Download SGBAU (Sant Gadge Baba Amravati university) B.Pharma 2019 Summer (Bachelor of Pharmacy) 4th Sem Sem IV Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry New Previous Question Paper
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B. Pharm. Fourth Semester (New)
Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry : BP 401 T
AW ? 2348
W: ?WWW Max. Marks: 73
Notes : 1 All question carry equal marks.
2. Answer All question.
3. Illustrate your answer necessary with the help of neat sketches.
4 Discuss the reaction, mechanism wherever necessary.
5 Use of pen Blue/Black ink/re?ll only for writing the answer book.
1. a) Multiple choice questions. 10
i) The number ofdegrees of rotation observed if 1 dm tube is used and concentration of
compound is 1 g/ml
a) Optical rotation
b) Specific rotation
c) Geometric rotation
d) C onformation
ii) When cquimolar quantities of dcxtro and levorotatory isomers are mixed together it
is called as
a) Meso compound
b) Keto compound
c) Racemic mixture
d) Diastcrcoisomers
iii) A carbon atom to which Four-diffcrent group are attached is a
a) Achiral center b) Chiral center
c) Active center d) Inactive center
iv) Identify the following structure
a) lndole b) Quinoline
c) lsoquinoline d) Naphthalene
v) Single heterocyclic ring called as -
a) Fused ring b) Diacyclic
c) Monocyclic d) None ofabove
vi) Reserpine an anti hypertensive drug which hclcroaromatic ring in its structure
a) Indole b) Isoquinolinc
c) Quinolinc d) Imidazole
vii) Gauche and anti forms are
AW - 2348
a) Confonnational Isomers b) Racemic mixture
c) Gcomclric Isomcrs d) Optical Isomers
l P.T.O
viii) Electrophilic aromatic substion occurs in the following order.
a) Benzene > Pyrrole > Furan b) Pyrrolc > Benzene > ?I?hiophene
c) Thiophene > Pyrrole i> Furan d) I?ynolc > ?I?hiophcue 2? Furan
ix) Caffeine contains which hctermromanc mug
a) Pyrimidinc b) Purine
c) Pyrrole d) ()xazulc
x) Na BII4 and LiAlH4 are
a) Oxidizing agents b) Ncutrlei.cing agents
c) Complexing agents d) Reducing agents
Solve following questions - 10
1) Write about chiral molecule
2) Stereo lsomerism in biphenyl compound.
3) Syn and Anti system.
4) Stereospeci?c reaction
5) Oxazolc
Long answer type questions any two. 20
1) Discuss DL. RS and E2 nomenclature
2) Stcreospeci?c and slereoselcclivc rcactinm.
3) Write a detailed account on furan and imidazolc.
Short answer type questions any Seven. 35
1) Atropisomerism
2) Reactions of chiral molecules.
3) Explain racemic mixture and mcso compounds are optically inactive.
4) Cluisen-Schmidt condensation.
5) Birch reduction.
6) Pyridine
7) Quinoline.
8) Sequence rules and RS system.
9) Conformational isomerism of ethane.
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This post was last modified on 10 February 2020