Download SGBAU (Sant Gadge Baba Amravati university) BSc 2019 Summer (Bachelor of Science) 5th Sem Industrial Chemistry Chemical Process Economics Heavy n Fine Chemicals Previous Question Paper
B.Sc. (Part?III) Semester?V Examination
(Chemical Process Economics, Hcavy and Fine Chemicals)
Time : Three Hours] [Maximum Marks : 80
Note :?(1) Question No. 1 is compulsory and carries 8 marks.
(2) Remaining all SIX questions carry 12 marks each.
(3) Give chemical equation and draw diagram wherever necessary.
(4) Use ofcalculator is allowed.
Fill in the blanks :
(i) Maximum part of manufactured ammonia is consumed in __ industry.
(ii) _ is molecular formula of hydrated lime.
(iii) _ _ is important by-product in soap industries.
(iv) Ethylene oxide and ammonia are the raw materials used in production of _
Choose correct alternative :
(i) Ammonium phosphate is prepared by using :
(a) Phosphoric acid (b) Sulphuric acid
(c) Acetic acid (d) Citric acid
(ii) Liqui?cation of CO2 is carried out by :
(a) Condensation (b) Compression
(c) Evaporation ((1) None of these
(iii) Which of the following is uscd as explosive ?
(a) Acetic acid (b) Ammonia
(c) Ammonium nitrate (d) All oflhcse
(iv) Soaps are salts of:
(a) Phosphoric acid (b) Fatty acid
(0) Fumaric acid (d) Nitric acid 3
Answer in one sentence each :
(i) De?ne compound interest.
(ii) Name the ore used to manufacture ?uorine.
(iii) What are essential oils '3
(iv) What is Ester Value ? 4
YBC?15308 I (Comm)
2. (A) How is ammonium sulphate manufactured industrially '2? I?prl?ain with ?ow diagram. 4
(B) Explain manufacturing.y proccss of nitric acid with ?ow diagram. 4
(C) Discuss consumption paucm oftriple superphosphatc. Explain Itianufacturing process of
triple super phosphate.
3. (P) Describe consumption pattern reaction involved and ?ow diagram ot?ammonium nitrate.
(Q) Explain manufacturing process of chlorine with ?ow diagram.
(R) How is ammonia manufactured in industries ?2 Discuss the process with ?ow diagram.
4. (A) Explain manufacturing process 01? ?uorine with ?ow diagram. 4
03) Discuss manufacturing pracess ot'urea. 4
(C) How is limo manufactured industrially '? Explain with raw material consumption pattern.
5. (P) Explain manufacturing process 31'silicon carbide. 4
(Q) How is sulphuric acid manutltctured in industry ? Discuss with reference to raw material,
consumption pattern and proceas details. 4
(R) Explain manufacture proccss of Sada ash by solvay process. 4
6. (A) How is g] yccrine recovered in manufacture Ofsoap ?? Explain thc process with ?ow diagram.
(B) Give uses ofibllowing :
(i) Menthol
(ii) Camphor. 4
(C) Explain manufacturing process (if Soyuhcan oil with ?ow diagram. 4
7. (P) Explain manufacturing proves: of soap with ?ow diagram. 4
(Q) Describe in bricfmethod 01"e\'tr.tction of essential oil. 4
CR) Explain process ot?hydmgcnatiovi nt?x'cgetahle oil with diagram.
8. (A) Explain manufhcturing prowss of \ inyl acetate with ?ow diagram a1 [d its uses.
(B) Explain in detail manufacturing prrvcess ofmono, di and tri ethanolamine and its use. 6
9. (P) Explain manufacturing process of t-thylcne with ?ow diagram and its uses. 6
(Q) Discuss chiorination 01' mcthnn; with reference to consumption pattern, major engineering
problems. 6
YBC?15308 2 (Could)
10. (A) Discuss steps involved in risk management. 4
(B) DcScribe manufacturing process of nitrogen. 4
(C) What is dry ice ?.7 Describe its manufacturing process. 4
11. (P) Describe manufacturing process of oxygen. 4
(Q) Give an account offollowing hazards :
(i) Explosion
(i) T oxicity. 4
(R) Explain manufacturing process of C02. 4
12. (A) Describe factors affecting investment and production cost. 4
(B) What is depreciation ? Discuss sum of the years digit method of detemination of depreciation.
(C) What is pro?tability ? Discuss return ofrctum on investment method ofpro?tability evaluation.
13. (P) Give an account of simple and compound interest. 4
(Q) Discuss straight-line method for determination of depreciation. 4
(R) Discuss cash ?ow for industrial operation. 4
YBC ?15308 3 ITS
This post was last modified on 10 February 2020