Download SGBAU (Sant Gadge Baba Amravati university) BSc 2019 Summer (Bachelor of Science) 2nd Sem CA CS IT Web Technology n Advanced Programming In C Previous Question Paper
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B.Sc. (Part?l) Semestcr?ll Examination:
(Web Technology and Advanced Programming in C)
Time : Three llours] [Maximum Marks : 80
Note :?(1) All qucstions are compulsory.
l. (A)
(2) Question No. l carries 8 marks and all other questions carry 12 marks each.
(3) Assume suitable data wherever necessary.
liill in Ihc blanks :?
(ii) The extension of stylesheet ?le is
- lag is used in italics the text.
(iii) A function can call itself. This phcnomenon is called as
(iv) A rv~ is an array of characters. 2
Choosc correct alternative :
(i) XML stands for :
(u) lixchangc Markup Language (b) l-Ixicnsible Markup Language
(C) Xerox Markup Language (d) None of these
(ii) l?C' DATA stands for :
(a) Pointer char data (b) Parameter char data
(c) Parscd character data (d) None of these
(iii) _ is a group of homogeneous elements.
(21) Structure (b) Union
(c) File (d) Array
(iv) Which of the following string function is used 10 ?nd length of string ?
(a) length( ) I (b) string lcnglh( )
(c) sirlcn( ) (d) All of those 2
Answer in ONE scmcncc each :?
(i) What is unordcrcd list 1?
(ii) What is the usc of slylcshcct ?
(iii) What is a function prototype ?1?
(iv) llow mcmbcr variable of slruclurc is accessed 1? 4
YBCVISEJS l (Cunld.)
2 (a) Explain the histor) ui? murklp languages. 6
(b) Explain the followingT rigs with example :
(ii) < I iR >
3 (a) Explain IMG mg with all its attributes. 6
(b) Write HTML code 1'01? following output :
,_.__ V ? progmimg i,5?gtizig'c? "?"
OOP?S imi?w v-
t Java
?_ 1 HTML
Web Designing : XML
T 6
4 (:1) Explain thgtypes (it&l?shcet with example. 6
(b) Explain Text properties 01? ( SS with example. 6
5 (a) Explain the display and border properties of stylesheet. 6
(b) Explain the variOJS appiiwtions and advantages of styleshcet. 6
6 (a) What is DTD '? lepluin the use of D?) with suitable example. 6
(b) State and explain the fcatimrs of XML. 6
7 (a) Explain various comcm models used in DTD with suitable examples. 6
(b) Explain the components 01' "(ML document with example. . 6
8 (a) What is array ?.? ibmlnin the declaration and initialization oftwo dimensional array with
exampln; 6
(b) Explain the declaration and initialization of puintcrs with example. 6
9 (3) Write a program in C for audition of two matrix. - 6
(b) Explain the following I'um'tions with example :
(i) straw )
(ii) strcmp()
(iii) stream ) 6
YBC?15243 2 (Contd.)
10. (a)
11. (a)
12. (a)
13 (a)
What is function ? Explain, how user de?ned functions are declared. Give suitable
example. 6
Explain the following terms :?
(i) Local variable
(ii) Global variable
(iii) Actual parameter
(iv) Formal parameter. 6
What is function recursion ? Write a recursive function to calculate factorial of given
number. i. 6
[Explain call by value and call by rel'crcncc with example. 6
What is a structure ?.? Explain the declaration of structure with example. 6
Explain various operations performed on ?les with example. 6
Explain the differences between structure and union with example. 6
Explain the following with example :
(i) ?ead( )
(ii) fwritc()
(iii) fprintft? ) 6
YBCi 15243 3 525
This post was last modified on 10 February 2020