Download OU BBA 2019 Dec 5th Sem 12761 Organization Development Question Paper

Download OU (Osmania-University) BBA (Bachelor of Business Administration) 2019 Dec 5th Sem 12761 Organization Development Previous Question Papers

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Code No. 12761
BBA V - Semester (CBCS) Examination, November] December
2019 Subject: Organization Development
Course No. BB ? 506 Elective ? l (HRM)
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 80
Note: Answer all the questions.
PART ? A (5x4 = 20 Marks)
[Short Answer Type]
1 Answer any ?ve of the following in not exceeding 20 lines.
a) De?ne organization
b) Organizational change
0) What is third wave consulting?
d) What do you mean by process consultation?
e) MBO
f) What is quality circle?
9) Intervention process
h) Self managed teams
PART - B (5x12 = 60 Marks)
[Essay Answer Type]
Note: Answer all the questions using the internal choice.
a) De?ne organization development and explain evolution of organization
b) Brie?y explain the Bene?ts and Limitations of OD.
3 a) Explain the Kurt ? Lewin model of organizational change.
b) Discuss the importance of teams and team work in organization development.
4 a) Explain the phases of OD programs.
b) Discuss the steps in transforming an organization.
5 a) Brie?y explain the classi?cation of OD interventions.
b) What is team building? Explain the Gestalt approach to team building.
6 a) What do you mean by Total Quality Management? How it ensures OD?
b) Write a note on self?design systems and high performance work systems.

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