Download SGBAU BSc 2019 Summer 2nd Sem Biotechnology Microbiology Question Paper

Download SGBAU (Sant Gadge Baba Amravati university) BSc 2019 Summer (Bachelor of Science) 2nd Sem Biotechnology Microbiology Previous Question Paper

B.Sc. (Partwl) Scmester?II Examination
'l?imc : Three Hours] ? [Maximum Marks : 80
Note ,,-(1) All questions are compulsory.
1 .
(2) Draw well labelled diagrams wherever necessary.
(A) H11 in the blanks :? 2
(i) In optical microscope is used as source of illumination.
(ii) In bacterial classi?cation name of the family is suf?xed with _ ?
(iii) In microscopy, TEM stands for
(iv) 7 ?rst explained theory of host parasite relationship for pathogenic
(B) Choose correct option :~? 2
(i) Mantoux test is used for # _
(a) Measles (b) Hepatitis
(rc) Tuberculosis (d) Polio
(ii) Saccharomyces is 7
(a) Saccharide (b) Saccharin
(0) Yeast (d) Mold
(iii) 7, 77 is the counter stain in Gram Staining.
(a) Crystal violet (b) Iodinc
(c) Safranin (d) Methylene bluc
(iv) 1n microbiology laboratory, bacterial culture is preserved in
(a) Autoclave (b) Hot air oven
(0) Refrigerator (d) Incubator
(C) Answer in ONE sentence each :?- 4
(i) Photocell
(ii) Phagocylosis
(iii) Sterilization
(iv) Lithotrophs
Explain :?
(3) Objectives in compound microscope.
(b) Membrane ?lter. 4
(c) Gaseous chcmostcrilimtion.
YBC?15249(Re) l (Contd.)

(d?) Sterilization b) hm 1ir oven.
(6) Simple staining.
(f) I?ypical bacterial cell.
(a) Classify microbes 071 the 3219:; of energy smxrcc.
(h) Differentiate between gracilicuzc: and ?rmiyulcs.
(c) Dcscribc importance of methanogens.
(d) Describe Ieichoic acids of bacterial cell wall.
(c) Differentiate between ?agella of Gram pushivc nnd Gram negative bacteria.
(0 Explain halophiles.
Explain ?xation of atmospheric nitrogen by following microorganisms :
(a) Azolobaclcr
(b) Rhizobium
(c) Cyanobaclcria
(d) Describe symbiotic assocntim.
(6) De?ne antibiosis, Explain with suitable example
(F) Fxplain A'I'P generation step: in electron transpon Chain
Explain the role of following microbcs as agricultural bioi?crtilizcrs :
(a) Rhizobium
(b) Azmnbacter
(c) l?SB.
Explain the importance of foliouiug industrial!) important microorganisms :
(d) Aspergillus
(e) Pcnicillium
(D Spirulina
Describe in detail speci?c hmt defence mechanism.
Describe in detail mycoplasma as pathugcnic urganiml.
Describe in detail workmg and applications of IfV-VIS spectrophotometer.
Discuss biotechnologically in?pm?mm radioactive isotopes.

This post was last modified on 10 February 2020