Download SGBAU BSc 2019 Summer 4th Sem Biochemistry Enzymology Question Paper

Download SGBAU (Sant Gadge Baba Amravati university) BSc 2019 Summer (Bachelor of Science) 4th Sem Biochemistry Enzymology Previous Question Paper

B.Sc. (Part?II) Semester?IV Examination
Time : 'l'hrcc Hours] [Maximum Marks : 80
Note :~ (1) All questions are compulsory.
(2) Draw well labelled diagrams wherever necessary.
1. (A) Fill in the blanks : 2
(i) A Coenzyme required in transamination is _
(ii) In Line Weavcr-Burk plot, the x-intercept represents
(Iii) In competitive inhibition, the inhibitor competes with ,_
(iv) _ ions are cofactors for Hexokinase.
(B) Choose correct alternative : 2
(i) The following Coenzyme takes part in hydrogen transfer reactions :
(a) Tetrdhydrofolate (b) Coenzyme A
(c) C ocnzyme Q (d) Biotin
(ii) Lactate dchydrogenase is a :
(a) Monomer (b) Dimer
(c) Tetramer (d) Hexamer
(iii) Different isoenzymes of an enzyme have the same :
('4) Amino acid sequence (b) Michaelis Constant
(0?) Catalytic activity (d) All of the above
(iv) Allostcric inhibition is also known as :
(a) Competitive inhibition (b) Non competitive inhibition
(c) Feedback inhibition (d) None of the above
(C) Answer in ONE sentence :? 4
(i) Marker enzyme
(ii) Km
(iii) Holoan?nC
(iv) Immobilized enzyme.
Explain :
(a) Mctallo Enzymes
(b) Nomenclature ofcnzymes.
(c) Isocnzymes.
YBC 15298 1 (?Contd.)

3. (a) Explair any one test for hmmgcneity
(b) [)cscrite the cffcct 01" pII 0n unzyme activity.
(0) Explain Km and Vm? with the thp ui?Line Weaver Burk Plot.
(p) Explain in short Ping Po 1y, 1m-chanism.
(q) Describe any one method used for isolation ofcnzymc.
(r) Describe enzyme. assay bric?).
4. Describe in detail competitive inhibition with the help of double reciprocal plot.
Discuss zero order and ?rst (Him xcaclion Kinetics.
5. Describe the role of:
(a) THF.
(b) FAD and FMN.
(c) Pyridoxul phosphate.
Explain :
(p) Allosten'c inhibition.
(q) Metal activated enzymss.
(r) Coenzymc Q.
(y. Describe in shon Lock and Key hypothesis and induced 1'11 model.
Give a bricfazcoum 0facid-buss catalysis and covalent catalysis.
7. Describe :
(21) Industrial application ofimmubili?xed enzymes.
(b) Production ofglucose-fnmmxc syrup from sucrose.
(c) Use ofLuctose in dair) ihjUSYFfJ.
(p) Use of proteases in food.
(q) Medical application: ofcmyncs.
(Yr) Production of glucose from 5mm
YBC?|5298 2
(p) Multicnzymc complexes.
(q) Four digit classi?cation 01? cmymes.
(r) Active site.
4.? 43 #-

This post was last modified on 10 February 2020