Download SGBAU (Sant Gadge Baba Amravati university) BSc 2019 Summer (Bachelor of Science) 5th Sem Petrochemical Science Previous Question Paper
B.Sc. (Part?III) Scmester?V Examination
Time : Three Hours] [Maximum Marks : 20
Note :?(1) Question No. l is compulsory and carries 8 marks.
(2) The remaining SIX questions can'y 12 marks each.
(3) Draw a diagram and chemical equation wherever necessaxy.
1. (a) Fill in the blanks:
(1) The molecular weight 01' large polymer depends on their number of present in
that polymer.
(ii) Diene polymer comprisely known as 7
(iii) enhance the crystalisability of wax without dissolving oil.
(iv) The chain of __ consist of only one type ofmonomer units. 2
(b) Choose correct altematives :
(l) Polyisoprene is well known ?_ polymer.
(3.) Plastics (b) Rubber
(c) Fiber (d) All above
(ii) In suspension polymerization process _ _ play an important role for removal of
(a) Air (b) Salt
(0) Water (d) Caustic
(iii) High pressure polyethylene manufacturing process was developed by 7
(a) ICI (b) TCS
(c) M DCC (d) UDP
(iv) Polyvinyl acetate is mainly used in __
(a) Cement (b) Paint
(c) Bitumen (d) None of these 2
(c) Answer in one sentence each :
(i) Which are three distinct stages of chain polymerization ?
(ii) Which two steps are involved in production of diisobmylene ?
(iii) What is Polymides ?
(iv) W hat is the major drawback of polystyrene polymer ?? 4
2. (A) Describe free radical chain polymerization m'Lh example. 6
(B) Classify the polymers with the structure.
YBC?15309 1 (Conth
3. 1?) Describe 111335 poly111e1i7atim 111111.155 in detail 6
(Q) What is Polymer ? Explain 11il:1 type, monomers used and also explain degree of
polymerization. 6
4. (A) How polypropylene are formed 1? I 1111ch all steps involved in polymcn'mtion of polypropylene
and also give the uses 01? polyproyy?ene. 6
(8?) Describe year-wise histoiy of 11011 ethylene production with respect to catalyst and process
parameters involved. 6
5. (P) Ethylette- -pr npylene copolymcrx 'dIC termed 1n vmious mole range II1~ ~w they are 101111ed7
Describe w th respect to 111011.11 paramete rs 6
(Q) Describe P} illips medium picssut: process 1111 production oi?polycth :lene with respect to
process par.1meters and t heir mm. 6
6. (A) Describe dimerization 01 150111 111111: 111111 resi wet to their 1: 11 1111\tr1 and process parimeter
in detail 6
(B) Describe Goodyear 5D proca's 1111? production of isoprene monomer in detail. 6
7. (P) How styrcnc-hutadiene hloclg mpolymcrs are prepared ?3 Describe in detail. 6
(Q) Describe production of p011'is.1b11:1 1c:;e with respect to their chemistry and process parameters
involved. 6
8. (A) Which are the styrene polymer: 111111 cepolymcr ?.-? How we will produt e polystyrene ? Give
the techniques extensiveh 1011011111 in industry. 6
(B) Vim] chlmide1s a monomer 61 l V'C .De50r1 he P\ C pioduction with respect to pm sical
properties of monomer and .1 1:0 .gi1e :he 11511111 P\ C. 6
9. (1?) Describe the following; with 1h1~-r market :
(i) Impact polystyrene 4
(ii) Vinyl chloride ? vinyl acetnte copolymcr 4
(iii) Polystyrene. 4
10. (A) \Vhat is Polyestcrs "? Describi- SrlT?Ll'?th 13011121131- 11'ith their chemistry and process parameters
involved. 8
(B) Describe the chemistry and [11013339 parameters for production 0fn110n-6, 10. 4
11. (P) Describe the production of nhezwlie thcrrtimcltittg resin with their Chemistry and 11100135.:
parameters. 6
(Q) What is nylon ? Give their cxiuiiplc 3111?. describe production ot?Nylon-C 6 with their chemistry
and proces< parameters inwl1 cJ 6
12. (A) Describe both processes 1'01 11111111111011110 vicalcium grease. 6
(B) What is the principle in1 011 1:11 in solvent dewaxing ?9 Describe Buris 31 process in detail.
IS. (P) Give the uses offoilowing :
(i) Wax 3
(ii) Bitumen. 3
(Q) What is bitumen ? Which tc
This post was last modified on 10 February 2020