Download KUHS (Kerala University of Health Sciences) B.Sc Nursing First Year (1st Year) 2015 July Nutrition And Biochemistry Question Paper.
First Year B.Sc Nursing Degree Supplementary Examinations, July 2015
Time: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 75
? Answer all questions
? Write section A(52 Pages) and section B(32 Pages) in separate answer
books. Do not mix up questions from section A and section B.
Q P Code: 104010 Section A ? NUTRITION Marks:50
Essay (10)
1. Explain the role of nutrition in maintaining health
Short notes (5x5=25)
2. Role of dietary fiber in human nutrition
3. Protein calorie malnutrition
4. Causes and prevention of flurosis
5. Metabolism of vitamin D
6. Maintenance of fluid and electrolyte balance
Answer Briefly (5x3=15)
7. Body mass index
8. List the functions of iron in the body
9. RDA for a lactating women doing moderate work
10.Food preservation by drying
11. Services of ICDS
Q P Code: 105010 Section B ? BIOCHEMISTRY Marks:25
Essay (10)
1. Explain the sources, biochemical functions and deficiency manifestations of vitamin C
Short notes (2x5=10)
2. Urea cycle
3. Structure of immunoglobulin
Define the following (5x1=5)
4. Urinary findings in obstructive jaundice
5. Galactosemia
6. Poly unsaturated fatty acids
7. Hypocalcemia
8. Lysosome
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