Download JNTUA B.Tech 1-1 R13 2014 June Regular 13A05101 Problem Solving And Computer Programming Question Paper

Download JNTUA (JNTU Anantapur) B.Tech R13 (Bachelor of Technology) 1st Year 1st Semester (1-1) 2014 June Regular 13A05101 Problem Solving And Computer Programming Previous Question Paper || Download B-Tech 1st Year 1st Sem 13A05101 Problem Solving And Computer Programming Question Paper || JNTU Anantapur B.Tech 1-1 Previous Question Paper || JNTU Anantapur B.Tech ME 1-1 Previous Question Paper || JNTU Anantapur B.Tech CSE 1-1 Previous Question Paper || JNTU Anantapur B.Tech Mech 1-1 Previous Question Paper || JNTU Anantapur B.Tech EEE 1-1 Previous Question Paper || JNTU Anantapur B.Tech ECE 1-1 Previous Question Paper

Code: 13A05101
B.Tech I Year (R13) Regular Examinations June/July 2014
(Computer Science & Engineering)

Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70
Part ? A
(Compulsory Question)
1 Answer the following: (10 X 02 = 20 Marks)
(a) Write the essential steps for binary search procedure.
(b) Write a program that prompts the user to enter three numbers and then prints them vertically (each on
one line).
(c) Distinguish between while and do ? while loops.
(d) Given a set of n students? examination marks (in the range of 0 to 100) make a count of the number of
students that passed the examination. A pass is awarded for all marks of 50 and above. Write the
algorithm for the above problem.
(e) Given a number m, devise an algorithm to compute its square root.
(f) List the advantages that are associated with the use of functions in C language.
(g) What is type definition? Illustration it with its syntax and example.
(h) Define anonymous enumeration. Explain with example.
(i) With the help of syntax and example, explain the realloc function.
(j) Write a program that adds two numbers by using pointers.
Part ? B
(Answer all five units, 05 X 10 = 50 Marks)

2 (a) Explain the structure of a C program in detail.
(b) What is testing? Explain the different types of testing in detail.
3 (a) Write a program to calculate the bill amount for an item given its quantity sold, value, discount and tax.
(b) What is a constant? Explain the different types of constants.

4 (a) Write a program to enter a number and then calculate the sum of its digits.
(b) With the help of syntax and flowchart, explain any two iterative statements.
5 (a) Design an algorithm that accepts a positive integer and reverses the order of its digits. Explain it with a
suitable example.
(b) Write a program that accepts a number from 1 to 10. Print whether the number is even or odd by using
switch case construct.

6 With the help of a neat sketch describe in detail about the different derived types.
7 (a) Write a recursive program to print the factorial value of any given integer.
(b) Discuss in detail about the two dimensional arrays.

8 (a) What is a structure? Explain how to declare, initialize and access the structure elements.
(b) Write a program to find the largest of three numbers by using logical AND operator.
9 (a) Write a program to display whether any given string is a palindrome or not.
(b) Give brief description about the different types of shift operators.

10 What is a linked list? Explain the insertion of new node into a single linked list at various possible
11 (a) Distinguish between text and binary files.
(b) Give brief description about the various file status functions.

UNIT-V - FirstRanker's Choice

This post was last modified on 11 September 2020