
iv) Moisture content
What are the merits & demerits of venturi meter ovex ori?ce meter.
Explain the working of heat exchange: with labelled diagram.
Explain with the help of a diagram the construction and working of ball mill.
Describe the construction and working of silverson mixmre-cmulsi?er with the help
of a neat diagram.
Explain the mechanism of?ltmtion.
Explain various factor affecting rate of ?ltration.
Describe the principle & application of steam distillation.
Give the mechanism by which heat transfer.

This post was last modified on 10 February 2020