Download SGBAU (Sant Gadge Baba Amravati university) BSc 2019 Summer (Bachelor of Science) 4th Sem Zoology Advanced Genetics n Animal Ecology Previous Question Paper
B.Sc. (Part?ll) Semester?IV Examination
(Advanced Genetics and Animal Ecology)
: Thrcc Hours] [Maximum Marks : 80
Note :? (1) ALL questions are compulsory.
(2) Qucslion No. I carries 8 marks and remaining six questions carry 12 marks each.
('3) Illustrate your answers with suitable diagrams wherever necessary.
Fill in the blanks :
(i) Law of Independent assortment was explained by
(ii) 'l?risomy of chromosome 18 results into _ ____ smdromc.
(iii) The animals. which cannot regulate their body temperature are !7*_ 7 7 animals.
(iv) Thc Energy pyramid is always r? $ ?
Choose correct altcrnativcs from the following : 2
(V') 111: altemative forms of genes are called as _ ____ -_,
(av) alleles (b) phenol) pc
(c) genotype (d) gamete
(Vi) Thc genes of di?brcm traits located on di?'ercm loci on the same chromosome are
called _ w __ genes.
(3) allclcs (h) linked
(c) pleiomorphic (d) mutated
(vii) Amniocentesis and CVS is a __A_ ._ process,
(a) Invasive (b) Non-lnvasivc
(c) Confined ('d') None of the above
(viii?)D0rmancy in animals during summer season is called ,,____
(a) Hibernation (b) Acstivation
(c) Diapaiwe (d) None of those
Answer in one sentence : 4
(ix) Dcline lethal gcncs.
(x) What are gynandromorphs '.?
(xi) What is consanguinous marriage '?
(xii) Whai is trophic levels '?
Explain the following : 12
(a) Complcmcnlaw factor
(b) Law of Segregation
(c) Lclhal factors.
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(d) Monohybrid cross
(e) Inhibitory factors
(0 Law 01' Independent assn'tmcnl.
l)cscribn- the followmg :
(g) Darlington?s theory of crosang nwr
(h) Incomplete linkage
(i) Mutiplc alleles
(j) Erythroblastosis foclulis
(k) Sigri?cancc of linkage
(l) Single and double cumin; wvcr.
Describe the genie balancc theory of sex dctcnninution.
Describe daemOphilia and its mhcritancc
Describe lhe birth control mnhnds in male and female.
Describe Ihc identical and l?ralcrnaJ twins and their signi?cance.
Explain the following :
(m) Commensalism
(n) Phototropism
(0) lntraspcci?c aswciutims?
(p) Photokincsis
(q) Poikilothcrms
(r) Parasitism.
Describe the following :
(s) Ecological niche
(t) Pyramid of Biomass
(u) Fond chains.
(v) Lolic ecosystem
(w) Strati?cation of Marine com} item
( x) l?cotypcs.
This post was last modified on 10 February 2020