Download SGBAU BSc 2019 Summer 3rd Sem CA CS IT Data Structures n CPP Question Paper

Download SGBAU (Sant Gadge Baba Amravati university) BSc 2019 Summer (Bachelor of Science) 3rd Sem CA CS IT Data Structures n CPP Previous Question Paper

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AW?l 696
B.Sc. Part-ll (Semestcr-III) Examination
(Data Structure & (_?++)
: Three Hours] [Maximum Marks : 80
Note :? (1) ALL questions are compulsory.
(2) Assume suitable data wherever necessary.
(3) Question No. l carries 8 marks and all other questions carry 12 marks each.
(A) Fill in the blanks : 3
(i) Array is an example of __ data structure.
(ii) A function can rclum a value lo the calling' function using the statement.
(iii) __ arc the basic run?timc entities in an objcct-oricnted system.
(iv) In _ _ search method, element must bc in sorted order.
(B) Choose the corrcct altcrnativc from the following : 2
(i) The root element is processed at the last. so the name is given _ _ i traversing.
(a) Inordcr (b) I?reordcr
(c) l?ostordcr (d) None.
(ii) Queue is also callcd as
(a') Lll-?O (b) 151150
(c) HLO (d) LILO
(iii) Which of the following operator is overloaded for object coul ?
(H) 7;.) (b) .3:
(C) + (d) 2
(iv) Which of the following is not a form of inhcrimnce '?
(a) Multilevel (b) Hierarchical
(0) Hybrid (d) Basc class
(C) Answer in ONE sentence ouch : 4
(i) What is pun: virtual function 1?
(ii) What is merging ?.?
(iii) What is sibling ?.?
(iv) What do you mean by sorting ?2
(A) What is stack 1? lixpluin representation of stack in mcmor); (i
(B) Explain primitive and non-primitivc data structure with suitable example. 6
(A) What is linear array '.? Write an algorithm for traversing a linear array. 6
(B) What is data structure '.? Explain various operations performed on it. (i
YBC?15267 1 (Comd.)

What is linked list 1.xptuzn the representation ol? linked list in memory. 6
What is Queue 'L? \\rit?.- am llgoritlim t0 insert an clement into a qucuc.
What is priority qucuc 1? H m priority queuc is represented in mic way list '7 6
Explain :
(i) circular linked list
(ii) doubly linked list.
Explair selection sort wit} 1 :uituhlc example. 6
What is meant by lru?vcrsiUg 1 hiuurj. trcc ".? Writc prumxicr. inorder. postordcr traversing
0f the following binary 11cc 6
B/ \("
r)'/\E i
What is searching " [{xplgiin tic linear scurch technique with suitablc example. 6
Explain Bubble Sni-I Illl'lht?d \xith suit?ihlc example. 6
What are the atlvantagw am: application of OOPS '? ((')hjcct Oriented Programming)
Explain thc following operators with examples of each (i
(i) cin
(ii) cndl
(iii) new
Explain the program structurv rf ('++ in detail with cmmplcs. 6
[low to de?ne and dccluc (1.15:; '7 Explain with suitable example. 6
What is default aigummt " How to use default argumcnt in ("+1 1? Explain with
suitable ?:xamplc. ()
What is constructor " 13>:plciii ifarumetcrizcd constructor with example 6
What is l?ricnd function 7 \\'ni.i im- the special characteristics 61' friend function ? 6
Explain pointer to obiuct with suitable example
What is inhcritancc ? l-ixpldii? mnhiplc inheritance with suitable example. 6
What is operator oner?ioajin; '.? How to dct'mc operator overloading '7 Explain it. 6
Write a program to 0Vcrluud iinm?y ('?) operator 8
What is Virtual basc clasws " lixplain. 4
YBC?15267 2 525

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