Download DBATU B-Tech 1st Year 2017 May Basic Electronic Engineering 1 Question Paper

Download DBATU (Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University) B.Tech First Year 2017 May Basic Electronic Engineering 1 Question Paper

Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technoiogical University, Lonere
EXTC/Electrical/Computer/IT Department
Semester Examination ' Ex ( 0 ?
Subject: Basic Electronics Engineering (BETX)
Date: 0 ? MA Y 2017 Semester: 1 Max. Marks: 60
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Instructions to sfudents: Tome 2 Pm PM
1. A?cmpf any five questions from question no. 1 to question no. 6.
2. Assume suitable data wherever necessary and mention if clearly.
Q. l A? What is the need of Engineering materials? & classify them. [8]
B Summarisc Quantum numbers [4]
Q. 2 A. Explain Drift current and diffusion current with neat diagrams [6]
B A cylindrically shaped section of n-type silicon has a 1 mm length and 0.1
mm2 cross sectional area Compute its conductivity and resistance when it is
purely intrinsic. material. (The electron and hole density for intrinsic Si is
1.5x 10") /cm3 Mobility constants for electrons and holes are 1500 cmZ/Vs and
500 cmz/Vs respectively). [6]
Q. 3 A. De?ne Clipper and summarise different types Cfthem. [4]
B. Illustrate Fixed Bias for transistor. [4]
C. De?ne PIV and describe Full wave Centre tapped Recti?er. [4]
Q. 4 A. Explain various types of ?xed resistors [6]
B. Find out the values of capacitors using colour coding
(i) Brown. Black. Orange [3]
(ii) Wide red, Yellow [3]
A. Write a short note on Galvanometer [6]
B Classify different types of transducers. [6]
C. Explain piezoeleclric transducer. [6]
Q 6 A. Construct EX?OR gate by using NOR gates only [4]
B. Simplify Y = 2179? + EC + ABC + AW + ABC [4]
C. (i) Convert (1567.84)?): (7)15 - [2]
(ii) Convert Y=AB+AC+A into standard SOP form [2]
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