Download SGBAU BSc 2019 Summer 3rd Sem Electronics Devices n Circuits Question Paper

Download SGBAU (Sant Gadge Baba Amravati university) BSc 2019 Summer (Bachelor of Science) 3rd Sem Electronics Devices n Circuits Previous Question Paper

AW?l 699
B.Sc. Pnrt-H (Scmcster?III) Examination
(Electronics Devices and Circuits)
Timc : Three Hours] [Maximum Marks : 80
Note z?(l) Question No. 1 is compulsory.
(2) Draw neat diagrams wherever necessary.
1. (A) Fill in the blanks with correct word : 2
(i) In ideal Op-Amp value of input impcduncc is
(ii) Bistablc multivibralor has stable states.
(iii) D/A is known as
(iv) Voltage gain of Non-invcning ampli?er is
(B) Choose the correct alternative : 2
(i) In ideal Op-Amp bandwidth is T
(a) Zero (b) Minimum
(0) In?nite (d) None
(ii) The monostablc multivibrator has _ stable state(s).
(a) 2 (b) l
(c) 3 (d) 4
(iii) One of the following is not an oscillator :
(a) Colpitts (b) Wein bridge
(c) Push pull (d) Hartley
(iv) Op-Amp [C 741 has total __ pins.
(:1) 2 (b) 6
(c) 14 (d) 8
(C) Answer the following questions in ONE sentence : 4
(i) What is feedback '?
(ii) List the hybrid parameters.
(iii) De?ne CMRR.
(iv) What is oscillator '.?
(A) Give the advantages and disadvantages of direct coupled amplifier. 4
(B) Draw hybrid equivalent circuit for CE transistor ampli?er and derive the expression for
(i) Current gain, (ii) Input impedance for (.?E-transistor ampli?er. 8
(P) Explain the working of single tuned ampli?cr with circuit diagram.
(Q) State the advantages and disadvantages of RC coupled mnplificr. 4
YBC~~I5270 1 (Contd.)

3. (A) Explain the construction kind working of Class B push pull ampli?er. Find its
efficiency. 8
(B) Explair. cross over (listmtin 1, How it is t?liminatcd ?? 4
(P) Draw a circuit diagram 01? 1r..n:formcr cnupled Class A ampli?er and derive expression
for its :tTICian-y. 8
(Q) Give the classi?tution of cunpli?ers. 4
4. (A) Explain Barkhauxcn crttcrmn for sustained oscillations.
(B) Explain the construction an] working of Hartley oscillator.
(P) Explain the constructiun :u d operation of RC-phusc shift oscillator using transistor.
State its advantages. 8
(Q) State the advantugm of negative feedback. 4
5. (A) Explain the working: 0" ()p-Amp .13 non-im?crting ampli?er and derive the expression
for voltage gain. 6
(B) With suitable diagram explm? thc \xorking 01? Op-Amp as summing ampli?er. 0
(P) Explain the concept of \irtuul ground in Op-Amp.
(Q) De?ne : 2
(i) Common mode vallug: gain
(ii) Differential mode volttgc gain.
(R) Draw the block diagram 01 ()p-Amp and explain the function of each block. 6
6. (A) Explain the cohstruction and working ol? Op-Amp as a monnstable multivibrator. 6
(B) Explain how Op-Amp is mad as damped harmonic oscillator. 6
(P) Explain the working of ( )I?v-Amp as a Schmitt Trigger. 6
(Q) Explain the working 01' (Jp-Amp as an astablc multivibrator. 6
7. (A) Explain the working 01' suvcgssivc amu'oximatitm type A/?D converter. 8
(B) Explain the tcrms
(i) L?I/A Accurac}
(ii) D/A Resolution. 4
(P) Descr'be lhc constructon Ind working of Weightcd Resistor typc D/A Converter. 6
(Q) Explain the need of DA Ltlld A/D wnvcrtcr. 4
(R) What is A/D and HM. converter '? 2
YBC?15270 l 375.

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