Download SGBAU BSc 2019 Summer 5th Sem Microbiology Environmental Microbiology n Bioinstrumentation Question Paper

Download SGBAU (Sant Gadge Baba Amravati university) BSc 2019 Summer (Bachelor of Science) 5th Sem Microbiology Environmental Microbiology n Bioinstrumentation Previous Question Paper

B.Sc. (Part?III) Semester?V Examination
(Environmental Microbiology and Bioinstrumentation)
Time :'1?hreeIIours'l [Maximum Marks : 80
Note :? (1) All questions are compulsory.
(2) Draw diagrams wherever necessary.
1. (A) Fill in the blanks : 2
(1) Phytoplankton living in river are known as _7 _
(ii) The bacteria _- are present in root nodules of leguminous plants.
(iii) Formation of schmutzdeck layer occurs in ?lter _? ,___
(iv) 7_ is the coldest layer of atmosphere.
(B) Choose correct altemative :7 ? 2
("1) A horizon is releated Io * .
(a) Soil pro?le (b) Water pro?le
(c) Air (d) None
(ii) Coagulation is addition of __ _
(a) Sulfur (b) Magnesium
(b) Potassium (d) Alum
(iii) Ultra-violet radiations kill microorganisms by causing damage to _ __
(a) Protein (b) Lipid
(C) DNA (d) RNA
(iv) Protcolysis is _ _
(a) Hydrolysis of lipids (b) Hydrolysis of Carbohydrates
(c) Hydrolysis of proteins ((1) 'Hydolysis of fats
(C) Answer in one sentence :? 4
(1) De?ne Symbiosis
(ii) De?ne Rhizosphere
(iii) Give long form of WHO
(iv) De?ne BOD.
2. (a) Describe sampling of air by settling plate device. 4
(b) Describe etiology and symptoms of any one viral airborne disease. 4
(0) Explain control of airborne micro-organisms of UV irradiation. 4
YBC??l 5321 I (Contd.)

((1) De?ne ard discuss antagonism M'Ih example.
Describe slit type air sampler.
Describe etiology and symplunzs of any one bacterial air-borne disease.
3. Describe symbiotic nitrogen ?xation 1n detail.
Describe in detail sulfur cycle \\ ith !l-- bigni?CODCC.
4. (a)
6. (a)
Describe Vn brief eulrophicalinn and its control.
Discuss ?Blackout algae" method "or planktons control.
Discuss any four hannful activites Ofplunktons.
Describe any two methods to mmn 6 colour and odour produced 5y planktons.
Discuss bene?cial activities 01' p] anktons.
Explain methods of preventing gruv?h of algae.
Explain MPN method for colifomm.
Differentiate between faecal and mm faccal conforms.
Describe con?rmed test for conforms.
Discuss the advantages ofmcmbrunc ?lter technique.
Give detailed account on lMV?iC tests ol'Colifomls.
Describe ICMR and WHO bacteriological standards ofdrinking water in detail.
Explain construction of 51m? sand ?lter
Explain coagulation and ?occulation.
Give outline of bio-gas production.
Explain break point chlorinatiun.
Discuss in brief Sewage LreuImeM ?.1 midation pond.
What is selfpuri?calion of ?ale: '.?
7. De?ne electrophoresis. Dcscnbe in detail principle and application ofpapcr.
Define chromatography. Describe in detail principle and applications of thin layer

This post was last modified on 10 February 2020