Download SGBAU BSc 2019 Summer 4th Sem Chemistry Question Paper

Download SGBAU (Sant Gadge Baba Amravati university) BSc 2019 Summer (Bachelor of Science) 4th Sem Chemistry Previous Question Paper

'l'ime :
B.Sc. Part-II (Scmcstcr-IV) Examination
Three Hours] [Maximum Marks : 80
Note :?( 1) ALL questions are compulsory.
(2) Question No. l carries 8 marks while remaining SIX questions carry
12 marks each.
(3) Draw diagrams, write equations wherever necessary.
(4) Use of scienti?c calculator is allowed.
Fill in the blanks :
(i) In Lanthanidcs, differentiating electron is added to subshcll. V2
(ii) The organic compounds containing two or more benzene nuclei in their structure
are called . V2
(iii) Disaccharidcs on hydrolysis gives A_ units 01? monosaccharides. V:
(iv) The temperature at which the liquid and the solid states of the substance have the
same vapour pressure is called as . '/2
Choose the correct alternative :
(i) Which of the following elements have 5d electrons in its electronic
con?guration ?.? ' '/z
(a) I?m (b) Sm
(c) Eu (d) Gd
(ii) Which of the following actinide does not occur in nature ? '/2
(21) Th (b) U
(c) Am (d) Pa
(iii) Strccker synthesis is used for the synthesis of : '/2
(a) Nitrobenzene (b) Diazonium Salt
(c) a-amino acid (d) Carbohydrates
(iv) NaCl is :1 example of : ?/z
(a) FCC (b) BCC
(c) SCC (d) None of the above
Answer in ONE sentence each :
(i) De?ne Paramagnctism. 1
(ii) In metallurgy. what does the term ganguc stand for 1? 1
(iii) Draw the structure of Malonic Ester (Diethyl Malonutc). 1
(iv) De?ne Catalyst. 1
YHC?ISL?M 1 (Contd.)

2. (A) (i) Explain with suiluble reasons clccuonic con?guration of chromium is 3d5 45?
instead of 3d4 45;. 2
(ii) Transition elements cannot form ionic compound in higher oxidation state. 2
(B) What are transition ?:lcmcnls ? Why [n is not considered as a true transition
element ? 4
(C) What are the factors i'll'luencing the choice of extraction process 'l? 4
3. (P) Give the electronic con?guration of :
(i) Yttrium (atomic m. -' 39?)
(ii) Silver (atomic no 2 47).
(Q) What are complexes 2? ?'11:: 3d elements generally form complex 7
(R) Which method would bc applicable for separation 01? Na from NaC?l and why ?.?
4. (A) Discuss the magnetic properties of Lanthanidcs.
(B) Give the comparison cf Lanthanidcs and Actinidcs.
(C) Describe the process of Smelling 4
5. (1?) What is meant by LanzhzmiJe contraction ?.? Explain in brief.
(Q) Discuss the electrolytic rcl'ming of metals.
(R) What are actinidcs 1? Discuss the electronic con?guration of actinidcs.
6. (A) Discuss the structure ol? \agjh'halcnc. 4
(B) How will you synthesize :
(i) 4-mcthyl uracil fmm AAE
(ii) Succinic acid from malor.ic ester 1"
(C) What are cpimcrs ?3' llmx \xill you convert D-Glucosc into D-Mannosc ?
7. (P) How will you convert :
(i) AAE into proplnn.c ac d
(ii) Acetic acid into nlalonlc cslcr ? 4
(Q) How will you bring out 111C lbllmving conversions :
(i) a?naphthol to u-mpl?uhyl amine
(ii) B-naphthyl sulphonic acid to B-naphlhol ?? 4
(R) Draw the structure of lbllowing compounds :
(i) Maltosc
(ii) 2-De0xy-D-Ribosc, 4

8. (A)
9. (P)
10. (A)
11. (P)
What are a-amino acids ? Discuss structure determination of polypeptide by Sanger?s
method. 4
Complete the following reaction :
. Cone. HKO
,,_ u, r) 7
(1) @ Cone. H:SO: ' h
.. (D ,
(u) ?~NZCP+ CuCl A?w 2
Explain I-Iofl?mann?s exhaustive mcthylation reaction. 4
Discuss the reduction of nitrobenzcnc in acidic and neutral medium. 4
Complete the following reaction and predict the product :
. ? ?. 9 ? ,
(l) <\_/>7NI,C + H \ / ??> 2 2
.. (g + B? 9 7
r1 a . -
(ll) 2 ? q ??>
How will you synthesize peptide from amino acid ? 4
How Vant Hoff?s factor is used to determine the degree of dissociation of an
electrolyte ?2 4
Describe (Tottrclls? method for determination of elevation of boiling point. 4
Find molal elevation constant pf water which evaporates at 373 K with absorption of
40658 J mol ? heat energy (R = 8.314 Jk" mole?) 4
What are colligative properties ?2 Give the reasons for abnormal colligative
properties. 4
Derive the equation for Van?t Hotl"s factor when the solute undergoes association. 4
Calculate the molal depression constant of water. The heat of fusion of ice at 273 K
is 6024.6 J mol". (R = 8.314 Jk", M = 18 x 10?3 kg mol l) 4
YBC?15283 3 (Could)

12. (A) Differentiate between crystalline solids and amorphous solid. 4
(B) Explain 1hc structure of K(?l on the basis of X-ray diffraction. 4
(C) The ?rst order rc?cction numma was noted at 5.90 for 100 planes of SCL?. Calculate
wavelength of X-ruys. if imczplnnar spacing was 0.282 nm. 4
13. (P) Explain with diagram :
(i) Plane of symmetry 2
(ii) Poirt of symmetry. 2
(Q) Dctcrminc the number of constituent particles in the l-?acc Centered Cubic (FCC) Unit
Cell, Simple Cubic Crysml (5CD Unit Cell. 4
(R) l?ind out the Miller indiccs il? Weiss indicts are as follows :
(i) 1 : I :2
(ii) 2 : :c- : 3 4
YBC" 15283 .1 525

This post was last modified on 10 February 2020