Download SGBAU BSc 2019 Summer 5th Sem Electronics Measuring Instruments Question Paper

Download SGBAU (Sant Gadge Baba Amravati university) BSc 2019 Summer (Bachelor of Science) 5th Sem Electronics Measuring Instruments Previous Question Paper

AVV?l 751
B.Sc. (Part?III) Scmestcr??V Examination
(Measuring Instruments)
Time : Three Hours] [Muxinmm Marks : 80
Note 1? (1) Question No. l is compulsory.
(2) Draw diagrams wherever necessary.
1. (A) Fill in the blanks :???
(i) The transducer converts Physical quantity into equivalent _,,_ ____7
(ii) LVDT stands for _* ?
(iii) Pyromcter uscs thermal radiation for measurement of _
(iv) DCM stands for _ __ __ 2
(B) Choose the correct alternative :??
(i) Electrical activity of brain is measured by using :
(a) ECG (b) EMG
(0) PEG (d) None
(ii) Free running multivibrator is also known as _ ___1nultivibrator.
(a) Monostable (b) Bistablc
(c) Astablc (d) None
(iii) RTD stands far :
(a) Resistance temp. detector (b) Resistance thermal detector
(c) Radiant temp. detector (d) Resistance temp. device
(iv) Output voltage at null position of LVDT is known as _ "_
(a) Null Voltage (b) Residual Voltage
(c) Effective Voltage (d) None 2
(C) Answer in one sentence each :
(i) What is the function of reset input in 1C555 ?
(ii) What is actuator ?
(i) What is transducer '?
(iv) What is Pyrometcr 7 ?4
YBC??l 5319 1 (Comd.)

2. (:1) Explain construction and ?0'1;ng OfgapdCIIch transducer.
0)) State classi?cation nftmnsducers and explain with examples.
(p) Draw block diagram of gene: aliscd instrumentalion system and explain each block.
(q) Explain measurement 01 displacement using potentinmclcr.
'5 (3.) Explain measurement of temy eruture using thermistor.
(b) Explain construction and vmr ?ng of total radiation pyrometcr.
(p) Explain LM34 and its features.
(q) Explain temperature measurement using lhcrmocouple.
4 (a) Explain IC 555 with neat blm k diagram.
(b) Explain working OFIC 535 as astalwlc muhix?ibramr.
(p) Draw and explain block diagnm ofPLL.
(q) Explain working of monostahlc nmltivibrator using [C 555.
5. (3) Explain segmental and dot m:nt?ix display.
(b) Draw block diagram ()fdlgilill frequency meter and explain l?uncti )n ofeach block.
(p') Draw functional diagram Jt'mngnctic tapc recordcr and explain its working.
(q) Explain working of ramp Iypc cdgital voltmclcr.
6 (a) Fxplain fiber optic temperature sensor.
(b) Explain construction and Lurking ol?strain gauge.
(p) Explain bent beam electro-Lhcrmal acmator.
(q) Explain \\ orking of phototransistor as optical sensor.
7. (a) Explain the working of EEG wilh neat block diagram.
(b) Explain working ofblood presquv metcr.
(p) Draw block diagram of ECG m; china and explain each block.
(q) Explain pu. se oximctcr.
YBC? 45319 3

This post was last modified on 10 February 2020