Download SGBAU BSc 2019 Summer 5th Sem Petrochemical Science Question Paper

Download SGBAU (Sant Gadge Baba Amravati university) BSc 2019 Summer (Bachelor of Science) 5th Sem Petrochemical Science Previous Question Paper

AW'?l 741
B.Sc. (Part?III) Scmester?V Examination
Time : Three Hours] [Maximum Marks : 20
Note :?(1) Question No. l is compulsory and carries 8 marks.
(2) The remaining SIX questions can'y 12 marks each.
(3) Draw a diagram and chemical equation wherever necessaxy.
1. (a) Fill in the blanks:
(1) The molecular weight 01' large polymer depends on their number of present in
that polymer.
(ii) Diene polymer comprisely known as 7
(iii) enhance the crystalisability of wax without dissolving oil.
(iv) The chain of __ consist of only one type ofmonomer units. 2
(b) Choose correct altematives :
(l) Polyisoprene is well known ?_ polymer.
(3.) Plastics (b) Rubber
(c) Fiber (d) All above
(ii) In suspension polymerization process _ _ play an important role for removal of
(a) Air (b) Salt
(0) Water (d) Caustic
(iii) High pressure polyethylene manufacturing process was developed by 7
(a) ICI (b) TCS
(c) M DCC (d) UDP
(iv) Polyvinyl acetate is mainly used in __
(a) Cement (b) Paint
(c) Bitumen (d) None of these 2
(c) Answer in one sentence each :
(i) Which are three distinct stages of chain polymerization ?
(ii) Which two steps are involved in production of diisobmylene ?
(iii) What is Polymides ?
(iv) W hat is the major drawback of polystyrene polymer ?? 4
2. (A) Describe free radical chain polymerization m'Lh example. 6
(B) Classify the polymers with the structure.
YBC?15309 1 (Conth

3. 1?) Describe 111335 poly111e1i7atim 111111.155 in detail 6
(Q) What is Polymer ? Explain 11il:1 type, monomers used and also explain degree of
polymerization. 6
4. (A) How polypropylene are formed 1? I 1111ch all steps involved in polymcn'mtion of polypropylene
and also give the uses 01? polyproyy?ene. 6
(8?) Describe year-wise histoiy of 11011 ethylene production with respect to catalyst and process
parameters involved. 6
5. (P) Ethylette- -pr npylene copolymcrx 'dIC termed 1n vmious mole range II1~ ~w they are 101111ed7
Describe w th respect to 111011.11 paramete rs 6
(Q) Describe P} illips medium picssut: process 1111 production oi?polycth :lene with respect to
process par.1meters and t heir mm. 6
6. (A) Describe dimerization 01 150111 111111: 111111 resi wet to their 1: 11 1111\tr1 and process parimeter
in detail 6
(B) Describe Goodyear 5D proca's 1111? production of isoprene monomer in detail. 6
7. (P) How styrcnc-hutadiene hloclg mpolymcrs are prepared ?3 Describe in detail. 6
(Q) Describe production of p011'is.1b11:1 1c:;e with respect to their chemistry and process parameters
involved. 6
8. (A) Which are the styrene polymer: 111111 cepolymcr ?.-? How we will produt e polystyrene ? Give
the techniques extensiveh 1011011111 in industry. 6
(B) Vim] chlmide1s a monomer 61 l V'C .De50r1 he P\ C pioduction with respect to pm sical
properties of monomer and .1 1:0 .gi1e :he 11511111 P\ C. 6
9. (1?) Describe the following; with 1h1~-r market :
(i) Impact polystyrene 4
(ii) Vinyl chloride ? vinyl acetnte copolymcr 4
(iii) Polystyrene. 4
10. (A) \Vhat is Polyestcrs "? Describi- SrlT?Ll'?th 13011121131- 11'ith their chemistry and process parameters
involved. 8
(B) Describe the chemistry and [11013339 parameters for production 0fn110n-6, 10. 4
11. (P) Describe the production of nhezwlie thcrrtimcltittg resin with their Chemistry and 11100135.:
parameters. 6
(Q) What is nylon ? Give their cxiuiiplc 3111?. describe production ot?Nylon-C 6 with their chemistry
and proces< parameters inwl1 cJ 6
12. (A) Describe both processes 1'01 11111111111011110 vicalcium grease. 6
(B) What is the principle in1 011 1:11 in solvent dewaxing ?9 Describe Buris 31 process in detail.
IS. (P) Give the uses offoilowing :
(i) Wax 3
(ii) Bitumen. 3
(Q) What is bitumen ? Which tcof them. (1

This post was last modified on 10 February 2020